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Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner. From version 6.0.1, Polly targets .NET Standard 1.1 and 2.0+.

circuit-breaker circuit-breaker-pattern dotnet fault-handler resilience resiliency-patterns retry-strategies transient-fault-handling

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Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner. From version 6.0.1, Polly targets .NET Standard 1.1 and 2.0+.




# Polly

Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express resilience strategies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Hedging, Timeout, Rate Limiter and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.

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> This documentation describes the new Polly v8 API. If you are using the v7 API, please refer to the [previous version]( of the documentation.

## NuGet Packages

| **Package** | **Latest Version** |
| Polly | [![NuGet](]( "Download Polly from") |
| Polly.Core | [![NuGet](]( "Download Polly.Core from") |
| Polly.Extensions | [![NuGet](]( "Download Polly.Extensions from") |
| Polly.RateLimiting | [![NuGet](]( "Download Polly.RateLimiting from") |
| Polly.Testing | [![NuGet](]( "Download Polly.Testing from") |

## Documentation

This README aims to give a quick overview of some Polly features - including enough to get you started with any resilience strategy. For deeper detail on any resilience strategy, and many other aspects of Polly, be sure also to check out [][polly-docs].

## Quick start

To use Polly, you must provide a callback and execute it using [**resilience pipeline**]( A resilience pipeline is a combination of one or more [**resilience strategies**]( such as retry, timeout, and rate limiter. Polly uses **builders** to integrate these strategies into a pipeline.

To get started, first add the [Polly.Core]( package to your project by running the following command:

dotnet add package Polly.Core

You can create a `ResiliencePipeline` using the `ResiliencePipelineBuilder` class as shown below:

// Create an instance of builder that exposes various extensions for adding resilience strategies
ResiliencePipeline pipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
.AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions()) // Add retry using the default options
.AddTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) // Add 10 seconds timeout
.Build(); // Builds the resilience pipeline

// Execute the pipeline asynchronously
await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(static async token => { /* Your custom logic goes here */ }, cancellationToken);

### Dependency injection

If you prefer to define resilience pipelines using [`IServiceCollection`](, you'll need to install the [Polly.Extensions]( package:

dotnet add package Polly.Extensions

You can then define your resilience pipeline using the `AddResiliencePipeline(...)` extension method as shown:

var services = new ServiceCollection();

// Define a resilience pipeline with the name "my-pipeline"
services.AddResiliencePipeline("my-pipeline", builder =>
.AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions())

// Build the service provider
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

// Retrieve a ResiliencePipelineProvider that dynamically creates and caches the resilience pipelines
var pipelineProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>();

// Retrieve your resilience pipeline using the name it was registered with
ResiliencePipeline pipeline = pipelineProvider.GetPipeline("my-pipeline");

// Alternatively, you can use keyed services to retrieve the resilience pipeline
pipeline = serviceProvider.GetRequiredKeyedService("my-pipeline");

// Execute the pipeline
await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(static async token =>
// Your custom logic goes here

## Resilience strategies

Polly provides a variety of resilience strategies. Alongside the comprehensive guides for each strategy, the wiki also includes an [overview of the role each strategy plays in resilience engineering](

Polly categorizes resilience strategies into two main groups:

### Reactive

These strategies handle specific exceptions that are thrown, or results that are returned, by the callbacks executed through the strategy.

| Strategy | Premise | AKA | Mitigation |
| ------------- | ------------- | -------------- | ------------ |
|[**Retry** family](#retry) |Many faults are transient and may self-correct after a short delay.| *Maybe it's just a blip* | Allows configuring automatic retries. |
|[**Circuit-breaker** family](#circuit-breaker)|When a system is seriously struggling, failing fast is better than making users/callers wait.

Protecting a faulting system from overload can help it recover. | *Stop doing it if it hurts*

*Give that system a break* | Breaks the circuit (blocks executions) for a period, when faults exceed some pre-configured threshold. |
|[**Fallback**](#fallback)|Things will still fail - plan what you will do when that happens.| *Degrade gracefully* |Defines an alternative value to be returned (or action to be executed) on failure. |
|[**Hedging**](#hedging)|Things can be slow sometimes, plan what you will do when that happens.| *Hedge your bets* | Executes parallel actions when things are slow and waits for the fastest one. |

### Proactive

Unlike reactive strategies, proactive strategies do not focus on handling errors by the callbacks might throw or return. They can make pro-active decisions to cancel or reject the execution of callbacks.

| Strategy | Premise | AKA | Prevention |
| ----------- | ------------- | -------------- | ------------ |
|[**Timeout**](#timeout)|Beyond a certain wait, a success result is unlikely.| *Don't wait forever* |Guarantees the caller won't have to wait beyond the timeout. |
|[**Rate Limiter**](#rate-limiter)|Limiting the rate a system handles requests is another way to control load.

