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Angular library to translate texts, dates and numbers

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Angular library to translate texts, dates and numbers




# Angular l10n
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> Angular library to translate texts, dates and numbers

This library is for localization of **Angular** apps. It allows, in addition to translation, to format dates and numbers through [Internationalization API](

## Table of Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Lazy loading](#lazy-loading)
- [Localized routing](#localized-routing)
- [Server Side Rendering](#server-side-rendering)
- [Types](#types)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Versions](./

## Installation
npm install angular-l10n --save

## Usage
- Sample [standalone app](projects/angular-l10n-app)
- Sample [SSR app](projects/angular-l10n-ssr)
- Live example on [StackBlitz](

### Configuration
Create the configuration:

export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
format: 'language-region',
providers: [
{ name: 'app', asset: 'app' }
cache: true,
keySeparator: '.',
defaultLocale: { language: 'en-US', currency: 'USD', timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' },
schema: [
{ locale: { language: 'en-US', currency: 'USD', timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' } },
{ locale: { language: 'it-IT', currency: 'EUR', timeZone: 'Europe/Rome' } }

@Injectable() export class TranslationLoader implements L10nTranslationLoader {
public get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable<{ [key: string]: any }> {
* Translation files are lazy-loaded via dynamic import and will be split into separate chunks during build.
* Assets names and keys must be valid variable names
const data = import(`../i18n/${language}/${provider.asset}.json`);
return from(data);
The implementation of `L10nTranslationLoader` class-interface above creates a js chunk for each translation file in the `src/i18n/[language]/[asset].json` folder during the build:

"home": {
"greeting": "Hello world!",
"whoIAm": "I am {{name}}",
"devs": {
"one": "One software developer",
"other": "{{value}} software developers"

> Note. The implementation above of `L10nTranslationLoader` is just an example: you can load the translation data in the way you prefer.

Register the configuration:

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
translationLoader: TranslationLoader
or with modules:

imports: [
translationLoader: TranslationLoader
export class AppModule { }

### Getting the translation
#### Pure Pipes

{{ 'home.greeting' | translate:locale.language }}

{{ 'home.whoIAm' | translate:locale.language:{ name: 'Angular l10n' } }}

{{ 2 | l10nPlural:locale.language:'home.devs' }}

{{ today | l10nDate:locale.language:{ dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' } }}

{{ -1 | l10nTimeAgo:locale.language:'second':{ numeric:'always', style:'long' } }}

{{ 1000 | l10nNumber:locale.language:{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' } }}

{{ 'en-US' | l10nDisplayNames:locale.language:{ type: 'language' } }}

Pure pipes need to know when the _locale_ changes. So import `L10nLocale` injection token in every component that uses them:
standalone: true,
imports: [
export class PipeComponent {
locale = inject(L10N_LOCALE);
or with modules:
export class PipeComponent {
locale = inject(L10N_LOCALE);

#### OnPush Change Detection Strategy
To support this strategy, there is an `Async` version of each pipe, which recognizes by itself when the _locale_ changes:

{{ 'greeting' | translateAsync }}


#### Directives
> Directives manipulate the DOM






#### APIs
`L10nTranslationService` provides:

- `setLocale(locale: L10nLocale): Promise` Changes the current locale and load the translation data
- `onChange(): Observable` Fired every time the translation data has been loaded. Returns the locale
- `onError(): Observable` Fired when the translation data could not been loaded. Returns the error
- `translate(keys: string | string[], params?: any, language?: string): string | any` Translates a key or an array of keys

### Changing the locale
You can change the _locale_ at runtime at any time by calling the `setLocale` method of `L10nTranslationService`:

{{ item.locale.language | l10nDisplayNames:locale.language:{ type: 'language' } }}


export class AppComponent {

schema = this.config.schema;

@Inject(L10N_LOCALE) public locale: L10nLocale,
@Inject(L10N_CONFIG) private config: L10nConfig,
private translation: L10nTranslationService
) { }

setLocale(locale: L10nLocale): void {

### Class-interfaces
The following features can be customized. You just have to implement the indicated class-interface and pass the token during configuration.

