
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Minimalistic GitHub API client in R

github github-api r

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

Minimalistic GitHub API client in R




output: github_document

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"

# gh

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Minimalistic client to access GitHub's
[REST]( and [GraphQL]( APIs.

## Installation and setup

Install the package from CRAN as usual:

```{r eval = FALSE}

Install the development version from GitHub:

```{r eval = FALSE}

### Authentication

The value returned by `gh::gh_token()` is used as Personal Access Token
(PAT). A token is needed for some requests, and to help with rate limiting.
gh can use your regular git credentials in the git credential store, via
the gitcreds package. Use `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()` to put a PAT into the
git credential store. If you cannot use the credential store, set the
`GITHUB_PAT` environment variable to your PAT. See the details in the
`?gh::gh_token` manual page and the manual of the gitcreds package.


* The `GITHUB_API_URL` environment variable, if set, is used for the default github api url.

## Usage


Use the `gh()` function to access all API endpoints. The endpoints are
listed in the [documentation](

The first argument of `gh()` is the endpoint. You can just copy and paste the
API endpoints from the documentation. Note that the leading slash
must be included as well.

From you can copy and paste `GET /users/{username}/repos` into your `gh()`
call. E.g.

my_repos <- gh("GET /users/{username}/repos", username = "gaborcsardi")
vapply(my_repos, "[[", "", "name")

The JSON result sent by the API is converted to an R object.

Parameters can be passed as extra arguments. E.g.

my_repos <- gh(
username = "gaborcsardi",
sort = "created")
vapply(my_repos, "[[", "", "name")

### POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE requests

POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests can be sent by including the
HTTP verb before the endpoint, in the first argument. E.g. to
create a repository:

```{r eval = FALSE}
new_repo <- gh("POST /user/repos", name = "my-new-repo-for-gh-testing")

and then delete it:

```{r eval = FALSE}
gh("DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}", owner = "gaborcsardi",
repo = "my-new-repo-for-gh-testing")

### Tokens

By default the `GITHUB_PAT` environment variable is used. Alternatively,
one can set the `.token` argument of `gh()`.

### Pagination

Supply the `page` parameter to get subsequent pages:

my_repos2 <- gh("GET /orgs/{org}/repos", org = "r-lib", page = 2)
vapply(my_repos2, "[[", "", "name")

## Environment Variables

* The `GITHUB_API_URL` environment variable is used for the default github
api url.
* The `GITHUB_PAT` and `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variables are used, if
set, in this order, as default token. Consider using the git credential
store instead, see `?gh::gh_token`.

## Code of Conduct

Please note that the gh project is released with a
[Contributor Code of Conduct](
By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

## License

MIT © Gábor Csárdi, Jennifer Bryan, Hadley Wickham