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Provides a captcha field for the Filament Forms

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Provides a captcha field for the Filament Forms




# Provides a captcha field for the Filament Forms

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Easy integration with [mewebstudio/captcha]( for the Filament forms.

## Requirements:

- PHP extension: ext-gd

## Installation

Install the package via composer:

composer require yepsua/filament-captcha-field

Publish the package mewebstudio/captcha config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mews\Captcha\CaptchaServiceProvider" --tag="config"

## Usage

You can include the captcha field like any other filament field.

use Yepsua\Filament\Forms\Components\Captcha;
protected function getFormSchema(): array
return [


You can also just display the image and validate the captcha using any other TextInput field:

use Yepsua\Filament\Forms\Components\CaptchaImage;
protected function getFormSchema(): array
return [


The captcha uses by default the `flat` config. You can create/update the captcha configs in the file: `config/captcha.php`.

You can switch to any other available captcha config, like the `math` config:

use Yepsua\Filament\Forms\Components\Captcha;
protected function getFormSchema(): array
return [

For more info about the captcha configuration, please read the [mewebstudio/captcha]( documentation.

## Translations

This package and mewebstudio/captcha don't provide any translation for the captcha validation message, but you can translate the message by yourself, just add the item in the file `resources/lang/{lang}/validation.php`

return [
'captcha' => 'Invalid captcha.',

## Case of use: Add a captcha in the filament login form:

1. Extend the Login page class to add the new field into the form:


'guard' => env('FILAMENT_AUTH_GUARD', 'web'),
'pages' => [
// 'login' => \Filament\Http\Livewire\Auth\Login::class, // <- Original form
'login' => \App\Filament\Pages\Auth\Login::class, // <- Form with captcha

3. Done. Finally you can test the captcha in the login form.

## Testing

composer test

## Changelog

Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Security Vulnerabilities

Please review [our security policy](../../security/policy) on how to report security vulnerabilities.

## Credits

- [Omar Yepez](
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.