#### Translation Loader
By default, you can only pass JavaScript objects as translation data provider. To implement a different loader, you can implement the `L10nTranslationLoader` class-interface, as in the example above.
export declare abstract class L10nTranslationLoader {
* This method must contain the logic to get translation data.
* @param language The current language
* @param provider The provider of the translations data
* @return An object of translation data for the language: {key: value}
abstract get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable<{
[key: string]: any;

#### Locale resolver
By default, the library attempts to set the _locale_ using the user's browser language, before falling back to the _default locale_. You can change this behavior by implementing the `L10nLocaleResolver` class-interface, for example to get the language from the URL.
export declare abstract class L10nLocaleResolver {
* This method must contain the logic to get the locale.
* @return The locale
abstract get(): Promise;

#### Storage
By default, the library does not store the _locale_. To store it implement the `L10nStorage` class-interface using what you need, such as web storage or cookie, so that the next time the user has the _locale_ he selected.
export declare abstract class L10nStorage {
* This method must contain the logic to read the storage.
* @return A promise with the value of the locale
abstract read(): Promise;
* This method must contain the logic to write the storage.
* @param locale The current locale
abstract write(locale: L10nLocale): Promise;

#### Missing Translation Handler
If a key is not found, the same key is returned. To return a different value, you can implement the `L10nMissingTranslationHandler` class-interface.
export declare abstract class L10nMissingTranslationHandler {
* This method must contain the logic to handle missing values.
* @param key The key that has been requested
* @param value Null or empty string
* @param params Optional parameters contained in the key
* @return The value
abstract handle(key: string, value?: string, params?: any): string | any;

#### Translation fallback
If you enable translation fallback in configuration, the translation data will be merged in the following order:
- `'language'`
- `'language[-script]'`
- `'language[-script][-region]'`

To change it, implement the `L10nTranslationFallback` class-interface.
export declare abstract class L10nTranslationFallback {
* This method must contain the logic to get the ordered loaders.
* @param language The current language
* @param provider The provider of the translations data
* @return An array of loaders
abstract get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable[];
@Injectable() export class TranslationFallback implements L10nTranslationFallback {

@Inject(L10N_CONFIG) private config: L10nConfig,
private cache: L10nCache,
private translationLoader: L10nTranslationLoader
) { }

public get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable[] {
const loaders: Observable[] = [];
// Fallback current lang to en
const languages = ['en', language];
for (const lang of languages) {
if (this.config.cache) {
this.translationLoader.get(lang, provider))
} else {
loaders.push(this.translationLoader.get(lang, provider));
return loaders;

#### Loader
If you need to preload some data before initialization of the library, you can implement the `L10nLoader` class-interface.
export declare abstract class L10nTranslationLoader {
* This method must contain the logic to get translation data.
* @param language The current language
* @param provider The provider of the translations data
* @return An object of translation data for the language: {key: value}
abstract get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable<{[key: string]: any;}>;
@Injectable() export class AppLoader implements L10nLoader {
constructor(private translation: L10nTranslationService) { }

public async init(): Promise {
await ... // Some custom data loading action
await this.translation.init();

#### Validation
There are two directives, that you can use with Template driven or Reactive forms: `l10nValidateNumber` and `l10nValidateDate`. To use them, you have to implement the `L10nValidation` class-interface, and import it with the `L10nValidationModule` module.
export declare abstract class L10nValidation {
* This method must contain the logic to convert a string to a number.
* @param value The string to be parsed
* @param options A L10n or Intl NumberFormatOptions object
* @param language The current language
* @return The parsed number
abstract parseNumber(value: string, options?: L10nNumberFormatOptions, language?: string): number | null;
* This method must contain the logic to convert a string to a date.
* @param value The string to be parsed
* @param options A L10n or Intl DateTimeFormatOptions object
* @param language The current language
* @return The parsed date
abstract parseDate(value: string, options?: L10nDateTimeFormatOptions, language?: string): Date | null;

## Lazy loading
If you want to add new providers to a lazy loaded component or module, you can use `resolveL10n` function in your routes:
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'lazy',
loadComponent: () => import('./lazy/lazy.component').then(m => m.LazyComponent),
resolve: { l10n: resolveL10n },
data: {
l10nProviders: [{ name: 'lazy', asset: 'lazy' }]
Or to lazy load a module:
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'lazy',
loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule),
resolve: { l10n: resolveL10n },
data: {
l10nProviders: [{ name: 'lazy', asset: 'lazy' }]
and import the modules you need:
declarations: [LazyComponent],
imports: [
export class LazyModule { }

## Localized routing
Let's assume that we want to create a navigation of this type:
- default language (en-US): routes not localized `http://localhost:4200/home`
- other languages (it-IT): localized routes `http://localhost:4200/it-IT/home`

In `routes` root level add `:lang` param to create `localizedRoutes`:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
path: 'lazy',
loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule),
resolve: { l10n: resolveL10n },
data: {
l10nProviders: [{ name: 'lazy', asset: 'lazy' }]

export const localizedRoutes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
path: ':lang', // prepend [lang] to all routes
children: routes
{ path: '**', redirectTo: 'home' }
and provide it to the router.

Now let's implement the `L10nLocaleResolver` class-interface to get the language from the URL:

@Injectable() export class LocaleResolver implements L10nLocaleResolver {

constructor(@Inject(L10N_CONFIG) private config: L10nConfig, private location: Location) { }

public async get(): Promise {
const path = this.location.path();

for (const schema of this.config.schema) {
const language = schema.locale.language;
if (new RegExp(`(\/${language}\/)|(\/${language}$)|(\/(${language})(?=\\?))`).test(path)) {
return Promise.resolve(schema.locale);
return Promise.resolve(null);
and add it to configuration using `provideL10nTranslation` or `L10nTranslationModule` with modules.

When the app starts, the library will call the `get` method of `LocaleResolver` and use the locale of the URL or the default locale.

> Do not implement storage when using the localized router, because the language of the URL may be inconsistent with the saved one

To change language at runtime, we can't use the `setLocale` method, but we have to navigate to the localized URL without reloading the page. We replace the `setLocale` method with the new `navigateByLocale` and we add `pathLang` to router links:

{{ item.locale.language | l10nDisplayNames:locale.language:{ type: 'language' } }}


export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

* Handle page back/forward
@HostListener('window:popstate', ['$event'])
onPopState() {

schema = this.config.schema;

pathLang = this.getPathLang();

@Inject(L10N_LOCALE) public locale: L10nLocale,
@Inject(L10N_CONFIG) private config: L10nConfig,
private translation: L10nTranslationService,
private location: Location,
private router: Router
) { }

ngOnInit() {
// Update path language
next: () => {
this.pathLang = this.getPathLang();

* Replace the locale and navigate to the new URL
navigateByLocale(locale: L10nLocale) {
let path = this.location.path();
if (this.locale.language !== this.config.defaultLocale.language) {
if (locale.language !== this.config.defaultLocale.language) {
path = path.replace(`/${this.locale.language}`, `/${locale.language}`);
} else {
path = path.replace(`/${this.locale.language}`, '');
} else if (locale.language !== this.config.defaultLocale.language) {
path = `/${locale.language}${path}`;

this.router.navigate([path]).then(() => {

getPathLang() {
return this.locale.language !== this.config.defaultLocale.language ?
this.locale.language :
Here we are doing three things:
- we update `pathLang` provided to router links every time the locale changes
- we implement `navigateByLocale` method, which takes care of replacing the language and navigating to the new URL
- we handle page back/forward events

## Server Side Rendering
You can find a complete sample app [here](projects/angular-l10n-ssr)

What is important to know:
- `DirectiveComponent` has `ngSkipHydration` enabled because directives manipolate the DOM
- `prerender` is enabled in `angular.json`
- `routes.tsx` file contains localized routes (to prerender pages in different languages)

## Types
Angular l10n types that it is useful to know:
- `L10nConfig` Contains:
- `format` Format of the translation language. Pattern: `language[-script][-region]`
- `providers` The providers of the translations data
- `keySeparator` Sets key separator
- `defaultLocale` Defines the default locale to be used
- `schema` Provides the schema of the supported locales

- `fallback` Translation fallback
- `cache` Caching for providers

- `L10nLocale` Contains a `language`, in the format `language[-script][-region][-extension]`, where:
- `language` ISO 639 two-letter or three-letter code
- `script` ISO 15924 four-letter script code
- `region` ISO 3166 two-letter, uppercase code
- `extension` 'u' (Unicode) extensions

- `currency` ISO 4217 three-letter code
- `timezone` From the IANA time zone database
- `units` Key value pairs of unit identifiers

- `L10nFormat` Shows the format of the _language_ to be used for translations. The supported formats are: `'language' | 'language-script' | 'language-region' | 'language-script-region'`. So, for example, you can have a _language_ like `en-US-u-ca-gregory-nu-latn` to format dates and numbers, but only use the `en-US` for translations setting `'language-region'`
- `L10nDateTimeFormatOptions` The type of _options_ used to format dates. Extends the Intl `DateTimeFormatOptions` interface, replacing the _dateStyle_ and _timeStyle_ attributes. See [DateTimeFormat]( for more details on available options
- `L10nNumberFormatOptions` The type of _options_ used to format numbers. Extends the Intl `NumberFormatOptions` interface, adding the _digits_ attribute. See [NumberFormat]( for more details on available options

## Contributing
- First, install the packages & build the library:
npm install
npm run build:watch

- Testing:
npm run test:watch

- Serving the sample app:
npm start

- Serving the sample ssr app:
npm run dev:ssr

## License