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A crossword solver backed by various SAT solvers

crossword rust sat

Last synced: 6 days ago
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A crossword solver backed by various SAT solvers




## Croissant

This is a crossword solver backed by various SAT solvers.

This is *slow*.

This is unusable.

*This is a toy project.*

### Play

First, install [Rust]( – you'll need the nightly toolchain.

Then try this out:

cargo run "\

It should return:


Good job! You just created a crossword. Now you can read the help page:

🥐 Welcome to Croissant, a crossword solver that smells good

Usage: croissant-cli [OPTIONS]


The grid as a string; Each new line is a new row, '.' is a blank, '#' is a block

-w, --wordlist
The path to the word list; File must contain one word per line and nothing else

-s, --solver
The solver to use

[default: logicng]

Possible values:
- cadical: The slow; Its name sounds good though, doesn't it?
- logicng: The less slow and thus the default; Congrats!
- splr: The slowest and buggiest, but that's why we love it ❤️

-c, --count
The desired number of solutions

[default: 1]

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version
Print version


### Goals

- ✅ Have fun!
- ✅ Explore SAT solvers available in Rust:
- ✅ [Splr](
- ✅ [LogicNG](
- ✅ [CaDiCaL](
- ✅ Implement a CLI using [clap](
- ✅ Understand Cargo feature configuration: Put each bundled solver behind a feature flag.
- 🚧 Discover WebAssembly: Compile Croissant to wasm and call it from a simple web application.
- 🚧 Scratch dynamic loading in Rust: Discover and use solvers compiled as shared libraries.
- 🚧 Document and publish a crate.

### Other Projects

If you're looking for a fast crossword solver in Rust, check out [xwords-rs](

If you're looking for another SAT-based crossword solver, check out [Croiseur](
and its [SAT solver plugin](
It's in Java.