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Embed static files in Go binaries (replacement for gobuffalo/packr)

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Embed static files in Go binaries (replacement for gobuffalo/packr)




# Pkger

[``]( is a tool for embedding static files into Go binaries. It will, hopefully, be a replacement for [``](

### Requirements

* Go 1.13+
* Go Modules

## How it Works (Module Aware Pathing)

Pkger is powered by the dark magic of Go Modules, so they're like, totally required.

With Go Modules pkger can resolve packages with accuracy. No more guessing and trying to
figure out build paths, GOPATHS, etc... for this tired old lad.

With the module's path correctly resolved, it can serve as the "root" directory for that
module, and all files in that module's directory are available.

* Paths should use UNIX style paths:
* If unspecified the path's package is assumed to be the current module.
* Packages can specified in at the beginning of a path with a `:` seperator.
* There are no relative paths. All paths are absolute to the modules root.
* Fully-qualified paths are embedded into the metadata of your static assets. If this behavior is undesirable, a preference is to build in a containerized environ, like docker, where the path strings are not ex-filtrating data about your development environment.

"" => /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/go.mod

## CLI

### Installation

$ go get
$ pkger -h

### Usage

$ pkger

The result will be a `pkged.go` file in the **root** of the module with the embedded information and the package name of the module.

// ./pkged.go
package <.>

// Pkger stuff here

The `-o` flag can be used to specify the directory of the `pkged.go` file.

$ pkger -o cmd/reader

The result will be a `pkged.go` file in the **cmd/reader** folder with the embedded information and the package name of that folder.

// cmd/reader/pkged.go

// Pkger stuff here

### Including Files at Package Time

There may be reasons where you don't reference a particular file, or folder, that you want embedded in your application, such as a build artifact.

To do this you may use either the [``]( function to set a no-op parser directive to include the specified path.

Alternatively, you may use the `-include` flag with the `pkger` and `pkger list` commands.

$ pkger list -include /actions -include

> app:/actions
> app:/actions/actions.go
> app:/assets
> app:/assets/css
> app:/assets/css/_buffalo.scss
> app:/assets/css/application.scss
> app:/assets/images
> app:/assets/images/favicon.ico
> app:/assets/images/logo.svg
> app:/assets/js
> app:/assets/js/application.js
> app:/go.mod
> app:/locales/all.en-us.yaml
> app:/public
> app:/public/assets
> app:/public/assets/.keep
> app:/public/assets/app.css
> app:/public/images
> app:/public/images/img1.png
> app:/public/index.html
> app:/public/robots.txt
> app:/templates
> app:/templates/_flash.plush.html
> app:/templates/application.plush.html
> app:/templates/index.plush.html
> app:/web
> app:/web/web.go

## Reference Application

The reference application for the `README` examples, as well as all testing, can be found at [](

├── actions
│   └── actions.go
├── assets
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── _buffalo.scss
│   │   └── application.scss
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── favicon.ico
│   │   └── logo.svg
│   └── js
│   └── application.js
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── locales
│   └── all.en-us.yaml
├── main.go
├── mod
│   └── mod.go
├── models
│   └── models.go
├── public
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── app.css
│   ├── images
│   │   └── img1.png
│   ├── index.html
│   └── robots.txt
├── templates
│   ├── _flash.plush.html
│   ├── application.plush.html
│   └── index.plush.html
└── web
└── web.go

13 directories, 20 files

## API Usage

Pkger's API is modeled on that of the [`os`]( package in Go's standard library. This makes Pkger usage familiar to Go developers.

The two most important interfaces are [``]( and [``](

type Pkger interface {
Parse(p string) (Path, error)
Current() (here.Info, error)
Info(p string) (here.Info, error)
Create(name string) (File, error)
MkdirAll(p string, perm os.FileMode) error
Open(name string) (File, error)
Stat(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
Walk(p string, wf filepath.WalkFunc) error
Remove(name string) error
RemoveAll(path string) error

type File interface {
Close() error
Info() here.Info
Name() string
Open(name string) (http.File, error)
Path() Path
Read(p []byte) (int, error)
Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)
Write(b []byte) (int, error)

These two interfaces, along with the [`os#FileInfo`](, provide the bulk of the API surface area.

