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A lightweight library for generating synthetic instruction tuning datasets for your data without GPT.

domain-adaptation gpt llm synthetic-data synthetic-dataset-generation task-adaptation zero-shot-learning

Last synced: 7 days ago
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A lightweight library for generating synthetic instruction tuning datasets for your data without GPT.




# Bonito

Bonito is an open-source model for conditional task generation: the task of converting unannotated text into task-specific training datasets for instruction tuning. This repo is a lightweight library for Bonito to easily create synthetic datasets built on top of the Hugging Face `transformers` and `vllm` libraries.

- Paper: [Learning to Generate Instruction Tuning Datasets for
Zero-Shot Task Adaptation](
- Model: [bonito-v1](
- Dataset: [ctga-v1](
- Code: To reproduce experiments in our paper, see [nayak-aclfindings24-code](


## News
- 🐟 June 2024: Bonito is accepted to ACL Findings 2024.

## Installation
Create an environment and install the package using the following commands:
conda create -n bonito python=3.9
conda activate bonito
pip install -e .

## Basic Usage
To generate synthetic instruction tuning dataset using Bonito, you can use the following code:
from bonito import Bonito
from vllm import SamplingParams
from datasets import load_dataset

# Initialize the Bonito model
bonito = Bonito("BatsResearch/bonito-v1")

# load dataset with unannotated text
unannotated_text = load_dataset(

# Generate synthetic instruction tuning dataset
sampling_params = SamplingParams(max_tokens=256, top_p=0.95, temperature=0.5, n=1)
synthetic_dataset = bonito.generate_tasks(

## Supported Task Types
Here we include the supported task types [full name (short form)]: `extractive question answering` (`exqa`), `multiple-choice question answering` (`mcqa`), `question generation` (`qg`), `question answering without choices` (`qa`), `yes-no question answering` (`ynqa`), `coreference resolution` (`coref`), `paraphrase generation` (`paraphrase`), `paraphrase identification` (`paraphrase_id`), `sentence completion` (`sent_comp`), `sentiment` (`sentiment`), `summarization` (`summarization`), `text generation` (`text_gen`), `topic classification` (`topic_class`), `word sense disambiguation` (`wsd`), `textual entailment` (`te`), `natural language inference` (`nli`)

You can use either the full name or the short form to specify the `task_type` in `generate_tasks`.

## Tutorial
We have created a tutorial [here]( for how to use a quantized version of the model in a Google Colab T4 instance. The quantized version was graciously contributed by user [alexandreteles](
We have an additional tutorial to try out the Bonito model on A100 GPU on Google Colab [here](

## Citation
If you use Bonito in your research, please cite the following paper:
title = {Learning to Generate Instruction Tuning Datasets for Zero-Shot Task Adaptation},
author = {Nayak, Nihal V. and Nan, Yiyang and Trost, Avi and Bach, Stephen H.},
booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024},
year = {2024}}