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A gnome-shell extensions that try to add rounded corners for all windows

gjs gnome gnome-shell-extension typescript

Last synced: 7 days ago
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A gnome-shell extensions that try to add rounded corners for all windows




Rounded Window Corners

A gnome-shell extensions that try to add rounded corners for all windows

## Features

- Works with Gnome 40+
- Custom border radius and clip paddings for windows
- Black list for applications which draw window decoration itself
- Custom shadow for rounded corners windows
- Skip libadwaita / libhandy application
- [Superelliptical][1] shape for rounded corners, thanks to [@YuraIz][2]
- A simple reset preferences dialog

## Compatibility

- [_Compiz alike magic lamp effect_][3]

Hide shadow when magic lamp effect running.
Need to restart (disable then enable) this extension when
_Compiz alike magic lamp effect_ enabled.

## Notes

- The rounded corners effect for window is base on this [shader][4] from
mutter project
- The TypeScript support for GJS is power by [gi.ts][5]

## Screenshots

![2022-07-29 23-49-57][6]

## Installation

### From Ego

Install extensions from [here][7].

### From source code

It will install extensions to `~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions`,
need to install `yarn`, Node.js and `gettext`

git clone
cd rounded-window-corners
yarn install && yarn ext:install

In NixOS, you can use `nix-shell` to enter a development shell before
run `yarn install`.

You may need to install those packages when building this extensions. Feel free
to open issues if you got error.

sudo pacman -S nodejs yarn gettext # Arch Linux
sudo apt install nodejs yarnpkg gettext # Ubuntu
sudo dnf install nodejs yarnpkg gettext gettext-devel # Fedora

### From Releases / Github Actions

Download extensions pack from [Releases][8] Page, or download git version from
[Github Actions][9]. After download extensions pack, you need use
`gnome-extensions` to install it, then restart gnome-shell to enable this


gnome-extensions install [email protected]

## Translations


You can help translate this extensions by using [Weblate][13], or update po
files then open a pull request.

To add new translations for extensions, you can add `.po` files in `po`
directory via `msginit`, then use your favorite text editor to edit it.

cd po && msginit # Add po file for new translations

You can run `yarn ext:install` or `yarn dev` to install extensions with with
new translations. In XOrg sessions, just press `Alt + F2 -> r` to restart
gnome-session then preview the result. In Wayland session, have to logout
session then login again to reload extensions.

`yarn dev` will watch changes of `.po` files, once you have update translations,
it will compile and install extensions automatically.

## Development

### Build

yarn build

### Watch files

Build and install extensions when files in `src` folder changed.

yarn dev

### Test in Virtual Box by Vagrant

Need to install [`Vagrant`]( and
Virtual Box. This command will setup a virtual machine that enable log of
extensions in terminal.

yarn vm
