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The Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins for Arm & RISC-V C/C++ developers (formerly known as the GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins). Includes the archive of previous plug-ins versions, as Releases.

arm cdt eclipse eclipse-marketplace embedded plug-ins plugins risc-v

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

The Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins for Arm & RISC-V C/C++ developers (formerly known as the GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins). Includes the archive of previous plug-ins versions, as Releases.




# Maintainer info

## Project repository

The project is hosted on GitHub:


To clone it, be sure the submodules are also cloned:

git clone --recurse-submodule \

## Prerequisites

Production builds are run via
on the Eclipse Foundation infrastructure (CBI); for local builds, use the
[Adopt OpenJDK 11]( and maven 3.6.

## Development workflow

The plug-ins are published on the Eclipse download servers both as update
sites and as archives.

Development builds are automatically published as p2 sub-folders like:


When the content is stable, it is promoted as a pre-release and published as:


The final release is published in the main update site:


For archiving purposes, the release is also published in a separate folder
for each version, with the archive in the top folder and the p2 repo as
a sub-folder


The official download page is


## Prepare release

### Clone SimRel

Install the **CBI Aggregator Editor** from:


At first use, clone the SimRel Git repo:

git clone ssh://[email protected]:29418/simrel/
scp -p -P 29418 [email protected]:hooks/commit-msg

### SimRel deadline

The deadline for SimRel changes is **Wed 5pm Ottawa time**.

### Clone EPP

At first use, clone the EPP Git repo:

git clone ssh://[email protected]:29418/epp/org.eclipse.epp.packages.git org.eclipse.epp.packages.git
mkdir -p org.eclipse.epp.packages.git/.git/hooks/
scp -p -P 29418 [email protected]:hooks/commit-msg org.eclipse.epp.packages.git/.git/hooks/

### EPP deadline

The deadline for EPP changes is **Thu 9am Ottawa time**.

### Create a new milestone

If not already done, create a new milestone.

- in the
[plug-ins issues](
page, click the
button and add a
milestone. As title, use the current version, like _v6.4.0_.

### Update version in README-MAINTENANCE

Perform a search & replace to update the version.

Push the develop branch.

### Fix issues

Normally all changes should be done as a result of a ticket registered as
a GitHub Issue.

- be sure the `develop` branch is selected
- scan the
[plug-ins issues](
list, and fix them. The commit message should be prefixed with the issue
number, like `[#122]`;
- mark all fixed issues as part of the new milestone;
- add a message like _Fixed on 2022-01-10_;
- close the issues

### Update plug-ins/features versions

For the plug-ins that were modified, increase the specific version
(like _1.2.3_).

Commit the MANIFEST.MF files as _update versions..._

For all features, increase the common version (like _6.4.0_); be sure
the composite records are not updated at this moment, they require
new lines, added later.

For all branding, edit the MANIFEST.MF and increase the
`Bundle-Version` (like _6.4.0_).

For all other occurrences, except `compositeArtifacts.xml` and

Commit all with _update package version 6.4.0_.

## Build locally

### Run maven

After fixing issues, run the maven build locally:

mvn clean verify

Start a Debug/Run session and try the result in a child Eclipse.

## How to make a release candidate

### Push to GitHub

Be sure the repo is clean and push the `develop` branch to GitHub.

This will also trigger a GitHub Actions CI job that will run a maven build.


### Trigger the Jenkins development build

Note: this happens now automatically, at each push.

- go to [](
- **login** (otherwise the next link is not visible!)
- click the **Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now** link
- when ready, the p2 repository is published at

### Install on a separate Eclipse

Test if the new build can be used as an update site, by installing it
on a separate Eclipse (not the one used for development); use the URL:


### Merge to master

When ready, merge the `develop` branch into `master`, and push them to GitHub.

Wait for the GitHub Actions CI job to confirm that the build passed.


### Trigger the Jenkins master build

- go to [](
- **login** (otherwise the next link will not be visible!)
- click the **Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now** link
- when ready, the p2 repository is published at

### Publish the release candidate

- go to
- **login** (otherwise the next link is not visible!)
- use the [make-release-candidate-from-master](
Jenkins job to copy the files from `builds/master` to `updates/v6-test/` and
which is the public location for the release candidates until the final
release is out
- click the **Build Now** link

Check the console output and remember the timestamp shown at the end, it'll
be used later in the composite files.

### Update timestamp in README-MAINTENANCE

Go to the release candidate folder


Get the timestamp and update the file.

Commit with _README-MAINTAINER update timestamp_.

### Create a release candidate record

This applies only for the first release candidate, or for the final release.

In the official
page, login and click the
[Create a new release](
link in the right side bar, below Releases (it shows only after login).

Name it like `6.4.0` (no v).

Click the **Create and edit** button.

Click the **Edit** tab, **The Basics**; switch to Source mode

Start with _Release candidate_ (Header 3).


Version 6.4.0 is a maintenance/new minor release; it ....

Release candidate

For those who want to beta test, the release candidate is available via Install New Software from:



Select the **Release Type** (major, minor, service).

Click the bottom **Save** button.

### Test

Install the plug-ins on several platforms.

### Update SimRel for the release candidate

If everything is fine, update SimRel.

With a Git client:

- open ``
- pull new commits

Go to the release candidate folder

- [](

In Eclipse:

- import existing project ``
- open `simrel.aggr`
- expand the 'Contribution: Embedded CDT'
- select **Mapped Repository**
- right click: **Show Properties View**
- in the right side, edit the **Location** field to the new release
candidate p2 URL (like
and press Enter
- select all the features in the contribution, right-click and choose
**Fix Versions**
- select the Contribution and **Validate**
- select the Aggregation and **Validate**
- Save
- stage `simrel.aggr` & `embedcdt.aggrcon`
- commit with a message like:
- _embedcdt: update for 6.4.0-202307251916_,
- _Signed-off-by: Liviu Ionescu _
- click the **Commit** button (do not Push yet)
- right click, Show in local Terminal

git push ssh://[email protected]:29418/simrel/ HEAD:refs/for/master

This will trigger a Gerrit run.

Check the console output, for the Gerrit link. If missed, it'll be
later sent by e-mail, when the run completes.

In Gerrit web page, if the check is successful and Verified+1 is shown,
click **CODE_REVIEW+2** and then **SUBMIT** to merge the changes.

The commit will trigger the [SimRel](
Jenkins aggregator pipeline:


In about 7-8 minutes it'll automatically rebuild the staging repo:


### Announce release candidate

Announce the release candidate to the **[email protected]** list;
use a subject like
**Embed CDT v6.4.0-202307251916 release candidate**,
and pass a link to the release page, available at:


Beta testers can install the release candidate from:


## Add Git tag for pre-release

Go to the release candidate folder

- [](

Copy the tag and enter it in Git, like `v6.4.0-202307251916` (with `v`).

## Publish the final release

When the plug-ins are considered stable:

- in `eclipse-plugins.git`, the master branch, edit both .xml files
- `repositories/org.eclipse.embededcdt-repository/composite/compositeArtifacts.xml`
- `repositories/org.eclipse.embededcdt-repository/composite/compositeContent.xml`
- add new child like ``
- update `p2.timestamp` to the value shown at the end of the `make-release-candidate-from-master`
- **commit** master with a message like _add 6.4.0 to composite_
- **push** master

- go to
- **login** (otherwise the next link is not visible!)
- use the
Jenkins job to copy from `builds/master` to `updates/v6/` and `releases/`
- click the **Build with Parameters** link
- enter _yes_
- click the **Build** link

The `releases` folder includes both the release archives and the expanded
p2 repository.

The `updates/v6/` includes only the expanded p2 repository, for the archives
see the `releases` folder.

Both can be used in Eclipse to **Install New Software**.

The public update URLs are:


### Update the Eclipse Marketplace records

- go to [Eclipse Marketplace](
- **login**
- click **Edit**
- update version number, minimum Eclipse versions
- click the **Save item to list** button (very important!)
- click the bottom page **Save**.

### Add a new release in the project web

Edit the `eclipse-embed-cdt/web-jekyll.git` project.

