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Grayscale Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks.

colorization convolutional-networks deep-learning gans generative-adversarial-network

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Grayscale Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks.




# Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks
In this work, we generalize the colorization procedure using a conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) as as suggested by [Pix2Pix]( The network is trained on the datasets [CIFAR-10]( and [Places365]( Some of the results from Places365 dataset are [shown here.](#places365-results)

## Prerequisites
- Linux
- Tensorflow 1.7
- NVIDIA GPU (12G or 24G memory) + CUDA cuDNN

## Getting Started
### Installation
- Clone this repo:
git clone
cd Colorizing-with-GANs
- Install Tensorflow and dependencies from
- Install python requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt

### Dataset
- We use [CIFAR-10]( and [Places365]( datasets. To train a model on the full dataset, download datasets from official websites.
After downloading, put then under the `datasets` folder.

### Training
- To train the model, run `` script
- To train the model on places365 dataset with tuned hyperparameters:
python \
--seed 100 \
--dataset places365 \
--dataset-path ./dataset/places365 \
--checkpoints-path ./checkpoints \
--batch-size 16 \
--epochs 10 \
--lr 3e-4 \
--label-smoothing 1


- To train the model of cifar10 dataset with tuned hyperparameters:
python \
--seed 100 \
--dataset cifar10 \
--dataset-path ./dataset/cifar10 \
--checkpoints-path ./checkpoints \
--batch-size 128 \
--epochs 200 \
--lr 3e-4 \
--lr-decay-steps 1e4 \
--augment True


### Test
- Download the pre-trained weights [from here.]( and copy them in the `checkpoints` folder.
- To test the model on a custom image(s), run `` script:
python \
--checkpoints-path ./checkpoints \ # checkpoints path
--test-input ./checkpoints/test \ # test image(s) path
--test-output ./checkpoints/output \ # output image(s) path

### Visual Turing Test
- Download the pre-trained weights [from here.]( and copy them in the `checkpoints` folder.
- To evaluate the model qualitatively using visual Turing test, run ``:

- To apply time-based visual Turing test run (2 seconds decision time):
python --test-delay 2

## Networks Architecture
The architecture of generator is inspired by [U-Net]( The architecture of the model is symmetric, with `n` encoding units and `n` decoding units. The contracting path consists of 4x4 convolution layers with stride 2 for downsampling, each followed by batch normalization and Leaky-ReLU activation function with the slope of 0.2. The number of channels are doubled after each step. Each unit in the expansive path consists of a 4x4 transposed convolutional layer with stride 2 for upsampling, concatenation with the activation map of the mirroring layer in the contracting path, followed by batch normalization and ReLU activation function. The last layer of the network is a 1x1 convolution which is equivalent to cross-channel parametric pooling layer. We use `tanh` function for the last layer.

For discriminator, we use patch-gan architecture with contractive path similar to the baselines: a series of 4x4 convolutional layers with stride 2 with the number of channels being doubled after each downsampling. All convolution layers are followed by batch normalization, leaky ReLU activation with slope 0.2. After the last layer, a sigmoid function is applied to return probability values of `70x70` patches of the input being real or fake. We take the average of the probabilities as the network output!

## Places365 Results
Colorization results with Places365. (a) Grayscale. (b) Original Image. (c) Colorized with GAN.

## Citation
If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks:

title={Image Colorization Using Generative Adversarial Networks},
author={Nazeri, Kamyar and Ng, Eric and Ebrahimi, Mehran},
booktitle={International Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects},