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Start a dev container and get to developing a variety of JavaScript-based (or TypeScript) web apps and services.

bun bunjs devcontainers javascript jsx template-project tsx typescript

Last synced: 7 days ago
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Start a dev container and get to developing a variety of JavaScript-based (or TypeScript) web apps and services.




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Try Bun

Start a dev container and get to developing a [variety of JavaScript-based (or TypeScript) web apps and services][bun-guides].

> Originally, this dev container was created to have an isolated development environment to install the pre-release versions on Windows. See [Known Issues](#known-issues) to learn more.


## Quick Start

[![Open in Dev Container](](

You can also run this repo locally by following these repetitive steps:

1. You want to ensure the repo is cloned to your local machine, and
2. Open it in VS Code.

> See [Bun Docker Images][bun-docker-images] for other variations that suites your hardware.


## Troubleshooting

If you have any technical problems with dev containers, you are better off asking their [Discord Channel][discord-channel] directly, since you'll end up getting a much faster response back that way.


### Known Issues

- [Bun's Roadmap @oven-sh/bun #159](
- [Bun's priorities @oven-sh/bun #798](
- [Windows Support @oven-sh/bun #43](

## Contributing

The official repo to contribute would be [@oven-sh/bun][bun-repo].

Have a suggestion or a bug fix? Just open a pull request or an issue. Include clear and simple instructions possible.


## License

Copyright © Alertbox, Inc. (@alertbox). All rights reserved.

The source code is license under the [MIT license](#MIT-1-ov-file).