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Java scope functions inspired by Kotlin

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Java scope functions inspired by Kotlin




# JKScope

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Java scope functions inspired by Kotlin

## Table of Contents

* [Motivation](#motivation)
* [How to use](#how-to-use)
* [Docs](#docs)
* [JKScope interface methods](#jkscope-interface-methods)
* [`letIt` and `also`](#letit-and-also)
* [`takeIf` and `takeUnless`](#takeif-and-takeunless)
* [`letOut`](#letout)
* [`letOpt`](#letopt)
* [JKScope static methods](#jkscope-static-methods)
* [`run`, `runCatching` and `runRec`](#run-runcatching-and-runrec)
* [`with`, `withInt`, `withLong`, `withDouble` and `withResource`](#with-withint-withlong-withdouble-and-withresource)
* [`let` variations](#let-variations)
* [`opt` and `optNonNull`](#opt-and-optnonnull)
* [`lazy` and `lazyOfValue`](#lazy-and-lazyofvalue)
* [`Opt` object](#opt-object)
* [`Lazy` object](#lazy-object)
* [Unchecked functions](#unchecked-functions)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Collection initialization](#collection-initialization)
* [Argument in a method chain](#argument-in-a-method-chain)
* [Nth Fibonacci number](#nth-fibonacci-number)
* [Method argument processing](#method-argument-processing)
* [Safe resources](#safe-resources)

## Motivation

Inspired by the [Kotlin scope function]( I want to make my Java code
more structured and readable.

## How to use

Java 8+ version required. The library has no dependencies. All you need is this (get the latest
version [here](






dependencies {
implementation 'com.plugatar.jkscope:jkscope:2.3'

## Docs

### JKScope interface methods

You need to implement `JKScope` interface to use these methods.

class MyObject implements JKScope { }

#### `letIt` and `also`

Both methods are the same and differ in the name only. Methods perform the function block on this object and return this

MyDTO myDTO = new MyDTO().letIt(it -> {
it.setAnother("another value");

MyResource myResource = new MyResource().also(it -> it.init());

#### `takeIf` and `takeUnless`

`takeIf` method performs the function block on this object and returns `Opt` monad of this object if the condition is
met, or it returns empty `Opt` instance if the condition is not met. And `takeUnless` method has reverse logic.

new MyObject().takeIf(it -> it.getInt() > 10).takeUnless(it -> it.getInt() > 20).letIt(it -> System.out.println(it));

#### `letOut`

`letOut` method performs given function block on this object and returns result.

Integer value = new MyObject().letOut(it -> it.getInt());

#### `letOpt`

`letOpt` method performs given function block on this object and returns `Opt` monad of result.

new MyObject().letOpt(it -> it.getInt()).takeIf(it -> it > 10).letIt(it -> System.out.println(it));

### JKScope static methods

Import static methods you need or import them all at once.

import static com.plugatar.jkscope.JKScope.*;

#### `run`, `runCatching` and `runRec`

`run` just runs given function block, `runCatching` runs ignore any Throwable, `runRec` runs function block allowing
yourself to be called recursively.

`run` method simply runs given function block, `runCatching` runs ignore any thrown Throwable, `runRec` runs function
block, allowing itself to be called recursively.

run(() -> {

runCatching(() -> {

runRec(func -> {
if (new Random().nextInt(0, 100) == 50) {;

#### `with`, `withInt`, `withLong`, `withDouble` and `withResource`

These methods perform given function block on given values.

with(value, it -> {

with(value1, value2, (v1, v2) -> {

`withResource` method does the same thing, but with a `AutoCloseable` resource and closes this resource.

#### `let` variations

`let`, `letInt`, `letLong` and `letDouble` returns result of function block.

String value = let(() -> {
return "val";

`let`, `letInt`, `letLong` and `letDouble` methods can also receive a value, process it using a function block, and
return that value.

String value = let("val", it -> {

`letRec`, `letIntRec`, `letLongRec` and `letDoubleRec` accept initial value and allow you to process it recursively
returning the result.

int value = letIntRec(10, (n, func) -> {
if (n <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * func.apply(n - 1);

`letWith`, `letIntWith`, `letLongWith`, `letDoubleWith` methods accept values and returning the result of function

int value = letWith("42", it -> Integer.valueOf(it));

`letWithResource` method does the same thing, but with a `AutoCloseable` resource and closes this resource.

#### `opt` and `optNonNull`

`opt` returns `Opt` instance of given value, `optNonNull` returns `Opt` instance of given value of given value or
empty `Opt` instance if given value is null.

opt(value).takeNonNull().takeUnless(it -> it.isEmpty()).takeIf(it -> it.length() < 100).letIt(it -> System.out.println(it));

optNonNull(value).takeUnless(it -> it.isEmpty()).takeIf(it -> it.length() < 100).letIt(it -> System.out.println(it));

#### `lazy` and `lazyOfValue`

`lazy` returns `Lazy` instance with given initializer. `lazyOfValue` returns `Lazy` instance of given value.

Lazy lazy = lazy(() -> {
return "value";

Lazy lazyOfValue = lazyOfValue("value");

### `Opt` object

The `Opt` monad is similar in meaning to Java `Optional`, but allows the null value.

`Opt` monad contains some `Optional` methods and scope functions methods.

String result = Opt.of(value).takeIf(it -> it.length() > 10).orElse("");

String result = Opt.of(value).takeNonNull().orElseGet(() -> "");

String result = Opt.of(value).takeIf(it -> it.length() > 10).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException());

### `Lazy` object

`Lazy` represents a value with lazy initialization.

Lazy lazy = lazy(() -> {
return "value";

Lazy lazyOfValue = lazyOfValue("value");

### Unchecked functions

All presented functions allow you to not process checked exceptions.

public static void main(String[] args) {
URI uri = let(() -> new URI("abc"));

### Examples

#### Collection initialization

Map map = let(new HashMap<>(), it -> {
it.put("val1", 1);
it.put("val2", 2);

List list = let(new ArrayList<>(), it -> {

#### Argument in a method chain

new MyBuilder()
.setThird(let(() -> {
return "third";

#### Nth Fibonacci number

int value = letIntRec(10, (n, func) -> {
if (n <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * func.apply(n - 1);

#### Method argument processing

public static String checkNonNullNonEmptyStr(String value) {
return opt(value)

#### Safe resources

class MyResource implements AutoCloseable {

withResource(new MyResource(), it -> {