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Helperfor simplify work with PHP - projects

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Helperfor simplify work with PHP - projects




# Php Easy NVim

A few functions for make work with PHP 7.4 (or more) projects easy and quickly.

## Install

### With [lazy.nvim](
config = true,
keys = {
{'-b', 'PHPEasyDocBlock'},
{'-r', 'PHPEasyReplica'},
{'-c', 'PHPEasyCopy'},
{'-d', 'PHPEasyDelete'},
{'-ii', 'PHPEasyInitInterface'},
{'-ic', 'PHPEasyInitClass'},
{'-iac', 'PHPEasyInitAbstractClass'},
{'-it', 'PHPEasyInitTrait'},
{'-ie', 'PHPEasyInitEnum'},
{'-ic', 'PHPEasyAppendConstruct'},
{'-ac', 'PHPEasyAppendConstant'},
{'-ap', 'PHPEasyAppendProperty'},
{'-am', 'PHPEasyAppendMethod'},
{'-aa', 'PHPEasyAppendArgument'},

## Features

| Example Key Binding | Function | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **Any** | | function or property or constant |
| `-y` | `PHPEasyCopy` | **Y**ank (copy) *any* under cursor |
| `-r` | `PHPEasyReplica` | **R**eplica *any*: Copy under cursor, paste after current and trigger rename function |
| `-d` | `PHPEasyDelete` | **D**elete *any* under cursor |
| `-b` | `PHPEasyDocBlock` | PhpDoc**B**lock for *any* or class or variable |
| **Append** | | |
| `-c` | `PHPEasyAppendConstruct` | Append **c**onstruct |
| `-ac` | `PHPEasyAppendConstant` | **A**ppend **c**constant |
| `-ap` | `PHPEasyAppendProperty` | **A**ppend **p**roperty |
| `-am` | `PHPEasyAppendMethod` | **A**ppend **m**ethod |
| `-aa` | `PHPEasyAppendArgument` | **A**ppend new **a**rgument in current function |
| **Objects** | | |
| `-ic` | `PHPEasyInitClass` | **I**nitialize **c**lass in current file |
| `-iac` | `PHPEasyInitAbstractClass` | **I**nitialize **a**bstract **c**lass in current file |
| `-ii` | `PHPEasyInitInterface` | **I**nitialize **i**nterface in current file |
| `-it` | `PHPEasyInitTrait` | **I**nitialize **t**rait in current file |
| `-ie` | `PHPEasyInitEnum` | **I**nitialize **e**num in current file |

## Configuration

regex = { -- regex for parse php file
tab = ' ',
startTab = '^' .. tab,
visibility = startTab .. '\\(public\\|protected\\|private\\|\\)\\s\\{1}',
static = '\\(static\\s\\|\\)',
constant = visibility .. 'const ',
property = visibility .. static .. '\\(?*\\w\\+\\s\\|\\)\\$',
method = visibility .. static .. 'function',
construct = method .. ' __construct(',
methodEnd = startTab .. '}',
comment = startTab .. '\\/',
commentMiddle = startTab .. '\\*',
commentEnd = startTab .. '\\s\\*',
any = startTab .. '[p}]\\{1}',
variable = '\\(' .. tab .. '\\)\\+\\$\\w\\+\\s\\{1}=\\s\\{1}',
object = '^\\(final class\\|abstract class\\|class\\|interface\\|trait\\|enum\\)\\s\\{1}',
onSave = { -- on save php file action
removeUnusedUses = true -- remove unused uses (then use lsp: intelephense)
onAppend = { -- on append entity
putTemplate = { -- put template
constant = 'private const ;',
method = 'private function \n' .. tab .. '{\n' .. tab .. '\n' .. tab .. '}',
property = 'private $;'


## Examples

### Init

#### Init trait `-it`
![init trait](

#### Init interface `-ii`
![init interface](

#### Init abstract class `-iac`
![init abstract class](

#### Init class `-ic`
![init class](

### Add doc block `-b`

#### Class
![doc class](

#### Constant
![doc constant](

#### Property
![doc property](

#### Method
![doc method](

#### Variable
![doc variable](