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a simple CLI and Ruby API for AWS CloudFormation

aws-cloudformation cli docker-image ruby-api ruby-gem

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

a simple CLI and Ruby API for AWS CloudFormation




# stackup

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Stackup provides a CLI and a simplified Ruby API for dealing with
AWS CloudFormation stacks.

- [Why?](#why)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Command-line usage](#command-line-usage)
- [Stack create/update](#stack-createupdate)
- [Specifying parameters](#specifying-parameters)
- [YAML support](#yaml-support)
- [AWS credentials](#aws-credentials)
- [Using URLs as inputs](#using-urls-as-inputs)
- [Stack deletion](#stack-deletion)
- [Stack inspection](#stack-inspection)
- [Change-set support](#change-set-support)
- [Programmatic usage](#programmatic-usage)
- [Rake integration](#rake-integration)
- [Docker image](#docker-image)
- [Releasing](#releasing)

## Why?

Stackup provides some advantages over using `awscli` or `aws-sdk` directly:

- It treats stack changes as synchronous, streaming stack events until the
stack reaches a stable state.

- A `Stack#up` facade for `create`/`update` frees you from having to know
whether your stack already exists or not.

- Changes are (mostly) idempotent: "no-op" operations - e.g. deleting a
stack that doesn't exist, or updating without a template change - are
handled gracefully (i.e. without error).

## Installation

$ gem install stackup

## Command-line usage

The entry-point is the "stackup" command.

Most commands operate in the context of a named stack:

$ stackup STACK-NAME ...

Called with `--list`, it will list stacks:

$ stackup --list

### Stack create/update

Use sub-command "up" to create or update a stack, as appropriate:

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json

This will:

* update (or create) the named CloudFormation stack, using the specified template
* monitor events until the stack update is complete

Requests will retry 3 times by default. After this limit is exceeded, `ERROR: Rate exceeded` failures will be logged.
You can increase the limit using the `--retry-limit` option, or by setting the `$AWS_API_RETRY_LIMIT` environment variable.

For more details on usage, see

$ stackup STACK up --help

### Specifying parameters

Stack parameters can be read from a file, e.g.

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json -p parameters.json

These files can be either JSON or YAML format, see [YAML support](#yaml-support) for more information.

Parameters can be specified as simple key-value pairs:

"IndexDoc": "index.html"

but also supports the [extended JSON format used by the AWS CLI](

"ParameterKey": "IndexDoc",
"ParameterValue": "index.html",
"UsePreviousValue": false

You may specify `-p` multiple times; `stackup` will read and merge all the files:

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json \
-p defaults.json \
-p overrides.json

Or, you can specify one or more override parameters on the command-line, using `-o` with `-p`:

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json \
-p defaults.json \
-o IndexDoc=index-override.html
-o ContentDoc=content-override.html

### Specifying tags

Stack tags can be read from a file, e.g.

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json --tags tags.json

These files can be either JSON or YAML format, see [YAML support](#yaml-support) for more information.

Tags are specified as simple key-value pairs:

"environment": "dev"

### Acknowledging Capabilities

CloudFormation requires that some stacks explicitly acknowledge certain capabilities before creation. This helps to prevent the creation of stacks with unintended privileges.

If your stack includes IAM resources, you must specify either the `CAPABILITY_IAM` capability, or the `CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM` capability if they have custom names.

If your stack template contains macros or nested stacks, you must specify the `CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND` capability.

Capabilities can be provided via the `--capability` CLI option.

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json \

`stackup` includes defaults to including `CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM` capability if, and only if, no capabilities are specified.
This is to provide backwards compatibility with previously deployed stacks and may be removed in a future release.

### YAML support

`stackup` supports input files (template, parameters, tags) in YAML format, as well as JSON.

It also supports the [abbreviated YAML syntax for Cloudformation functions](, though unlike the [AWS CLI](, Stackup (by default) normalises YAML input to JSON before invoking CloudFormation APIs.

If you don't want normalisation of the YAML input to JSON, then use the `--preserve-template-formatting` flag to the `up` or `change-set create` commands.

