
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Lightweight C++ HTTP client and server library based on Asio for embedding purpose.

asio beast boost cplusplus cpp http requests rest webcc webservice

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Lightweight C++ HTTP client and server library based on Asio for embedding purpose.




# Webcc - C++ HTTP Library

[__中文版 README__](

Lightweight C++ HTTP __client and server__ library based on [Boost Asio]( for __embedding__ purpose.

=> [Build Instructions](doc/ ([__中文版__](doc/

Git repo: Please check this one instead of the forked for the latest features.

* [Overview](#overview)
* [Client API](#client-api)
* [A Complete Example](#a-complete-example)
* [Request Builder](#request-builder)
* [HTTPS](#https)
* [Invoking GitHub REST API](#invoking-github-rest-api)
* [Authorization](#authorization)
* [Keep-Alive (Persistent Connection)](#keep-alive)
* [POST Request](#post-request)
* [Downloading Files](#downloading-files)
* [Uploading Files](#uploading-files)
* [Client API and Threads](#client-api-and-threads)
* [Server API](#server-api)
* [A Minimal Server](#a-minimal-server)
* [URL Route](#url-route)
* [Running A Server](#running-a-server)
* [Response Builder](#response-builder)
* [REST Book Server](#rest-book-server)
* [IPv6 Support](#ipv6-support)
* [IPv6 Server](#ipv6-server)
* [IPv6 Client](#ipv6-client)

## Overview

- Cross-platform: Windows, Linux and MacOS
- Easy-to-use client API inspired by Python [requests](
- IPv6 support
- SSL/HTTPS support with OpenSSL
- GZip compression support with Zlib (optional)
- Persistent (Keep-Alive) connections
- Data streaming
- for uploading and downloading large files on client
- for serving and receiving large files on server
- Basic & Token authorization
- Timeout control
- Source code follows [Google C++ Style](
- Automation tests and unit tests included

## Client API

### A Complete Example

Let's start from a complete client example:


#include "webcc/client_session.h"
#include "webcc/logger.h"

int main() {
// Configure logger to print only to console.

// Session provides convenient request APIs, stores request configurations
// and manages persistent connenctions.
webcc::ClientSession session;

// Catch exceptions for error handling.
try {
// Send a HTTP GET request.
auto r =

// Print the response data.
std::cout << r->data() << std::endl;

} catch (const webcc::Error& error) {
std::cerr << error << std::endl;

return 0;

### Request Builder

As you can see, a helper class named `RequestBuilder` is used to chain the parameters and finally build a request object. Please pay attention to the `()` operator.

URL query parameters can be easily added through `Query()` method:

.Query("key1", "value1")
.Query("key2", "value2")());

Adding additional headers is also easy:

.Header("Accept", "application/json")());


Accessing HTTPS has no difference from HTTP:


*NOTE: The HTTPS/SSL support requires the build option `WEBCC_ENABLE_SSL` to be enabled.*

### Invoking GitHub REST API

Listing GitHub public events is not a big deal:

auto r = session.Send(

You can then parse `r->data()` to JSON object with your favorite JSON library. My choice for the examples is [jsoncpp]( But Webcc itself doesn't understand JSON nor require one. It's up to you to choose the most appropriate JSON library.

`RequestBuilder` provides a lot of functions for you to customize the request. Let's see more examples.

### Authorization

In order to list the followers of an authorized GitHub user, you need either **Basic Authorization**:

AuthBasic(, )

Or **Token Authorization**:


### Keep-Alive

Though **Keep-Alive** (i.e., Persistent Connection) is a good feature and enabled by default, you can turn it off:

auto r = session.Send(

The API for other HTTP requests is no different from GET.

### POST Request

A POST request needs a body which is normally a JSON string for REST API. Let's post a small UTF-8 encoded JSON string:

.Body("{'name'='Adam', 'age'=20}")

The body of a POST request could be any content other than JSON string.

It could be the binary data of a file. See [Uploading Files](#uploading-files).

It could be a form urlencoded string:

webcc::ClientSession session;
session.SetContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "utf8");

// Use UrlQuery to compose the urlencoded string.
// Don't use RequestBuilder::Query() which is dedicated to GET.
webcc::UrlQuery query;
query.Add("key1", "value1");
query.Add("key2", "value2");
// ...

auto r = session.Send(webcc::RequestBuilder{}

Please see [examples/](examples/ for more details.

### Downloading Files

Webcc has the ability to stream large response data to a file. This is especially useful when downloading files.

// stream = true
auto r = session.Send(
webcc::RequestBuilder{}.Get("")(), true);

// Move the streamed file to your destination.

### Uploading Files

Streaming is also available for uploading:

auto r = session.Send(

The file will not be loaded into the memory all at once, instead, it will be read and sent piece by piece.

Please note that `Content-Length` header will still be set to the true size of the file, this is different from the handling of chunked data (`Transfer-Encoding: chunked`).

