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This is an Obsidian plugin which is another choice of Quick switcher.

obsidian plugin

Last synced: 25 days ago
JSON representation

This is an Obsidian plugin which is another choice of Quick switcher.




# Obsidian Another Quick Switcher Plugin


This is an Obsidian plugin which is another choice of Quick switcher.

- It can create custom search commands (`Custom searches`)
- It allows you to customize the hotkeys in the quick switcher to your preference
- It can search backlinks and move them **without leaving from a keyboard** (`Backlink search`)
- It can move a file to another folder (`Move file to another folder`)
- It can search **regardless of the appearance order of tokens**
- It does not perform very fuzzy searches by default, but an option is available to enable such searches
- It can search to **consider prefix emoji**
- It shows file names and directory names separately

## ⏬ Install

You can download from `Community plugins` in Obsidian settings.

## ⌨️ Features

### 1. Custom searches


Custom searches enables you to create your original search commands.


#### Search target

| Name | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| markdown | All markdown files |
| backlink | Markdown files in backlinks on the current file |
| link | Markdown files in outgoing links on the current file |
| [2-hop-link] | Markdown files in 2-hop-links from the current file |
| opened file | Markdown files opened in the current window |

#### Sort priorities

You can use the following names as a `Sort priorities`.

| Name | Description | Since |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------ |
| Perfect word match | A query matches perfectly with a word in the file name | 6.0.0 |
| Prefix name match | The file name or alias starts with a query | 6.0.0 |
| Name match | The file name or alias includes a query | 6.0.0 |
| Fuzzy name match | The file name or alias matches fuzzy with a query | 8.10.0 |
| Tag match | The query includes the file's tag name | 6.0.0 |
| Header match | The query includes the file's header name | 6.0.0 |
| Link match | The query includes the file's internal link name | 6.0.0 |
| Property match | The query includes the file's property name | 11.0.0 |
| Length | Length of the file name or alias | 6.0.0 |
| Last opened | The time the file opened last | 6.0.0 |
| Last modified | The time the file modified last | 6.0.0 |
| Star | The file has a star | 6.0.0 |
| Alphabetical | File name or alias order by alphabetically ascend | 6.2.0 |
| Alphabetical reverse | File name or alias order by alphabetically descend | 7.0.0 |
| Created latest | File creation date from the latest to the earliest | 7.0.0 |
| Created earliest | File creation date from the earliest to the latest | 7.0.0 |
| (Tags split by comma) | The file has specific tags | 7.0.0 |
| (Extensions split by comma) | The file has specific extensions | 8.3.0 |

> **Warning**
> Please don't forget to click the `Save` button before you close Obsidian. Otherwise, the settings **will never restore** when you open Obsidian next time.
> ![Demo](

> **Note**
> Examples of `(Tags spit by comma)` are `#hoge`, `#hoge,#huga`, and so on.

> **Note**
> Examples of `(Extensions spit by comma)` are `.md`, `.md,.canvas`, and so on.

#### Preset search commands

Recent search
recent search

File name search
file name search

Landmark search
landmark search

Star search
star search

Backlink search
backlink search

#### Note

##### Queries enclosed in double quotes are searched as is

- `"ho ge"` only matches `ho ge` not `hoge`
- `ho ge` matches both `ho ge` and `hoge`

##### A minus sign at the beginning excludes the matched candidates

Ex: If there are three files.

- hoge
- mdhoge

`hoge -md` suggests only `hoge`.

##### `` means the current directory

If a path of the active file is "/usr/local/vault/notes", The query, "`` obsidian" will regard as "/usr/local/vault/notes obsidian".

### 2. Header floating search in file / Header search in file


- Show all headers even after filtering to retain file structures in the brain
- Jump to the first hit suggestion automatically and move next/previous by `Tab/Shift+Tab` as default
- Queries enclosed in double quotes are searched as is
- `"ho ge"` only matches `ho ge` not `hoge`
- `ho ge` matches both `ho ge` and `hoge`

### 3. Grep

This feature requires [ripgrep]( and set the executable command to "Ripgrep command" option.


It sorts results by modified time descending.

#### Default hotkeys

- `TAB`: Search (not realtime)
- `Ctrl+,`: preview

#### Note

- Input regards as a regex pattern
- Grep searches only markdown files as default. If you want to search for other extensions, please update the "Grep > Extensions" settings

### 4. Customizable hotkeys

Detailed hotkeys customization is available for each dialog.


### 5. Backlink search

The new Backlink search enables displaying all occurrences in the same file and listing the corresponding lines' text.

### 6. Link search

The new Link search enables displaying all occurrences in the same file and listing the corresponding lines' text.

### 7. In file search

"In File search" allows you to search for a specific line within a file using a search keyword and displays it along with the surrounding lines.

### 8. Show backlinks from the dialog

You can show the backlinks about the suggestion in the dialog. (Default hotkey is `Mod h`)

It can show backlinks from not only existing notes but also phantom(not existing) notes.


### 9. Navigate outgoing/backlinks without leaving the dialog

You can navigate outgoing/backlinks without leaving the dialog by using the "show links", "show backlinks", "navigate forward", and "navigate back" commands.


### 10. Preview

You can preview the file without closing the dialog. (Default hotkey is `Mod ,`)

It shows a floating view that doesn't distract the contents. Additionally, it makes the editor state before opening the dialog after previewing files and closing the dialog.

## For users who use earlier than v8.0.0

Please read a "🔥 Breaking changes" section in the [Release note](

## For users who use earlier than v7.0.0

Please read a "🔥 Breaking changes" section in the [Release note](

## For users who use earlier than v6.0.0

Please read a "🔥 Breaking changes" section in the [Release note](

## 📱 Mobile support

It both supports desktop and mobile.

## Feature requests / Bugs

Please create a new [issue].


## 🖥️ For developers / contributors

### Pull requests

Sorry, I would not accept the pull requests except for the following cases.

1. Fix obvious bugs
2. Fix typo or wrong documentation
3. If I ask for it in the GitHub issues or the discussions

### Development

[Bun] is required.

bun i
bun dev

### Release

# Stable
VERSION=1.2.3 bun release

# Beta
VERSION=1.2.3-beta1 bun release

## Appendix

### What is the "2-hop-link"?

[2-hop-link] are outgoing links in the current file, and files that have outgoing links to them.

For example, If there are relations as follows,

flowchart LR
D[Dog] --> A[Animal]
C[Cat] --> A
O[Owl] --> A

[2-hop-link] from the "Dog" is as follows.

flowchart LR
D[Dog]:::focus --> A[Animal]
D[Dog]:::focus --> C[Cat]
D[Dog]:::focus --> O[Owl]

classDef focus fill:#f96

More complicated example.

flowchart LR
Dog:::focus --> Animal
Dog --> Masaru
Zagitova --> Masaru
Masaru --> Akita-inu
Cat --> Animal
Owl --> Animal
Tama --> Cat
Mike --> Cat
Animal --> Zoo
Zoo --> Animal
Mahjong --> Zoo
Animal --> Coffee
classDef focus fill:#f96

[2-hop-link] from the "Dog" is as follows.

flowchart LR
Dog:::focus --> Animal:::focus
Dog --> Masaru:::focus
Zagitova:::focus --> Masaru
Masaru --> Akita-inu
Cat:::focus --> Animal
Owl:::focus --> Animal
Tama --> Cat
Mike --> Cat
Animal --> Zoo
Zoo:::focus --> Animal
Mahjong --> Zoo
Animal --> Coffee
classDef focus fill:#f96


[2-hop-link]: #what-is-the-2-hop-link