
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A curated list of awesome open source Android applications, tutorials and resources.

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A curated list of awesome open source Android applications, tutorials and resources.




# Awesome Android Apps

A curated list of awesome open source Android applications, tutorials and resources. Inspired by other awesome-\* projects.


## Contents

- [Advertisement blocking](#advertisement-blocking)
- [App stores](#app-stores)
- [Basic Utilities](#basic-utilities)
- [Book readers](#book-readers)
- [Torrenting](#torrenting)
- [Browsers](#browsers)
- [Cameras](#cameras)
- [Communication](#communication)
* [E-mail](#e-mail)
* [Real-Time Communication](#real-time-communication)
* [Social Media](#social-media)
* [Other](#other)
- [Education](#education)
- [Emulation](#emulation)
- [Games](#games)
- [Media Players](#media-players)
- [Music](#music)
- [Office](#office)
- [Password managers](#password-managers)
* [General](#general)
* [2FA/TOTP](#2fa-and-totp)
- [Personalisation](#personalisation)
- [Photos](#photos)
- [Productivity](#productivity)
- [Streaming](#streaming)
- [VPN](#vpn)
- [Other Utilities](#other-utilities)
* [Navigation](#navigation)
* [Git based clients](#git-based-clients)
* [Other](#other)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Modding](#modding)

## Advertisement blocking

- [AdAway]( - Ad blocker for Android using the hosts file (Root permission is optional but it is recommended).
- [Blokada]( - Ad blocker for Android using the VPN API.
- [DNSfilter]( - Ad blocker for Android using a VPN, supports hosts files.
- [DNS66]( - DNS66 blocks advertisements on Android by intercepting DNS requests using Android's VPN layer and blocking requests for blacklisted hosts.
- [NetGuard]( - NetGuard provides simple and advanced ways to block access to the internet - no root required.
- [RethinkDNS + Firewall]( - DNS over HTTPS / DNS over Tor / DNSCrypt client, firewall, and connection tracker for Android.

## App stores

- [F-Droid]( - F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform.
- [Aurora Droid]( - Fork of the F-Droid client with external repos ready to sync (Root permission is optional).
- [Aurora Store]( - Unofficial FOSS client to Google Play Store (Root permission is optional).
- [Foxy Droid]( - Yet another F-Droid client.

## Basic Utilities

- [Binary Eye]( - Barcode and QR code scanner without ads
- [Etar]( - It is a material designed open source calendar.
- [Koler]( - A uniquely stylized phone app, with customizable features - for Android.
- [Simple Calculator]( - A calculator for your quick calculations.
- [Simple Calendar]( - Be notified of the important moments in your life.
- [Simple Clock]( - A combination of a clock, alarm, stopwatch and timer.
- [Simple Contacts]( - A premium app for contact management with no ads, supports groups and favorites.
- [Simple Dialer]( - A handy phone call manager with phonebook, number blocking and multi-SIM support.
- [Simple Flashlight]( - A simple flashlight without ads.
- [Simple Voice Recorder]( - An easy way of recording any discussion or sounds without ads or internet access.
- [Standard Notes]( - A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app.
- [Video-Transcoder]( - Android app for video and audio transcoder, based on FFmpeg

## Torrenting
- [LibreTorrent]( - Copylefted libre full-featured torrent client for Android.
- [Frostwire]( - A file sharing client, media player and simple file manager for your Android devices.

## Book readers

- [Book Reader]( - Based on [FBReader](; book reader with a simple UI.
- [Coolreader]( - cross platform open source e-book reader.
- [Hendroid]( - Doujinshi & Hentai-Manga archiving and viewing app (features 18+ content).
- [Kinoko]( - A online manga browser. (Features 18+ content depending on which extensions you use.)
- [Librera PRO]( - Librera Reader is a highly customizable and feature-rich application
for reading e-books in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DjVu, FB2, TXT, RTF, AZW, AZW3, HTML, CBZ, CBR, DOC, DOCX, etc. formats. Note that Playstore version can access non-free services like Dropbox, Google Drive and Onedrive while the one mentioned here(F-droid version) can't.
- [Neko]( - Free, open source, unofficial MangaDex reader for Android (features 18+ content).
- [Shosetsu]( - Light novel reader.
- [Tachiyomi]( - Manga reader (features 18+ content depending upon the extensions you use).

## Browsers

- [Bromite]( - Based on Chromium; built-in adblocking; enhanced privacy; degoogled.
- [Firefox]( - The official release of Firefox for Android.
- [Fennec F-Droid]( - Browser based on the latest Firefox release; removed any proprietary bits of the standard Firefox for Android - NOTE: There might still be some binaries left and the app (or some builds) might get removed or re-pushed anytime.
- [Firefox Focus]( - Privacy-oriented browser with tracking protection and content blocking.
- [Firefox Klar]( - Privacy-oriented browser with tracking protection and content blocking; for the German market.
- [Tor Browser]( - Tor browser for Android, based on FireFox.
- [Ungoogled Chromium Android]( - It is the Android version of Ungoogle-Chromium. A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency.
- [Kiwi Browser]( - Awesome FOSS Chromium browser for mobile with extension support and much more!

## Cameras

- [Open Camera]( - Camera app with DSLR features.
- [Simple Camera]( - A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.

## Communication

### E-mail

- [FairEmail]( - Fully featured, open source, privacy friendly email app for Android
- [K-9 Mail]( - K-9 Mail is an open source email client focused on making it easy to chew through large volumes of email.

### Real-Time Communication

- [Briar]( - Secure P2P Messaging, Anywhere.
- [Conversations]( - XMPP/Jabber client.
- [Delta Chat]( - Email-based instant messaging for Android.
- [Element Android]( - A glossy Matrix collaboration client for Android.
- [FluffyChat]( - A minimalist matrix client for Android.
- [Jami]( - P2P messaging, encrypted, no central servers, backed by [GNU](
- [Jitsi Meet]( - Instant video conferences efficiently adapting to your scale.
- [Langis]( - A degoogled version of Signal Messenger app. The source of patches used to build this degoogled version is available [here](
- [Neko X]( - Another FOSS Telegram client (based on Telegram FOSS and Nekogram which was earlier FOSS) with more features and different variants (check release page on GitHub).
- [QKSMS]( - SMS Messaging app.
- [Session]( - Open-source, public-key-based secure messaging application which uses a set of decentralised storage servers and an onion routing protocol to send end-to-end encrypted messages with minimal exposure of user metadata.
- [Simple SMS Messenger]( - An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.
- [Snikket]( - Easy-to-use federated messaging+calls app based on open standards (XMPP) and open-source self-hostable server. No phone number required.
- [Syphon]( - A privacy centric matrix client.
- [Telegram-FOSS]( - Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It is simple and free. Note that this FOSS version isn't official, official version can be found on Playstore but that version uses non-free dependencies. Also, the server of Telegram is closed-source [for now](
- [Threema]( - The messenger that puts security and privacy first. Pay once, chat forever. No collection of user data. Open Source.
- [Yaxim]( - Yet another XMPP instant messenger.

### Social Media

- [Tusky]( - Mastodon client for Android.
- [Fedilab]( - Fedilab is a multifunctional Android client to access the distributed Fediverse. It supports Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, Peertube, GNU Social, Friendica.
- [Twidere]( - An Open Source, fully featured Twitter/Mastodon/StatusNet/Fanfou app.
- [Infinity for Reddit]( - This is a Reddit client on Android written in Java. It does not have any ads and it features clean UI and smooth browsing experience.
- [RedReader for Reddit]( - Unofficial Reddit client; material-design; ad-free and has tons of customisation.
- [Slide]( - Unofficial Reddit client; material-design; ad-free and has tons of customisation.
- [RedReader]( - An unofficial open source Reddit client for Android.
- [Barinsta]( - Open-source alternative Instagram client on Android. Severly lacking now since Facebook took legal action against app, hopefully will be resolved soon.
- [Frost for Facebook]( - Third-party app for Facebook.
- [Fritter]( - A free, open-source Twitter client for Android and iOS

### Keyboards

- [AnySoftKeyboard]( - Keyboard with tons of features.
- [FlorisBoard]( - FlorisBoard is a free and open-source keyboard for Android 6.0+ devices. It aims at being modern, user-friendly and customizable while fully respecting your privacy. Currently in alpha/early-beta state.
- [HackersKeyboard]( - This keyboard is especially useful if you use ConnectBot for SSH access. It provides working Tab/Ctrl/Esc keys, and arrow keys.
- [OpenBoard]( - Fork of AOSP Keyboard; minimal and simple to use.
- [Simple Keyboard]( - This keyboard is created for those who only need a keyboard and nothing more.

### Other

- [KDE Connect]( - A project that enables all your devices to communicate with each other.
- [RTranslator]( - Universal translator based on Google's APIs and Bluetooth LE.

## Education

- [AnkiDroid]( - Anki flashcards on Android.
- [phyphox]( - Sensors and data analyser.
- [Wikipedia]( - Official Wikipedia app for Android.

## Emulation

- [Lemuroid]( - Lemuroid is an open-source emulation project for Android based on Libretro. Its main goal is ease of use, good Android integration and a great user experience. It has an extensive list of built-in emulators.

## Games

- [Andor's Trail]( - Quest-driven Roguelike fantasy dungeon crawler RPG with a powerful story.
- [Apple Flinger]( - Use a slingshot to shoot with apples.
- [Mindustry]( - Mindustry is a hybrid tower-defense sandbox factory game.
- [Minetest]( - An open source voxel game engine. Basically, a FOSS alternative of Minecraft.
- [Privacy Friendly 2048]( - An open source 2048 implementation.
- [Shattered Pixel Dungeon]( - Roguelike Dungeon Crawler RPG with pixel art graphics. Every game is a unique challenge, with four different playable characters, randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use.
- [UnCiv]( - Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V.
- [Xeonjia]( - Solve ice puzzles and defeat enemies in an RPG world.
- [Droidfish]( - DroidFish is a feature-rich graphical chess user interface, combined with the very strong Stockfish chess engine.
- [Lichobile]( - Lichess mobile is the official application.

## Media Players

- [mpv]( - Minimal media player.
- [VLC]( - Minimal media player.
- [NOVA]( - Video player for local/network content with subtitle/metadata download support.

## Music

- [BlackHole]( - Music Streaming and Downloading App.
- [Metro]( - Fork of [Retro Music Player](#retro-music-player) with removed proprietary Google Play libraries.
- [Music]( - Lightweight and Material Music Player.
- [Music Player GO]( - A simple yet fully-featured local music player aiming at simplicity and performance.
- [Odyssey Music Player]( - Lightweight music player.
- [Retro Music Player]( - Local music player for Android.
- [Shuttle Music Player]( - Local music player for Android.
- [Simple Music PLayer]( - A clean music player with a customizable widget.
- [Transistor]( - It allows you to listen to radio streams.
- [Vinyl Music Player]( - Local music player for Android.
- [VLC]( - Minimal media player.

## Office

- [Collabora Office]( - Office suite available for Android, GNU/Linux, iOS, macOS, Windows.

## Password managers

### General

- [Bitwarden]( - Free and open-source, cross-platform password manager available via cloud/self-hosting. NOTE: To download on F-Droid you need to add the [Bitwarden repository]( Manual vault syncing is required with that version.
- [Keepass2Android]( - Keepass2Android is an open source password manager compatible with KeePass (v1 and v2), KeePassXC, MiniKeePass and many other KeePass ports.
- [KeePassDX]( - FOSS password manager compatible with .kdb and .kdbx files version 1-4 and a majority of KeePass programs.
- [Master Password]( - A stateless password management solution. Uses a cryptographic algorithm calculates your site's password for you, only when you need it.
- [Password Store]( - Simple password manager that is compatible with [pass](

### 2FA and TOTP

- [Aegis]( - Free, secure and open source 2FA app for Android.
- [andOTP]( - Open source two-factor authentication for Android.
- [Authenticator Pro]( - Free and open source 2FA app with support for Wear OS.