### Open

func run() error {
f, err := pkger.Open("/public/index.html")
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()

info, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err

fmt.Println("Name: ", info.Name())
fmt.Println("Size: ", info.Size())
fmt.Println("Mode: ", info.Mode())
fmt.Println("ModTime: ", info.ModTime())

if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, f); err != nil {
return err
return nil

### Stat

func run() error {
info, err := pkger.Stat("/public/index.html")
if err != nil {
return err

fmt.Println("Name: ", info.Name())
fmt.Println("Size: ", info.Size())
fmt.Println("Mode: ", info.Mode())
fmt.Println("ModTime: ", info.ModTime())

return nil

### Walk

func run() error {
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 0, ' ', tabwriter.Debug)
defer w.Flush()

return pkger.Walk("/public", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err

"%s \t %d \t %s \t %s \t\n",

return nil


## Understanding the Parser

The [``]( works by statically analyzing the source code of your module using the [`go/parser`]( to find a selection of declarations.

The following declarations in your source code will tell the parser to embed files or folders.

* `pkger.Dir("")` - Embeds all files under the specified path.
* `pkger.Open("")` - Embeds the file, or folder, of the specified path.
* `pkger.Stat("")` - Embeds the file, or folder, of the specified path.
* `pkger.Walk("", filepath.WalkFunc)` - Embeds all files under the specified path.
* `pkger.Include("")` - `Include` is a no-op that directs the pkger tool to include the desired file or folder.

### CLI Usage

To see what declarations the parser has found, you can use the `pkger parse` command to get a `JSON` list of the declarations.

$ pkger parse

".": [
"file": {
"Abs": "/go/src/",
"Path": {
"Pkg": "app",
"Name": "/foo/bar/baz"
"Here": {
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"ImportPath": "app",
"Module": {
"Path": "app",
"Main": true,
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"GoMod": "/go/src/",
"GoVersion": "1.13"
"Name": "main"
"pos": {
"Filename": "/go/src/",
"Offset": 629,
"Line": 47,
"Column": 27
"type": "pkger.MkdirAll",
"value": "/foo/bar/baz"
"file": {
"Abs": "/go/src/",
"Path": {
"Pkg": "app",
"Name": "/foo/bar/baz/biz.txt"
"Here": {
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"ImportPath": "app",
"Module": {
"Path": "app",
"Main": true,
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"GoMod": "/go/src/",
"GoVersion": "1.13"
"Name": "main"
"pos": {
"Filename": "/go/src/",
"Offset": 706,
"Line": 51,
"Column": 25
"type": "pkger.Create",
"value": "/foo/bar/baz/biz.txt"

For a module aware list use the `pkger list` command.

$ pkger list

> app:/assets
> app:/assets/css
> app:/assets/css/_buffalo.scss
> app:/assets/css/application.scss
> app:/assets/images
> app:/assets/images/favicon.ico
> app:/assets/images/logo.svg
> app:/assets/js
> app:/assets/js/application.js
> app:/go.mod
> app:/locales/all.en-us.yaml
> app:/public
> app:/public/assets
> app:/public/assets/.keep
> app:/public/assets/app.css
> app:/public/images
> app:/public/images/img1.png
> app:/public/index.html
> app:/public/robots.txt
> app:/templates
> app:/templates/_flash.plush.html
> app:/templates/application.plush.html
> app:/templates/index.plush.html
> app:/web
> app:/web/web.go

The `-json` flag can be used to get a more detailed list in JSON.

$ pkger list -json

"ImportPath": "app",
"Files": [
"Abs": "/go/src/",
"Path": {
"Pkg": "app",
"Name": "/assets"
"Here": {
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"ImportPath": "",
"Module": {
"Path": "app",
"Main": true,
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"GoMod": "/go/src/",
"GoVersion": "1.13"
"Name": "assets"
"Abs": "/go/src/",
"Path": {
"Pkg": "app",
"Name": "/assets/css"
"Here": {
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"ImportPath": "",
"Module": {
"Path": "app",
"Main": true,
"Dir": "/go/src/",
"GoMod": "/go/src/",
"GoVersion": "1.13"
"Name": "assets"