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A Unison ( implementation of the Dhall configuration language (

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A Unison ( implementation of the Dhall configuration language (




# dhall-unison
A [Unison][unison] implementation of the [Dhall configuration language][dhall-lang].

## Table of contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Status](#status)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Copyright and license](#copyright-and-license)

## Installation

To install the latest version in your Unison codebase use the following ucm command:
pull hagl.public.dhall .lib.dhall

## Usage

The main interface for this library are the functions
evaluate : Text ->{IO} Either Text DhallValue
evaluateSimple : Text -> Either Text DhallValue

Both evaluate a text containing a dhall expression into an error or a value of type `DhallValue`.

unique type DhallValue
= DhallInteger Integer
| DhallNatural Natural
| DhallFloat Float
| DhallList [DhallValue]
| DhallBoolean Boolean
| DhallText Text
| DhallRecord (Map Text DhallValue)
| DhallOptional (Optional DhallValue)

`evaluate` supports all of Dhall's features. In order to resolve imports (i.e. environment variables, local or remote files) it needs the `IO` ability.

`evaluateSimple` is a pure function and can be used to evaluate a self-contained dhall expression (i.e. without any imports). It will fail and return a `Left` value when encountering an import during evaluation.

### Example 1: Converting a Dhall expression to a Unison value

Let's have a look at this Dhall program from the [Dhall homepage][dhall-lang]

let Config : Type =
{ home : Text
, privateKey : Text
, publicKey : Text

let makeUser : Text -> Config = \(user : Text) ->
let home : Text = "/home/${user}"
let privateKey : Text = "${home}/.ssh/id_ed25519"
let publicKey : Text = "${privateKey}.pub"
let config : Config = { home, privateKey, publicKey }
in config

let configs : List Config =
[ makeUser "bill"
, makeUser "jane"

in configs

Assume we want to use the above Dhall program to generate a list of Unison UserConfig values
unique type UserConfig = UserConfig Text Text Text

This mapping function converts the evaluated DhallValue into UserConfig by pattern matching on the structure.
Since the Dhall type-checker verifies that the result has the correct structure, we can use non-exhaustive pattern matching:

convertConfigs : DhallValue -> List UserConfig
convertConfigs = cases
DhallList list -> (cases DhallRecord map ->
getString key = Map.get key map |> cases (Optional.Some (DhallText text)) -> text
UserConfig (getString "home") (getString "publicKey") (getString "privateKey")) list

-- evaluate and convert input in a watch expression
> evaluateSimple input |> Either.mapRight convertConfigs
The watch expression will give the following output in `ucm`
> evaluateSimple input |> Either.mapRight convertConfigs

[ UserConfig
"/home/bill" "/home/bill/.ssh/" "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519",
"/home/jane" "/home/jane/.ssh/" "/home/jane/.ssh/id_ed25519" ]

This example is also available online on [Unison Share][unison-share-hagl-dhall]

### Example 2: Evaluating Dhall code in ucm

This library also ships an unsupported runnable `dhallRun` function that can be used to quickly test a dhall expression directly from `ucm`.

The implementation uses a bit of a hack to not require quoting or escaping dhall code inside ucm.
Here are a few examples what you can do:

Simple calculations
.> run dhallRun 47 * 71

Text interpolation, access to environment variables and calling built-in functions
.> run dhallRun "Hello ${env:USER as Text}!\n 3 + 4 = ${Natural/show (3 + 4)}"
"Hello harald!
3 + 4 = 7"

Defining and applying functions
.> run dhallRun let add = \(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y in add 1 2

Using remote dhall expressions (e.g. fold from Dhall prelude)
.> run dhallRun let sum = \(l: List Natural) -> Natural l Natural (\(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y) 0 in sum [1,2,3,4,5]

Loading and evaluating the remote expression takes some time. By adding a semantic hash to the import, the function can be cached locally. This will reduce the runtime of the second call below. You can use `dhallHash` to calculate the hash value of an import expression:

.> run dhallRun

.> run dhallRun let sum = \(l: List Natural) -> sha256:10bb945c25ab3943bd9df5a32e633cbfae112b7d3af38591784687e436a8d814 Natural l Natural (\(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y) 0 in sum [1,2,3,4,5]

.> run dhallRun let sum = \(l: List Natural) -> sha256:10bb945c25ab3943bd9df5a32e633cbfae112b7d3af38591784687e436a8d814 Natural l Natural (\(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y) 0 in sum [1,2,3,4,5]

See the [Dhall documentation](dhall-lang) for more details about the language.

## Status

This project is currently in development, release v3 has alpha status.

The [Dhall Acceptance Tests][dhall-tests] can be run with the the from `ucm` with the command

run .external.dhall.trunk.testsuite.runTestSuite
At the time of this writing this will give the following results
1495 total tests ( ✅ 1492 passed, 🚫 3 failed) in directory ./dhall-lang
Duration: 567.007s
The remaining failing tests are

* `dhall-lang/tests/type-inference/success/preludeA.dhall` : This test recursively loads all of prelude and shows some performance problems in the current implementation. It would probably succeed, but would take hours/days to do so. See the issues labeled [performance]( for some ideas how to improve the performance.
* `./dhall-lang/tests/parser/failure/spacing/LetNoSpace3`
* `./dhall-lang/tests/parser/failure/spacing/LetNoSpace4`
### Limitations

The following features are not yet supported
* date & time types are not exposed in the resolved DhallValue, since there are no matching type in the Unsion standard library

### Future directions

Once Unison has some reflection/meta-programming possibilities it should be possible to
* generate a Dhall type for a Unison type (giving type checking & editor support for config files)
* automatically convert a Dhall value into a Unison value when their types are compatible

## Copyright and license

All code in this repository is available under the [3-Clause BSD License][license].

Copyright 2021-2022 [Harald Gliebe][hagl]

This project is based on and uses code from the projects
- [dhall-lang][dhall-lang-project] ([3-Clause BSD License][dhall-lang-license])
- [dhall-haskell][dhall-haskell] ([3-Clause BSD License][dhall-lang-license])
- [stew/uniparsec][stew-parser]
- [stew/httpclient][stew-http]