## Personalisation

- [Animated Theme Manager]( - create your custom themes and change them dynamically with ripple animation
- [App Launcher]( - A simple holder for your favourite app launchers.
- [KISS Launcher]( - Blazingly fast launcher focused on search.
- [Lawnchair 2]( - Continuation of Lawnchair 1; Pixel features; fork of [Launcher3](
- [Lawndesk]( - Fork of Lawnchair V2; app-drawer-free launcher.
- [Librechair]( - Degoogled; fork of Lawnchair V2 & [Launcher3](
- [LawnChair 12]( - Contininuation of LawnChair V2 with support for QuickSwitch and more. Includes a nice simple design that mimics the design of Google's Pixel launcher. Also includes in app Monet'like theming with themed icons(optional with a separate package called LawnIcons) and wallpaper based theming.
- [Omega]( - Open-Source alternative to Nova Launcher
- [OpenLauncher]( - Launcher that aims to be a powerful and community driven project.
- [Sentien Launcher]( - A quick, smart, minimalist Launcher, designed with your digital well-being in mind.
- [Taskbar]( - A PC-style Launcher for Android.
- [Arcticons]( - A monotone line-based icon pack for android

## Photos

- [DNG Processor]( - Bring out the best in your phone's camera. It waits for new RAW images captured using a supported camera app, and then processes them in the background. Works well with Open Camera and usually gives better results than Google Camera ports.
- [Ente]( - Ente is a simple to use, beautifully designed application that provides end-to-end encrypted backups for photos and videos on Android, iOS and web.
- []( - Photo Imaging and Picture Editor.
- [Simple Gallery]( - A premium app for managing and editing your photos, videos, GIFs without ads.
- [Stingle Photos]( - Stingle Photos is a secure, open-source photo, video cloud storage and backup application that is safe, ad-free and easy to use. It provides strong encryption and privacy to keep you safe from data breaches and leaks.
- [Photok]( - Encrypted Photo Safe for Android.

## Productivity

- [Bodhi Timer]( - It is an elegant, minimalist countdown timer.
- [Catima]( - A loyalty card / gift card / ticket app.
- [Easy Diary]( - A diary application optimized for user experience.
- [Fokus]( - Reminder app for tasks and events tailored specifically for students.
- [Goodtime]( - A minimalist but powerful productivity timer designed to keep you focused and free of distractions.
- [Loop Habit Tracker]( - Track your habits and long-term goals.
- [neutriNote]( - neutriNote - Markdown + Math in Just 3 MB!
- [Noteless]( - A markdown note-taking app for mobile devices.
- [Notally]( - A minimalist notes app with a material design.
- [OpenTracks]( - OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
- [Privacy Friendly Pausing Healthily]( - An open source work break timer with simple exercises to perform
- [Privacy Friendly QR Scanner]( - A QR / bar code scanner
- [Simple Notes]( - Create plain text notes or checklists quickly.
- [Tasks]( - A To-Do list app based on Astrid To-Do list app.
- [DioHub]( - Interact with GitHub from mobile.

## Streaming

- [LibreTube]( - An alternative YouTube front end, for Android.
- [NewPipe]( - Lightweight Google-free YouTube client.
- [SkyTube]( - An open-source YouTube™ app for Android™.
- [Twire]( - An Open Source, AD-Free Twitch browser and stream player for Android. Supports VODs with chat replay, custom emotes (BTTV and FFZ) and Picture in Picture mode. A fork of Pocket Plays for Twitch.

## VPN

- [Mullvad]( - Mullvad was founded in 2009 purely with the ambition of upholding the universal right to privacy – for you, for us, for everyone. And not only that, we want to make Internet censorship and mass surveillance ineffective.
- [OpenVPN for Android]( - OpenVPN without root.
- [WireGuard]( - an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography.
- [ProtonVPN]( - Operated by Swiss company Proton Technologies; [GDPR](! :) ([Source Code](
- [RiseupVPN]( - Community-driven; based in Washington, USA (**WARNING: [Five Eyes](**).

## Other Utilities

### Navigation

- [OsmAnd]( - An open-source map and navigation app for Android (and iOS) that uses OpenStreetMap map and Wikipedia databases.
- [StreetComplete]( - OpenStreetMap surveyor app. This app finds incomplete and extendable data in your vicinity and displays it on a map as markers. Each of those is solvable by answering a simple question to complete the info on site.

