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📊 Software and Libraries for Authentication & Authorization & SSO & IAM

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📊 Software and Libraries for Authentication & Authorization & SSO & IAM




# Awesome Authentication & Authorization & SSO & IAM [![Awesome](](

> Quality Authentication & Authorization & SSO & IAM software and libraries.

[Authentication (aka AuthN)]( and [authorization (aka AuthZ)]( are both security measures. Authentication is the process of verifying who you are. Authorization is the process of verifying that you have access to something. Authorization occurs after successful authentication.

## Contents

- [Awesome Authentication \& Authorization \& SSO \& IAM ](#awesome-authentication--authorization--sso--iam-)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [SSO (Single-Sign-On), IAM (Identity Access Management)](#sso-single-sign-on-iam-identity-access-management)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [C#](#c)
- [Golang](#golang)
- [Java](#java)
- [Node.js](#nodejs)
- [Python](#python)
- [Ruby](#ruby)
- [Flutter](#flutter)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [Android](#android)
- [C#](#c-1)
- [Golang](#golang-1)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [iOS](#ios)
- [Java](#java-1)
- [Node.js](#nodejs-1)
- [PHP](#php)
- [Python](#python-1)
- [Ruby](#ruby-1)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
- [License](#license)

## SSO (Single-Sign-On), IAM (Identity Access Management)

- [Casdoor]( - UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform supporting OAuth 2.0 / OIDC and SAML.
- [Keycloak]( - Open Source Identity and Access Management.
- [Authelia]( - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps.
- [ZITADEL]( - Cloud-native Identity & Access Management platform for secure authentication, authorization and identity management.
- [Authentik]( - authentik is an open-source Identity Provider that emphasizes flexibility and versatility. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing environments to support new protocols.

## Authentication

### C#

- [Xamarin.Auth]( - Helps developers authenticate users via standard authentication mechanisms (e.g. OAuth 1.0 and 2.0), and store user credentials.
- [Kentor Authentication Services]( - Saml2 authentication services for ASP.NET.
- [SimpleAuthentication]( - ASP.NET library that makes it really easy and simple for developers to add social authentication to an ASP.NET application.
- [OwinOAuthProviders]( - OAuth providers for Owin.
- [AspNetSaml]( - SAML library for ASP.NET Core
- [AspNet.Security.OAuth.Providers]( - OAuth2 social authentication providers for ASP.NET Core.
- [IdentityServer4]( - OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core.
- [Authgear SDK for Xamarin]( - You can easily integrate authentication features into your Xamarin apps. In most cases, it involves just a few lines of code to enable multiple authentication methods.

### Golang

- [Casdoor]( - UI-first centralized authentication / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform supporting OAuth 2.0 / OIDC and SAML.
- [OIDC]( - OpenID Connect Library (client and server) for Go
- [Ory Hydra]( - OpenID Connect certified OAuth2 server.
- [Ory Kratos]( - API-first Identity and User Management system built for cloud applications.
- [Ory Oathkeeper]( - Identity/Access proxy inspired by the BeyondCorp/Zero-Trust white paper.
- [Ory Fosite]( - Extensible OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect SDK for Golang.
- [ZITADEL]( - Cloud-native Identity & Access Management platform for secure authentication, authorization and identity management.

### Java

- [Apache Shiro]( - Powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management.
- [pac4j]( - Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT.
- [Spring Security OAuth]( - Provides support for using Spring Security with OAuth (1a) and OAuth2.

### Node.js

- [Passport]( - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js. A comprehensive set of strategies support authentication using a username and password, Facebook, Twitter, and more.
- [bell]( - Third-party authentication plugin for hapi. Ships with built-in support for various well-known sites and simple configuration object will support other OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 sites.

### Python

- [Keystone]( - Provides authentication, authorization and service discovery mechanisms via HTTP primarily for use by projects in the OpenStack family.
- [Authomatic]( - Simple yet powerful authorization & authentication client library for Python web applications.
- [Python Social Auth]( - Easy to setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers.
- [Raider]( - Web authentication testing framework, which treats the authentication process as finite state machines.

### Ruby

- [Authlogic]( - Clean, simple, and unobtrusive Ruby authentication solution.

