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Create elegant HTML email templates using React.

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Create elegant HTML email templates using React.




# react-html-email

## :warning: Currently Unmaintained

`react-html-email` is presently unmaintained. As React has matured, it is no longer as necessary to use a separate library to generate email-specific markup. I'd encourage you to look at more recent CSS-in-JS and style inlining component libraries as the basis for building your own email design system, though these components can serve as a useful starting point.

I think the future of this project would be a generic set of design components for email templates -- something akin to [Chakra UI]( for email. If you'd be interested in taking ownership of this project and tackling that, drop me a line at [email protected].


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Modern HTML emails are a tangle of archaic HTML and inline styles. This library encapsulates the cruft into simple React components and helps avoid common pitfalls.

[react-html-email]( provides a set of components for a standard 600px table layout (inspired by [HTML Email Boilerplate]( React's [Supported Tags and Attributes]( are extended to include a few deprecated attributes useful for legacy clients. In addition, a `style` prop validator is included which uses [Campaign Monitor's CSS Support Guide]( to check for potential compatibility issues across email clients.

## Installation

$ npm install react-html-email

## Usage

To render a simple email:

import { Email, Item, Span, A, renderEmail } from 'react-html-email'

const emailHTML = renderEmail(

This is an example email made with:


You can find more examples in the [examples directory]( of the repo.

## API

### `renderEmail(emailComponent)`

Render an email component to an HTML string. Adds an XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype, as per [HTML Email Boilerplate](

### `configStyleValidator(config)`

By default, inline styles passed to the `style` prop will be validated against [Campaign Monitor's CSS Support Guide]( Here are the default settings, which can be overridden using `configStyleValidator`:

// When strict, incompatible style properties will result in an error.
strict: true,

// Whether to warn when compatibility notes for a style property exist.
warn: true,

// Platforms to consider for compatibility checks.
platforms: [

### ``

A PropTypes validator for checking email inline style compatibility. Used by default in the components below. Exported for use in your own components.

## Components

Components in `react-html-email` include defaults for basic style properties, so that client styles are reset and normalized. Every component accepts a `style` prop which overrides the reset styles.

### ``

An HTML document with a centered 600px `` inside `` container based on [HTML Email Boilerplate](

It's necessary to always include a `title` prop for some clients' "open in browser" feature.

See [MailChimp's HTML guide]( for how this works.

### ``

A simplification of the `` element, the workhorse of an HTML email design. ``es contain a vertical stack of ``s. Use them to create visual structure, filled buttons, and spacing.

### ``

A subsection of a ``, essentially a `` unit.

### ``

Use to assign styles to text.

It can be handy to create an object containing your default text styles for reuse. For example:

const textDefaults = {
fontFamily: 'Verdana',
fontSize: 42,
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: 'orange',


You won a free cruise!

### ``

Use to format links. Requires an `href` prop. Always sets `target="_blank"` and defaults to underline. To remove the underline, set `textDecoration="none"`.

### ``

An image, without any pesky borders, outlines, or underlines by default. Requires a `src` prop, and `width` and `height` to be set. You can override the default styles (such as adding a border) using the `style` prop.

## Head CSS and Media Queries
You can pass a string prop `headCSS` to your `` component. You can see it in our [kitchenSink.jsx]( example.

## Mailchimp attributes
If you're using Mailchimp and need to add their custom `mc:edit` attributes to your markup, we recommend using the [mailchimpify]( module.

## License
