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Fable bindings and helpers for React and React Native

fable fsharp react

Last synced: 13 days ago
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Fable bindings and helpers for React and React Native




# Fable.React

[![Open in Gitpod](](

> **ATTENTION**: This package is less well maintained, for new Fable projects using React we recommend [Feliz](

`Fable.React.Types` package contains bindings for [React](

`Fable.React` package contains helpers for writing for React projects using Fable.

When updating a package, edit the of the corresponding project and run `dotnet fsi build.fsx publish` to publish a new version.

## Documents

* [Server-Side Rendering tutorial](docs/ A **Pure F#** solution for SSR, **No NodeJS Required!**
* [Using third party React components](docs/ How to create binding so that third party Javascript React components can be used like stock React components in Fable code.
* [React error boundaries](docs/ Example on how to use react error boundaries in fable.
* [Function components, hooks and code splitting in Fable.React 5](

## Other packages

This repository previously contained other packages like Fable.React.TransitionGroup, but they've been moved to their own repos. [Find here where](