Note: normalisation of S3 / HTTP URL stored templates is never done, as Cloudformation collects these directly.

### AWS credentials

The stackup command-line looks for AWS credentials in the [standard environment variables](

You can also use the `--with-role` option to temporarily assume a different IAM role, for stack operations:

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json \
--with-role arn:aws:iam::862905684840:role/deployment

You can use the `--service-role-arn` option to pass a specific IAM service role for CloudFormation to use for stack

$ stackup myapp-test up -t template.json \
--service-role-arn arn:aws:iam::862905684840:role/cloudformation-role

(for more information on CloudFormation service roles, see [AWS' documentation](

### Using URLs as inputs

You can use either local files, or HTTP URLs, to specify inputs; stack template, parameters, etc.

$ stackup mystack up \

Where a template URL references an object in S3, `stackup` leverages [CloudFormation's native support]( for such URLs, enabling use of much larger templates.

Non-S3 URLs are also supported, though in that case `stackup` must fetch the content itself:

$ stackup mystack up \

### Stack deletion

Sub-command "delete" deletes the stack.

### Stack inspection

Inspect details of a stack with:

$ stackup myapp-test status
$ stackup myapp-test resources
$ stackup myapp-test outputs

### Change-set support

You can also create, list, inspect, apply and delete [change sets]( using `stackup`.

$ stackup myapp-test change-sets
$ stackup myapp-test change-set create -t template.json
$ stackup myapp-test change-set inspect
$ stackup myapp-test change-set apply

The change-set name defaults to "pending", but can be overridden using `--name`.

The `change-set create` subcommand, like the `up` command, supports `--service-role-arn` to specify a service role.

It is impossible to create a change set with no changes. By default, stackup will only return successfully if a change set was actually created, and will otherwise fail. If the `--no-fail-on-empty-change-set` option is provided, stackup will return successfully if a change set was created _or_ if no change set was created because no changes were needed.

## Programmatic usage

Get a handle to a `Stack` object as follows:

stack = Stackup.stack("my-stack")

You can pass an `Aws::CloudFormation::Client`, or client config,
to `Stackup`, e.g.

stack = Stackup(credentials).stack("my-stack")

See {Stackup::Stack} for more details.

## Rake integration

Stackup integrates with Rake to generate handy tasks for managing a stack, e.g.

require "stackup/rake_tasks""app") do |t|
t.stack = "my-app"
t.template = "app-template.json"

providing tasks:

rake app:diff # Show pending changes to my-app stack
rake app:down # Delete my-app stack
rake app:inspect # Show my-app stack outputs and resources
rake app:up # Update my-app stack

Parameters and tags may be specified via files, or as a Hash, e.g."app") do |t|
t.stack = "my-app"
t.template = "app-template.json"
t.parameters = "production-params.json"
t.tags = { "environment" => "production" }

## Docker image

Stackup is also published as a Docker image. Basic usage is:

docker run --rm \
-v "`pwd`:/cwd" \
realestate/stackup:latest ...

If you're sensible, you'll replace "latest", with a specific [version](

The default working-directory within the container is `/cwd`;
hence the volume mount to make files available from the host system.

## IAM Permissions

### up

This policy grants the principal all actions required by `stackup up` for any cloudformation stack:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

## Development

### Running tests

`auto/test` will run the tests in a Docker container.
`auto/lint` will run the linter in a Docker container.

### Releasing

Releasing is done mostly by CI. The automated process will push tags to GitHub, push the docker images to DockerHub. It won't yet push the gem to ``, but we're working ok it..


* You must have a rubygems account with permission to push to the `stackup` gem. (`auto/release-gem` will ask for your username and password)
* You have bumped the version number in `lib/stackup/version.rb`.
* You have checked the `` file to make sure it is reasonable and has the changes for this new version.

To release the rubygem.
1. `auto/release-gem`
2. On REA's internal CI tool of choice, find the build for `stackup-ci` and trigger a new build from `HEAD`. This will always grab the latest code from here and release the rest of the parts.