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Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.

analytics angular angular2 angular4 angular5 angulartics angulartics2 application-insights baidu-analytics facebook-pixel google-analytics google-tag-manager hack hacktoberfest kissmetrics mixpanel ngx piwik segmentio

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Vendor-agnostic analytics for Angular2 applications.




# angulartics2

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Vendor-agnostic Analytics for Angular Applications. []( "Angulartics Docs")

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Include it in your application](#include-it-in-your-application)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Tracking events in templates/HTML](#tracking-events-in-templateshtml)
- [Tracking events in the code](#tracking-events-in-the-code)
- [Configuring the Module](#configuring-the-module)
- [Exclude routes from automatic pageview tracking](#exclude-routes-from-automatic-pageview-tracking)
- [Remove IDs from url paths](#remove-ids-from-url-paths)
- [Remove Query Params from url paths](#remove-query-params-from-url-paths)
- [Remove Hash from url paths](#remove-hash-from-url-paths)
- [Using Without A Router](#using-without-a-router)
- [Using With UI-Router](#using-with-ui-router)
- [SystemJS](#systemjs)
- [Supported providers](#supported-providers)
- [For other providers](#for-other-providers)
- [Minimal setup for Google Analytics](#minimal-setup-for-google-analytics)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)

## Dependencies
Latest version available for each version of Angular

| Angulartics2 | Angular |
| ------------ | --------- |
| 8.3.0 | 8.x |
| 9.1.0 | 9.x |
| 10.1.0 | 10.x |
| 11.0.0 | 12.x |
| latest | 13.x |

## Installation

npm install angulartics2 --save

### Include it in your application

1. Add `Angulartics2Module` to your root NgModule passing any options desired
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';

import { Angulartics2Module } from 'angulartics2';
import { Angulartics2GoogleAnalytics } from 'angulartics2';

const ROUTES: Routes = [
{ path: '', component: HomeComponent },
{ path: 'about', component: AboutComponent },

imports: [

// added to imports
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
> Note the different imports when [Using Without A Router](#using-without-a-router) or [Using With UI-Router](#using-with-ui-router).

2. __Required__: Import your providers in the root component. Call `startTracking()` to start the tracking of route changes.
// component
import { Angulartics2GoogleAnalytics } from 'angulartics2';

@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent {
constructor(angulartics2GoogleAnalytics: Angulartics2GoogleAnalytics) {

## Usage

### Tracking events in templates/HTML

To track events you can inject the directive ```angulartics2On``` into any component and use the attributes ```angulartics2On```, ```angularticsAction``` and ```angularticsCategory```:

// component
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'song-download-box',
template: `

Click Me

export class SongDownloadBox {}

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Angulartics2Module } from 'angulartics2';

imports: [
declarations: [

If you need event label, you can use

Click Me


### Tracking events in the code

import { Angulartics2 } from 'angulartics2';

constructor(private angulartics2: Angulartics2) {{
action: 'myAction',
properties: { category: 'myCategory' },

If you need event label, you can use
action: 'myAction',
properties: {
category: 'myCategory',
label: 'myLabel',

### Configuring the Module

#### Exclude routes from automatic pageview tracking

Pass string literals or regular expressions to exclude routes from automatic pageview tracking.
pageTracking: {
excludedRoutes: [

#### Remove IDs from url paths

`/project/12981/feature` becomes `/project/feature`
pageTracking: {
clearIds: true,
By default, it removes IDs matching this pattern (ie. either all numeric or UUID) : `^\d+$|^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$`.

You can set your own regexp if you need to :

`/project/a01/feature` becomes `/project/feature`
pageTracking: {
clearIds: true,
idsRegExp: new RegExp('^[a-z]\\d+$') /* Workaround: No NgModule metadata found for 'AppModule' */

#### Remove Query Params from url paths

This can be combined with clearIds and idsRegExp

`/project/12981/feature?param=12` becomes `/project/12981/feature`
pageTracking: {
clearQueryParams: true,

#### Remove Hash from url paths

`/callback#authcode=123&idToken=456` becomes `/callback`
pageTracking: {
clearHash: true,

### Using Without A Router

__Warning:__ this support is still experiemental
`@angular/router` must still be installed! However, it will not be used.
import { Angulartics2RouterlessModule } from 'angulartics2';
// ...
imports: [

### Using With UI-Router

__Warning:__ this support is still experiemental
`@angular/router` must still be installed! However, it will not be used.
import { Angulartics2UirouterModule } from 'angulartics2';
// ...
imports: [

### SystemJS

Using SystemJS? If you aren't using `defaultJSExtensions: true` you may need to use:
packages: {
"/angulartics2": {"defaultExtension": "js"},

## Supported providers

* [Google Analytics](/src/lib/providers/ga) (`analytics.js`)
* [Google Tag Manager](/src/lib/providers/gtm)
* [Google Enhanced Ecom](/src/lib/providers/ga-enhanced-ecom)
* [Google Global Site Tag](/src/lib/providers/gst) (`gtag.js`)
* [Kissmetrics](/src/lib/providers/kissmetrics)
* [Mixpanel](/src/lib/providers/mixpanel)
* [Matomo](/src/lib/providers/matomo)
* [Segment](/src/lib/providers/segment)
* [Baidu Analytics](/src/lib/providers/baidu)
* [Facebook Pixel](/src/lib/providers/facebook)
* [Application Insights](/src/lib/providers/appinsights)
* [Hubspot](/src/lib/providers/hubspot)
* [Adobe Analytics (Omniture)](/src/lib/providers/adobeanalytics)
* [Launch, by Adobe](src/lib/providers/launch) (works with DTM, too)
* [Incendium](/src/lib/providers/incendium)
* [Intercom](/src/lib/providers/intercom)
* [Woopra](/src/lib/providers/woopra)
* [Clicky](/src/lib/providers/clicky)
* [IBM Digital Analytics](/src/lib/providers/ibm-digital-analytics)
* [Splunk](/src/lib/providers/splunk)
* [Pyze](/src/lib/providers/pyze)

### For other providers

If there's no Angulartics2 plugin for your analytics vendor of choice, please feel free to write yours and PR it!

### Minimal setup for Google Analytics

- See [Google Analytics](/src/lib/providers/ga) if your code snippet contains `analytics.js`
- See [Google Tag Manager](/src/lib/providers/gtm) if your code snippet contains `gtag.js`
- See [Google Global Site Tag](/src/lib/providers/gst) if your code snippet contains `gtag.js`

## Contributing

Please see the [CONTRIBUTING]( and [CODE_OF_CONDUCT]( files for guidelines.

## License


## Related Projects
+ [analytics-angular]( Write analytics code once, collect customer data from any source, and send it to over 250+ destinations with [Segment](