This can apply to the way your system accepts incoming calls, and/or to the way you call downstream services. | *Slow down a bit, will you?* |Constrains executions to not exceed a certain rate. |

Visit [resilience strategies]( docs to explore how to configure individual resilience strategies in more detail.

### Retry

// Retry using the default options.
// See for defaults.
var optionsDefaults = new RetryStrategyOptions();

// For instant retries with no delay
var optionsNoDelay = new RetryStrategyOptions
Delay = TimeSpan.Zero

// For advanced control over the retry behavior, including the number of attempts,
// delay between retries, and the types of exceptions to handle.
var optionsComplex = new RetryStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder().Handle(),
BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Exponential,
UseJitter = true, // Adds a random factor to the delay
MaxRetryAttempts = 4,
Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),

// To use a custom function to generate the delay for retries
var optionsDelayGenerator = new RetryStrategyOptions
MaxRetryAttempts = 2,
DelayGenerator = static args =>
var delay = args.AttemptNumber switch
0 => TimeSpan.Zero,
1 => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
_ => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

// This example uses a synchronous delay generator,
// but the API also supports asynchronous implementations.
return new ValueTask(delay);

// To extract the delay from the result object
var optionsExtractDelay = new RetryStrategyOptions
DelayGenerator = static args =>
if (args.Outcome.Result is HttpResponseMessage responseMessage &&
TryGetDelay(responseMessage, out TimeSpan delay))
return new ValueTask(delay);

// Returning null means the retry strategy will use its internal delay for this attempt.
return new ValueTask((TimeSpan?)null);

// To get notifications when a retry is performed
var optionsOnRetry = new RetryStrategyOptions
MaxRetryAttempts = 2,
OnRetry = static args =>
Console.WriteLine("OnRetry, Attempt: {0}", args.AttemptNumber);

// Event handlers can be asynchronous; here, we return an empty ValueTask.
return default;

// To keep retrying indefinitely or until success use int.MaxValue.
var optionsIndefiniteRetry = new RetryStrategyOptions
MaxRetryAttempts = int.MaxValue,

// Add a retry strategy with a RetryStrategyOptions{} instance to the pipeline
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddRetry(optionsDefaults);
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddRetry(optionsExtractDelay);

If all retries fail, a retry strategy rethrows the final exception back to the calling code.

For more details, visit the [retry strategy]( documentation.

### Circuit Breaker

// Circuit breaker with default options.
// See for defaults.
var optionsDefaults = new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions();

// Circuit breaker with customized options:
// The circuit will break if more than 50% of actions result in handled exceptions,
// within any 10-second sampling duration, and at least 8 actions are processed.
var optionsComplex = new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
FailureRatio = 0.5,
SamplingDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
MinimumThroughput = 8,
BreakDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder().Handle()

// Circuit breaker using BreakDurationGenerator:
// The break duration is dynamically determined based on the properties of BreakDurationGeneratorArguments.
var optionsBreakDurationGenerator = new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
FailureRatio = 0.5,
SamplingDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
MinimumThroughput = 8,
BreakDurationGenerator = static args => new ValueTask(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(args.FailureCount)),

// Handle specific failed results for HttpResponseMessage:
var optionsShouldHandle = new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder()
.HandleResult(response => response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)

// Monitor the circuit state, useful for health reporting:
var stateProvider = new CircuitBreakerStateProvider();
var optionsStateProvider = new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
StateProvider = stateProvider

var circuitState = stateProvider.CircuitState;

CircuitState.Closed - Normal operation; actions are executed.
CircuitState.Open - Circuit is open; actions are blocked.
CircuitState.HalfOpen - Recovery state after break duration expires; actions are permitted.
CircuitState.Isolated - Circuit is manually held open; actions are blocked.

// Manually control the Circuit Breaker state:
var manualControl = new CircuitBreakerManualControl();
var optionsManualControl = new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
ManualControl = manualControl

// Manually isolate a circuit, e.g., to isolate a downstream service.
await manualControl.IsolateAsync();

// Manually close the circuit to allow actions to be executed again.
await manualControl.CloseAsync();

// Add a circuit breaker strategy with a CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions{} instance to the pipeline
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddCircuitBreaker(optionsDefaults);
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddCircuitBreaker(optionsStateProvider);

For more details, visit the [circuit breaker strategy]( documentation.

### Fallback

// A fallback/substitute value if an operation fails.
var optionsSubstitute = new FallbackStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder()
.HandleResult(r => r is null),
FallbackAction = static args => Outcome.FromResultAsValueTask(UserAvatar.Blank)

// Use a dynamically generated value if an operation fails.
var optionsFallbackAction = new FallbackStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder()
.HandleResult(r => r is null),
FallbackAction = static args =>
var avatar = UserAvatar.GetRandomAvatar();
return Outcome.FromResultAsValueTask(avatar);

// Use a default or dynamically generated value, and execute an additional action if the fallback is triggered.
var optionsOnFallback = new FallbackStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder()
.HandleResult(r => r is null),
FallbackAction = static args =>
var avatar = UserAvatar.GetRandomAvatar();
return Outcome.FromResultAsValueTask(UserAvatar.Blank);
OnFallback = static args =>
// Add extra logic to be executed when the fallback is triggered, such as logging.
return default; // Returns an empty ValueTask

// Add a fallback strategy with a FallbackStrategyOptions instance to the pipeline
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddFallback(optionsOnFallback);

For more details, visit the [fallback strategy]( documentation.

### Hedging

// Hedging with default options.
// See for defaults.
var optionsDefaults = new HedgingStrategyOptions();

// A customized hedging strategy that retries up to 3 times if the execution
// takes longer than 1 second or if it fails due to an exception or returns an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
var optionsComplex = new HedgingStrategyOptions
ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder()
.HandleResult(response => response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError),
MaxHedgedAttempts = 3,
Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
ActionGenerator = static args =>
Console.WriteLine("Preparing to execute hedged action.");

// Return a delegate function to invoke the original action with the action context.
// Optionally, you can also create a completely new action to be executed.
return () => args.Callback(args.ActionContext);

// Subscribe to hedging events.
var optionsOnHedging = new HedgingStrategyOptions
OnHedging = static args =>
Console.WriteLine($"OnHedging: Attempt number {args.AttemptNumber}");
return default;

// Add a hedging strategy with a HedgingStrategyOptions instance to the pipeline
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddHedging(optionsDefaults);

If all hedged attempts fail, the hedging strategy will either re-throw the original exception or return the original failed result to the caller.

For more details, visit the [hedging strategy]( documentation.

### Timeout

The timeout resilience strategy assumes delegates you execute support [co-operative cancellation]( You must use `Execute/Async(...)` overloads taking a `CancellationToken`, and the executed delegate must honor that `CancellationToken`.

// To add a timeout with a custom TimeSpan duration
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

// Timeout using the default options.
// See for defaults.
var optionsDefaults = new TimeoutStrategyOptions();

// To add a timeout using a custom timeout generator function
var optionsTimeoutGenerator = new TimeoutStrategyOptions
TimeoutGenerator = static args =>
// Note: the timeout generator supports asynchronous operations
return new ValueTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123));

// To add a timeout and listen for timeout events
var optionsOnTimeout = new TimeoutStrategyOptions
TimeoutGenerator = static args =>
// Note: the timeout generator supports asynchronous operations
return new ValueTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123));
OnTimeout = static args =>
Console.WriteLine($"{args.Context.OperationKey}: Execution timed out after {args.Timeout.TotalSeconds} seconds.");
return default;

// Add a timeout strategy with a TimeoutStrategyOptions instance to the pipeline
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddTimeout(optionsDefaults);

Timeout strategies throw `TimeoutRejectedException` when a timeout occurs.

For more details, visit the [timeout strategy]( documentation.

### Rate Limiter

// Add rate limiter with default options.
// See for defaults.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
.AddRateLimiter(new RateLimiterStrategyOptions());

// Create a rate limiter to allow a maximum of 100 concurrent executions and a queue of 50.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
.AddConcurrencyLimiter(100, 50);

// Create a rate limiter that allows 100 executions per minute.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
.AddRateLimiter(new SlidingWindowRateLimiter(
new SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions
PermitLimit = 100,
Window = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)

Rate limiter strategy throws `RateLimiterRejectedException` if execution is rejected.

For more details, visit the [rate limiter strategy]( documentation.

## Chaos engineering

Starting with version `8.3.0`, Polly has integrated [Simmy](, a chaos engineering library, directly into its core. For more information, please refer to the dedicated [chaos engineering documentation](

## Next steps

To learn more about Polly, visit [][polly-docs].

## Samples

- [Samples](samples/ Samples in this repository that serve as an introduction to Polly.
- [Polly-Samples]( Contains practical examples for using various implementations of Polly. Please feel free to contribute to the Polly-Samples repository in order to assist others who are either learning Polly for the first time, or are seeking advanced examples and novel approaches provided by our generous community.
- Microsoft's [eShopOnContainers project]( Sample project demonstrating a .NET Micro-services architecture and using Polly for resilience.

## License

Licensed under the terms of the [New BSD License](
