
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation




# Description

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This plugin is built on top of [Spatie's Permission]( package.

Provides Resources for Roles and Permissions

Permission and Policy generations
- Check the ``config/filament-spatie-roles-permissions-config.php``

Supports permissions for teams
- Make sure the ``teams`` attribute in the ``config/permission.php`` file is set to ``true``

## Updating

After performing a ```composer update```, run

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-spatie-roles-permissions-config" --force
***Note that your existing settings will be overriden***

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## Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require althinect/filament-spatie-roles-permissions

Since the package depends on [Spatie's Permission]( package. You have to publish the migrations by running:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider"

Add the plugin to the `AdminPanelProvider`
use Althinect\FilamentSpatieRolesPermissions\FilamentSpatieRolesPermissionsPlugin;



Now you should add any other configurations needed for the Spatie-Permission package.

**Note:** This will override your existing config file.
You can publish the config file of the package with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-spatie-roles-permissions-config" --force

You can publish translations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-spatie-roles-permissions-translations"

## Usage

### Form

You can add the following to your *form* method in your UserResource

return $form->schema([
Select::make('roles')->multiple()->relationship('roles', 'name')

In addition to the field added to the **UserResource**. There will be 2 Resources published under *Roles and Permissions*. You can use these resources manage roles and permissions.

### Generate Permissions

You can generate Permissions by running
php artisan permissions:sync

This will not delete any existing permissions. However, if you want to delete all existing permissions, run

php artisan permissions:sync -C|--clean

#### Example:
If you have a **Post** model, it will generate the following permissions
view-any Post
view Post
create Post
update Post
delete Post
restore Post
force-delete Post
replicate Post
reorder Post

### Generating Policies
To generate policies use the command below. This won't replace any existing policies

php artisan permissions:sync -P|--policies

### Overriding existing Policies
This will override existing policy classes

php artisan permissions:sync -O|--oep

### Role and Permission Policies
Create a RolePolicy and PermissionPolicy if you wish to control the visibility of the resources on the navigation menu.
Make sure to add them to the AuthServiceProvider.

### Ignoring prompts
You can ignore any prompts by add the flag ``-Y`` or ``--yes-to-all``

***Recommended only for new projects as it will replace Policy files***

php artisan permissions:sync -COPY

### Adding a Super Admin

* Create a Role with the name `Super Admin` and assign the role to a User
* Add the following trait to the User Model

use Althinect\FilamentSpatieRolesPermissions\Concerns\HasSuperAdmin;

class User extends Authenticatable{

use HasSuperAdmin;

* In the `boot` method of the `AuthServiceProvider` add the following

Gate::before(function (User $user, string $ability) {
return $user->isSuperAdmin() ? true: null;

### Guard Names
When you use any guard other than `web` you have to add the guard name to the `config/auth.php` file.
Example: If you use `api` guard, you should add the following to the `guards` array


'guards' => [

'api' => [
'driver' => 'token',
'provider' => 'users',
'hash' => false,

### Tenancy

- Make sure to set the following on the `config/permission.php`
'teams' => true

- Make sure the `team_model` on the `config/permission` is correctly set.
- Create a Role model which extends `Spatie\Permission\Models\Role`
- Replace the model in the `config/permission.php` with the newly created models
- Add the `team` relationship in both models

public function team(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Team::class);
- Add the following to the `AdminPanelProvider` to support tenancy

use Althinect\FilamentSpatieRolesPermissions\Middleware\SyncSpatiePermissionsWithFilamentTenants;

], isPersistent: true)

Follow the instructions on [Filament Multi-tenancy](

### Configurations

In the **filament-spatie-roles-permissions.php** config file, you can customize the permission generation

## Security

If you discover any security related issues, please create an issue.

## Credits

- [Tharinda Rodrigo](
- [Udam Liyanage](
- [Contributors](

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.

## Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the [Laravel Package Boilerplate](