### Money Management

- [Money Manager Ex]( - Money Manager Ex is an easy to use, money management application built with wxWidgets
- [Firefly III Mobile]( - Mobile Application for Firefly III written in Kotlin

### Git based clients

- [GitNex]( - Gitea client for Android.
- [GitTouch]( - An open-source app for GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gitea, and Gitee(码云).
- [LabCoat]( - GitLab client for Android.
- [OctoDroid]( - GitHub client for Android.
- [OpenHub]( - An open-source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise.

### Other

- [Acode]( - A powerful code editor for Android.
- [Codec Info]( - Detailed listing of multimedia codecs on your Android device - with no ads!
- [CPU Info]( - Provides information about device hardware and software.
- [EtchDroid]( - Helps you with writing ISO images and creating bootable USB drives, no root required.
- [Exodus]( - Tracker finder for a particular Android application.
- [Termux]( - Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app.
- [Trail Sense]( - Use your phone's sensors to assist with wilderness treks or survival situations.

## Tools

- [AFWall+]( - Control network traffic (Requires root).
- [Calculator++]( - Scientific calculator with sleek interface and powerful capabilities.
- [Converter NOW]( - A simple, immediate and fast unit & currency converter.
- [Download Navi]( - A Free and Open Source software download manager.
- [Material Files]( - Material Design file manager (Root permission is optional).
- [MoeList]( - Unofficial MAL (MyAnimeList) client. With this app you can easily track, rate, organize and discover new Anime & Manga.
- [PCAPdroid]( - Network monitor and traffic dump tool (Root permission is optional).
- [ScreenCam]( - Lightweight and functional screen recorder.
- [Simple File Manager]( - A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.
- [TrackerControl]( - TrackerControl allows to monitor and control hidden data collection in apps.

## Modding

> **NOTE: This category is for those that want to modify their Android system. Be warned that some of the rooted apps may result in a bootloop.**

- [/d/gapps]( - Delete/disable GApps (root permission is optional but recommended).
- [App Manager]( - A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android (Root permission is optional).
- [Island]( - By the creator of [Greenify](; uses the "Work Profile" feature of Android to create a sandbox environment to clone apps and isolate them ([Source Code]( (Root permission is optional).
- [Insular]( - Fork of [Island](#island) with removed proprietary Google Play libraries.
- [Linux Deploy]( - Install and run GNU/Linux on Android (Requires root).
- [Magisk Manager]( - Front-end to [Magisk]( (Require root).
- [microG]( - FOSS alternative to Google Play Services to run apps that are require to have Google Play Services installed. **(WARNING: microG Services trip [SafetyNet]( and do your research before proceeding!)** Read the [unofficial microG wiki]( to know how to install ([Source Code](
- [Nethunter-App]( - This is the next-gen Nethunter app, which acts as an installer, updater,
and interface for the Kali Linux chroot. Please note that it requires [Nethunter Terminal]( to work.
- [Shelter]( - Leveraging the “Work Profile” feature of Android to provide an isolated space that you can install or clone apps into (It has a few compatibility issues with Android 10+ for now but you can still use it if you like).
- [Smartpack-Kernel Manager]( - Fork of [Kernel Adiutor]( with a set of additional features (Require root).
- [VirtualXposed]( - Use Xposed without root, unlock the bootloader or modify system image (Supports Android 5.0~9.0).

## Contributing

Want to contribute? Feel free to fork the project and send merge requests when you are done. Be sure to follow [these rules](

I will check it out and will decide if I should accept it or not. If you do not want to fork the project, consider [opening an issue]( and suggest what application you want me to install.

## Links to Linux Café

- [Linux Café Website](
- [Linux Café Discord](
- [Linux Café Matrix](
- [Linux Café Telegram](
- [Linux Café Reddit](

## Footnotes

### Deprecated contents

To see content that is deprecated, lacking documentation or proprietary but still useful go to [DeprecatedContents](

### Other Git repositories

[Ashpex / Android FOSS Apps](

[Mybridge / amazing-android-apps](

[pcqpcq / open-source-android-apps](

[unicodedeveloper / awesome-opensource-apps](

[samedamci / FOSS_Stuff](

### External sources

[Android Authority](




### Mirrors

- Codeberg:
- GitLab:
- GitHub: