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Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM

benchmark euroc evaluation kitti mapping metrics odometry robotics ros ros2 slam trajectory trajectory-analysis trajectory-evaluation tum

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Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM




# evo

***Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM***

| Linux / macOS / Windows / ROS / ROS2 |
| :---: |
| [![Build Status](]( |

This package provides executables and a small library for handling, evaluating and comparing the trajectory output of odometry and SLAM algorithms.

Supported trajectory formats:

* 'TUM' trajectory files
* 'KITTI' pose files
* 'EuRoC MAV' (.csv groundtruth and TUM trajectory file)
* ROS and ROS2 bagfile with `geometry_msgs/PoseStamped`, `geometry_msgs/TransformStamped`, `geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped`, `geometry_msgs/PointStamped` or `nav_msgs/Odometry` topics or [TF messages](

See [here]( for more infos about the formats.






## Why?

evo has several advantages over other public benchmarking tools:

* common tools for different formats
* algorithmic options for association, alignment, scale adjustment for monocular SLAM etc.
* flexible options for output, [plotting]( or export (e.g. LaTeX plots or Excel tables)
* a powerful, configurable CLI that can cover many use cases
* modular `core` and `tools` libraries for custom extensions
* faster than other established Python-based tools ([see here](

**What it's not:** a 1-to-1 re-implementation of a particular evaluation protocol tailored to a specific dataset.


## Installation / Upgrade

Installation is easy-peasy if you're familiar with this:

evo supports **Python 3.8+**. The last evo version that supports **Python 2.7** is `1.12.0`.
You might also want to use a [virtual environment](

### From PyPi
If you just want to use the executables of the latest release version, the easiest way is to run:
pip install evo --upgrade --no-binary evo
This will download the package and its dependencies from [PyPI]( and install or upgrade them. Depending on your OS, you might be able to use `pip2` or `pip3` to specify the Python version you want. Tab completion for Bash terminals is supported via the [argcomplete]( package on most UNIX systems - open a new shell after the installation to use it (without `--no-binary evo` the tab completion might not be installed properly). If you want, you can subscribe to new releases via

### From Source
Run this in the repository's base folder:
pip install --editable . --upgrade --no-binary evo

### Dependencies

**Python packages**

evo has some required dependencies that are ***automatically resolved*** during installation with pip.
They are specified in the `install_requires` part of the `` file.

**PyQt5 (optional)**

PyQt5 will give you the enhanced GUI for plot figures from the "*Qt5Agg*" matplotlib backend (otherwise: "*TkAgg*"). If PyQt5 is already installed when installing this package, it will be used as a default (see `evo_config show`). To change the plot backend afterwards, run `evo_config set plot_backend Qt5Agg`.

**ROS (optional)**

Some ROS-related features require a ROS installation, see [here]( We are testing this package with ROS Noetic and Iron. Previous versions (`<= 1.12.0`) work with Melodic, Kinetic and Indigo.


## Command Line Interface

After installation with or from pip, the following executables can be called globally from your command-line:


* `evo_ape` - absolute pose error
* `evo_rpe` - relative pose error


* `evo_traj` - tool for analyzing, plotting or exporting one or more trajectories
* `evo_res` - tool for comparing one or multiple result files from `evo_ape` or `evo_rpe`
* `evo_fig` - (experimental) tool for re-opening serialized plots (saved with `--serialize_plot`)
* `evo_config` - tool for global settings and config file manipulation

Call the commands with `--help` to see the options, e.g. `evo_ape --help`. Tab-completion of command line parameters is available on UNIX-like systems.

**More documentation**
Check out the [Wiki on GitHub](


## Example Workflow

There are some example trajectories in the source folder in `test/data`.

### 1.) Plot multiple trajectories

Here, we plot two KITTI pose files and the ground truth using `evo_traj`:
cd test/data
evo_traj kitti KITTI_00_ORB.txt KITTI_00_SPTAM.txt --ref=KITTI_00_gt.txt -p --plot_mode=xz



### 2.) Run a metric on trajectories

For example, here we calculate the absolute pose error for two trajectories from ORB-SLAM and S-PTAM using `evo_ape` (`KITTI_00_gt.txt` is the reference (ground truth)) and plot and save the individual results to .zip files for `evo_res`:

*First trajectory (ORB Stereo):*

mkdir results
evo_ape kitti KITTI_00_gt.txt KITTI_00_ORB.txt -va --plot --plot_mode xz --save_results results/



*Second trajectory (S-PTAM):*

evo_ape kitti KITTI_00_gt.txt KITTI_00_SPTAM.txt -va --plot --plot_mode xz --save_results results/



### 3.) Process multiple results from a metric

`evo_res` can be used to compare multiple result files from the metrics, i.e.:
* print infos and statistics (default)
* plot the results
* save the statistics in a table

Here, we use the results from above to generate a plot and a table:
evo_res results/*.zip -p --save_table results/table.csv







## IPython / Jupyter Resources

For an interactive source code documentation, open the [Jupyter notebook]( `metrics_tutorial.ipynb` in the `notebooks` folder of the repository. More infos on Jupyter notebooks: see [here](

If you have IPython installed, you can launch an IPython shell with a custom evo profile with the command `evo_ipython`.


## Contributing Utilities

A few "inoffical" scripts for special use-cases are collected in the `contrib/` directory of the repository. They are inofficial in the sense that they don't ship with the package distribution and thus aren't regularly tested in continuous integration.


## Trouble
*":scream:, this piece of :shit: software doesn't do what I want!!1!1!!"*

**First aid:**
* append `-h`/ `--help` to your command
* check the [Wiki](
* check the [previous issues](
* open a [new issue](


## Contributing

Patches are welcome, preferably as pull requests.

## License

[GPL-3.0 or later](

If you use this package for your research, a footnote with the link to this repository is appreciated: ``.

...or, for citation with BibTeX:
title={evo: Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM.},
author={Grupp, Michael},