In the `develop` branch, in `_posts/plugins/releases`, add a new release page.

As links for the latest two, open
and get the archive URL, like:


Isolate the part starting with `/embed-cdt/...` and update the URLs to use the download redirect:


Go to and
update the fixed issues.

Update the milestone URL.

Copy/paste the features/plug-ins from the console output of the
Jenkins job.

- commit with a message like _Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins v6.4.0 released_.
- push the `develop` branch
- wait for GitHub Actions job to complete
- check the result at
- when ok, merge `develop` into `master`
- push the `master` branch
- wait for GitHub Actions job to complete
- check the result at

### Add GitHub release

In [GitHub releases]( add a new release

- tag: _v6.4.0_ (with `v`)
- title _Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins v6.4.0_
- copy/paste from the release page
- add `[Continue reading »](` with a link to the web page
- do not attach files
- click **Publish release**

### Close milestone

In [GitHub milestones](

- close the v6.4.0 milestone

### Update the Eclipse release record

- go to [iot.embed-cdt](
and select the new release
- click Edit -> The Basics
- switch to Source mode
- replace the entire content with links to GitHub:


Version 6.4.0 is a new major/minor/service release; it updates ...

Fore more details, please read the project web release pages:


Click the **Save** button.

### Update the Downloads page (deprecated)

For packages releases:

- go to [iot.embed-cdt](
- click Edit -> The Basics
- switch to Source mode

Use copy/paste/edit.

## Check & update SimRel

**Pull** new commits.

In Eclipse:

- import existing project ``
- open `simrel.aggr`
- expand the 'Contribution: Embedded CDT'
- select **Mapped Repository**
- right click: **Show Properties View**
- in the right side, edit the **Location** field to the new release p2 URL
(like ``
and press Enter
- select all the features in the contribution, right-click and choose
**Fix Versions**
- select the Contribution and **Validate**
- select the Aggregation and **Validate**
- stage `embededcdt.aggrcom`
- commit with a message like:
- _embedcdt: update for 6.4.0_
- _Signed-off-by: Liviu Ionescu _
- click the **Commit** button (do not push yet)
- right click, Show in local Terminal

git push ssh://[email protected]:29418/simrel/ HEAD:refs/for/master

This will trigger a Gerrit run.

Check the console output, for the Gerrit link. If missed, it'll be
later sent by e-mail, when the run completes.

In Gerrit, click **CODE_REVIEW+2** and then **SUBMIT** to merge the changes.

The commit will trigger the [SimRel](
Jenkins aggregator pipeline:


In about 7-8 min it'll automatically rebuild the staging repo:


## Check & update EPP

If the list of features changed, it is necessary to
update the EPP project.

Pull new commits.

- edit `packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.embedcpp.product/epp.product`
- update the list of features

### package.embedcpp

To change the default preferences, edit the

### package.embedcpp.feature

If necessary, update the text displayed in the Downloads page, it is in
`packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.embedcpp.feature/` file, the
`` element.

Update the version in **NewAndNoteworthy**, in the same file.

### Compare to package.cpp

Compare the three packages with the similar ones from CPP:

cd org.eclipse.epp.packages.git

diff packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.embedcpp
diff packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.feature packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.embedcpp.feature
diff packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product packages/org.eclipse.epp.package.embedcpp.product

### Commit & push

Commit and push to Gerrit:

git commit -m 'embedcpp: ...'
git push ssh://[email protected]:29418/epp/org.eclipse.epp.packages.git HEAD:refs/for/master

In Gerrit, click **CODE_REVIEW+2** and then **SUBMIT** to merge the changes.

The commit will trigger the [EPP](
Jenkins job:


In 1.5 hours the new test versions of the integrated epp builds are
available from:


### Announce release

Announce the release to the **[email protected]** list;
use a subject like **Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins v6.4.0 released**, and
pass a link to the release page.

## Share on Twitter

- in a separate browser windows, open [TweetDeck](
- using the `@EmbedCDT` account, enter a message like
**Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins v6.4.0 released** and on the next line
paste the link to the release
- click the Tweet button