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Add OAuth login through Laravel Socialite to Filament.

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Add OAuth login through Laravel Socialite to Filament.




# Social login for Filament through Laravel Socialite

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Add OAuth2 login through Laravel Socialite to Filament. OAuth1 (eg. Twitter) is not supported at this time.

## Installation

| Filament version | Package version |
| 3.x | 1.x.x |
| 2.x | 0.x.x |

Install the package via composer:

composer require dutchcodingcompany/filament-socialite

Publish and migrate the migration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-socialite-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Other configuration files include:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-socialite-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-socialite-views"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-socialite-translations"

You need to register the plugin in the Filament panel provider (the default filename is `app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php`). The following options are available:

// (required) Add providers corresponding with providers in `config/services.php`.
'github' => [
'label' => 'GitHub',
// Custom icon requires an additional package, see below.
'icon' => 'fab-github',
// (optional) Button color override, default: 'gray'.
'color' => 'primary',
// (optional) Button style override, default: true (outlined).
'outlined' => false,
// (optional) Enable or disable registration from OAuth.
// (optional) Change the associated model class.

See [Socialite Providers]( for additional Socialite providers.

### Icons

You can specify a Blade Icon. You can add Font Awesome brand
icons made available through [Blade Font Awesome]( by running:
composer require owenvoke/blade-fontawesome

### Registration flow

This package supports account creation for users. However, to support this flow it is important that the `password`
attribute on your `User` model is nullable. For example, by adding the following to your users table migration.
Or you could opt for customizing the user creation, see below.


### Domain Allowlist

This package supports the option to limit the users that can login with the OAuth login to users of a certain domain.
This can be used to setup SSO for internal use.


### Changing how a (socialite) user is created or retrieved

In your AppServiceProvider.php, add in the boot method
use DutchCodingCompany\FilamentSocialite\Facades\FilamentSocialite as FilamentSocialiteFacade;
use DutchCodingCompany\FilamentSocialite\FilamentSocialite;
use Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\User as SocialiteUserContract;

// Default
FilamentSocialiteFacade::setCreateUserCallback(fn (SocialiteUserContract $oauthUser, FilamentSocialite $socialite) => $socialite->getUserModelClass()::create([
'name' => $oauthUser->getName(),
'email' => $oauthUser->getEmail(),

One can set a callback to customize the following actions:
* Create the filament user: `FilamentSocialite::setCreateUserCallback()`
* Create the socialite user: `FilamentSocialite::setCreateSocialiteUserCallback()`
* Resolve the regular user: `FilamentSocialite::setUserResolver()`

See [FilamentSocialite.php](src/FilamentSocialite.php).

### Filament Fortify

This component can also be added while using the [Fortify plugin]( plugin.

## in Service Provider file
public function boot()

fn (): string => Blade::render(''),

### Filament Breezy

This component can also be added while using the [Breezy plugin]( plugin.

You can publish the login page for **Filament Breezy** by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-breezy-views"

Which produces a login page at `resources/views/vendor/filament-breezy/login.blade.php`.

You can then add the following snippet in your form:



## Events

There are a few events dispatched during the authentication process:

* `Login`: When a user successfully logs in
* `Registered`: When a user is successfully registered and logged in (when enabled in config)
* `UserNotAllowed`: When a user tries to login with an email which domain is not on the allowlist
* `RegistrationNotEnabled`: When a user tries to login with an unknown account and registration is not enabled
* `InvalidState`: When trying to retrieve the oauth (socialite) user, an invalid state was encountered

## Scopes

Scopes should be added in your `config/services.php` config file, for example:

'github' => [
'client_id' => '...',
'client_secret' => '...',
'scopes' => [
// Add scopes here.

## Optional parameters

You can add [optional parameters]( to the request by adding a `with` key to the provider configuration in the `config/services.php` config file, for example:

'github' => [
'client_id' => '...',
'client_secret' => '...',
'with' => [
// Add optional parameters here
'hd' => '',

**Note:** you cannot use the `state` parameter, as it is used to determine from which Filament panel the user came from.

## Changelog

Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Security Vulnerabilities

Please review [our security policy](../../security/policy) on how to report security vulnerabilities.

## Credits
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.