### Flutter

- [Authgear SDK for Flutter]( - With Authgear SDK for Flutter, you can easily integrate authentication features into your Flutter apps. In most cases, it involves just a few lines of code to enable multiple authentication methods.

## Authorization

### Android

- [AndPermission]( - Android runtime permission, support the right to apply for permission at any place.
- [Authgear SDK for Android]( - Android SDK to authenticate and authorize users based on the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework.

### C#

- [Casbin.NET]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in .NET (C#).
- [DotNetOpenAuth]( - Implementation of the OpenID, OAuth protocols.
- [AuthorizationServer]( - Sample implementation of an OAuth2 authorization server.

### Golang

- [Casbin]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang.
- [goRBAC]( - Lightweight role-based access control implementation in Go.
- [Ladon]( - SDK for access control policies: authorization for the microservice and IoT age.
- [Foulkon]( - Authorization server that allows or denies access to web resources.
- [Gocialite]( - Social OAuth login in Go with multiple providers has never been so easy.
- [OIDC]( - OpenID Connect Library (client and server) for Go
- [Ory Keto]( - Access control server capable of solving complex use cases (multi-tenant, attribute-based access control, etc.) with access control policies.
- [Oso]( - Batteries-included framework for building authorization in your Go application.
- [Topaz]( - Fine-grained authorization for cloud-native applications. Combining the best of OPA and Zanzibar
- [ZITADEL]( - Cloud-native Identity & Access Management platform for secure authentication, authorization and identity management.

### Rust

- [Casbin-Rs]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Rust.
- [Oso]( - Batteries-included framework for building authorization in your Rust application.

### iOS

- [Permission]( - Unified API to ask for permissions on iOS.
- [Authgear SDK for iOS]( - With Authgear SDK for iOS, you can easily integrate authorization features into your iOS apps.

### Java

- [jCasbin]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Java.
- [Apache Shiro]( - Powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management.
- [pac4j]( - Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi-frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT.
- [AT&T XACML]( - XACML 3.0 implementation from AT&T.
- [Apache Sentry]( - Highly modular system for providing fine grained role based authorization to both data and metadata stored on an Apache Hadoop cluster.
- [TOTP Server-Side Library]( - TOTP server-side library.
- [Oso]( - Batteries-included framework for building authorization in your Java application.

### Node.js

- [Node-Casbin]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js.
- [RBAC]( - Hierarchical role-based access control for Node.js.
- [ABAC]( - Attribute-based access control for Node.js.
- [accesscontrol]( - Role and attribute-based access control for Node.js.
- [Oso]( - Batteries-included framework for building authorization in your Node.js application.

### PHP

- [PHP-Casbin]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in PHP.
- [PHP-RBAC]( - Authorization library for PHP which provides developers with NIST Level 2 hierarchical role-based access control.
- [ezRbac]( - Simple yet easy to implement role-based access control library for popular PHP framework: [Codeigniter](
- [php-abac]( - Attribute-based access control library.
- [laravel-permission]( - Allows you to manage user permissions and roles in a database.
- [logical-permissions-php]( - This is a generic library that provides support for array-based permissions with logic gates such as AND and OR.
- [symfony-logical-authorization-bundle]( - This Symfony bundle provides a unifying solution for authorization that aims to be flexible, convenient and consistent.

### Python

- [PyCasbin]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Python.
- [Simple RBAC]( - Simple role-based access control utility for Python.
- [Flask-RBAC]( - Adds RBAC support to [Flask](
- [Vakt]( - Attribute-based access control (ABAC) SDK for Python.
- [Oso]( - Batteries-included framework for building authorization in your Python application.

### Ruby

- [Oso]( - Batteries-included framework for building authorization in your Ruby application.
- [Pundit]( - Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes.
- [Casbin]( - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Ruby.
- [CanCanCan]( - Authorization for Ruby on Rails.

## Articles

- [Modeling Authorization with PERM in Casbin](
- [Basic Role-Based HTTP Authorization in Go with Casbin](
- [Policy enforcements on Kubernetes with Banzai Cloud's Pipeline and Casbin](
- [Organizational RBAC in Argo CD with Casbin](
- [Authorization Academy: A series of technical guides for building application authorization](
- [Why Authorization is Hard](

## Contribute

PR is welcomed.

## License

This project is licensed under the [CC0-1.0 license](