### Client API and Threads

A `ClientSession` shouldn't be used by multiple threads to send requests.

The state functions, `Start()`, `Stop()` and `Cancel()`, are thread safe. E.g., you can call `Send()` in thread A and call `Stop()` in thread B. Please see [examples/heartbeat_client](examples/ for more details.


void ThreadedClient() {
std::vector threads;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([]() {
webcc::ClientSession session;

try {
auto r = session.Send(

std::cout << r->data() << std::endl;

} catch (const webcc::Error&) {

for (auto& t : threads) {

## Server API

### A Minimal Server

The following example is a minimal yet complete HTTP server.

Start it, open a browser with `localhost:8080`, you will see `Hello, World!` as response.

#include "webcc/logger.h"
#include "webcc/response_builder.h"
#include "webcc/server.h"

class HelloView : public webcc::View {
webcc::ResponsePtr Handle(webcc::RequestPtr request) override {
if (request->method() == "GET") {
return webcc::ResponseBuilder{}.OK().Body("Hello, World!")();

return {};

int main() {
try {
webcc::Server server{ boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 8080 };

server.Route("/", std::make_shared());


} catch (const std::exception&) {
return 1;

return 0;

### URL Route

The `Route()` method routes different URLs to different `views`.

You can route different URLs to the same view:

server.Route("/", std::make_shared());
server.Route("/hello", std::make_shared());

Or even the same view object:

auto view = std::make_shared();
server.Route("/", view);
server.Route("/hello", view);

But normally a view only handles a specific URL (see the Book Server example).

The URL could be regular expressions. The Book Server example uses a regex URL to match against book IDs.

Finally, it's always suggested to explicitly specify the HTTP methods allowed for a route:

server.Route("/", std::make_shared(), { "GET" });

### Running A Server

The last thing about server is `Run()`:

void Run(std::size_t workers = 1, std::size_t loops = 1);

Workers are threads which will be waken to process the HTTP requests once they arrive. Theoretically, the more `workers` you have, the more concurrency you gain. In practice, you have to take the number of CPU cores into account and allocate a reasonable number for it.

The `loops` means the number of threads running the IO Context of Asio. Normally, one thread is good enough, but it could be more than that.

### Response Builder

The server API provides a helper class `ResponseBuilder` for the views to chain the parameters and finally build a response object. This is exactly the same strategy as `RequestBuilder`.

### REST Book Server

Suppose you want to create a book server and provide the following operations with RESTful API:

- Query books based on some criterias.
- Add a new book.
- Get the detailed information of a book.
- Update the information of a book.
- Delete a book.

The first two operations are implemented by `BookListView` deriving from `webcc::View`:

class BookListView : public webcc::View {
webcc::ResponsePtr Handle(webcc::RequestPtr request) override {
if (request->method() == "GET") {
return Get(request);
if (request->method() == "POST") {
return Post(request);
return {};

// Get a list of books based on query parameters.
webcc::ResponsePtr Get(webcc::RequestPtr request);

// Create a new book.
// The new book's data is attached as request data in JSON format.
webcc::ResponsePtr Post(webcc::RequestPtr request);

Other operations are implemented by `BookDetailView`:

class BookDetailView : public webcc::View {
webcc::ResponsePtr Handle(webcc::RequestPtr request) override {
if (request->method() == "GET") {
return Get(request);
if (request->method() == "PUT") {
return Put(request);
if (request->method() == "DELETE") {
return Delete(request);
return {};

// Get the detailed information of a book.
webcc::ResponsePtr Get(webcc::RequestPtr request);

// Update a book.
webcc::ResponsePtr Put(webcc::RequestPtr request);

// Delete a book.
webcc::ResponsePtr Delete(webcc::RequestPtr request);

The detailed implementation is out of the scope of this README, but here is an example:

webcc::ResponsePtr BookDetailView::Get(webcc::RequestPtr request) {
if (request->args().size() != 1) {
// NotFound means the resource specified by the URL cannot be found.
// BadRequest could be another choice.
return webcc::ResponseBuilder{}.NotFound()();

const std::string& book_id = request->args()[0];

// Get the book by ID from, e.g., the database.
// ...

if () {
// There's no such book with the given ID.
return webcc::ResponseBuilder{}.NotFound()();

// Convert the book to JSON string and set as response data.
return webcc::ResponseBuilder{}.OK().Data().

Last step, route URLs to the proper views and run the server:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// ...

try {
webcc::Server server{ boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 8080 };

{ "GET", "POST" });

{ "GET", "PUT", "DELETE" });


} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;

return 0;

Please see [examples/book_server](examples/book_server) for more details.

## IPv6 Support

### IPv6 Server

Only need to change the protocol to `boost::asio::ip::tcp::v6()`:

webcc::Server server{ boost::asio::ip::tcp::v6(), 8080 };

### IPv6 Client

Only need to specify an IPv6 address:
