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ODC features that DEA is experimenting with or prototyping with the intention of being integrated into odc-core in the future

hacktoberfest opendatacube python3

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

ODC features that DEA is experimenting with or prototyping with the intention of being integrated into odc-core in the future




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DEA Prototype Code

This repository provides developmental [libraries](
and [CLI tools]( for Open Datacube.

- AWS S3 tools
- CLIs for using ODC data from AWS S3 and SQS
- Utilities for data visualizations in notebooks
- Experiments on optimising Rasterio usage on AWS S3

Full list of libraries, and install instructions:

- `odc.ui` tools for data visualization in notebook/lab
- `` common IO utilities, used by apps mainly
- `odc-cloud[ASYNC,AZURE,THREDDS]` cloud crawling support package
- `` AWS/S3 utilities, used by apps mainly
- `odc.aio` faster concurrent fetching from S3 with async, used by apps `odc-cloud[ASYNC]`
- `odc.{thredds,azure}` internal libs for cloud IO `odc-cloud[THREDDS,AZURE]`

## Promoted to their own repositories
- `odc.stats` large scale processing framework (Moved to [odc-stats](
- `odc.stac` STAC to ODC conversion tools (Moved to [odc-stac](
- `odc.dscache` experimental key-value store where `key=UUID`, `value=Dataset` (moved to [odc-dscache](


Libraries and applications in this repository are published to PyPI, and can be installed \
with `pip` like so:

pip install \
odc-ui \
odc-stac \
odc-stats \
odc-io \
odc-cloud[ASYNC] \

For Conda Users

Some **odc-tools** are available via `conda` from the `conda-forge` channel.

conda install -c conda-forge odc-apps-dc-tools odc-io odc-cloud


Cloud Tools


Cloud tools depend on the `aiobotocore` package, which depends on specific
versions of `botocore`. Another package we use, `boto3`, also depends on
specific versions of `botocore`. As a result, having both `aiobotocore` and
`boto3` in one environment can be a bit tricky. The way to solve this
is to install `aiobotocore[awscli,boto3]` before anything else, which will install
compatible versions of `boto3` and `awscli` into the environment.

pip install -U "aiobotocore[awscli,boto3]==1.3.3"
# OR for conda setups
conda install "aiobotocore==1.3.3" boto3 awscli

1. For cloud (AWS only)
pip install odc-apps-cloud
2. For cloud (GCP, THREDDS and AWS)
pip install odc-apps-cloud[GCP,THREDDS]
2. For `dc-index-from-tar` (indexing to datacube from tar archive)
pip install odc-apps-dc-tools


1. `s3-find` list S3 bucket with wildcard
2. `s3-to-tar` fetch documents from S3 and dump them to a tar archive
3. `gs-to-tar` search GS for documents and dump them to a tar archive
4. `dc-index-from-tar` read yaml documents from a tar archive and add them to datacube




s3-find "${s3_src}" | \
s3-to-tar | \
dc-index-from-tar --env s2 --ignore-lineage

Fastest way to list regularly placed files is to use fixed depth listing:


# only works when your metadata is same depth and has fixed file name

s3-find --skip-check "${s3_src}" | \
s3-to-tar | \
dc-index-from-tar --env s2 --ignore-lineage

When using Google Storage:


# Google Storage support
gs-to-tar --bucket --prefix mangrove_cover
dc-index-from-tar --protocol gs --env mangroves --ignore-lineage metadata.tar.gz

Local Development

The following steps are used in the GitHub Actions workflow `main.yml`


# build environment from file
mamba env create -f tests/test-env.yml

# this environment name is defined in tests/test-env.yml file
conda activate odc-tools-tests

# install additional packages
./scripts/ --no-deps

# setup database for testing

# run test
echo "Running Tests"
pytest --cov=. \
--cov-report=html \
--cov-report=xml:coverage.xml \
--timeout=30 \
libs apps

# Optional, to delete the environment
conda env remove -n odc-tools-tests

Use `conda env update -f ` to install all needed dependencies for
`odc-tools` libraries and apps.

Conda `environment.yaml` (click to expand)

- conda-forge
# Datacube
- datacube>=1.8.5

# odc.dscache
- python-lmdb
- zstandard

# odc.ui
- ipywidgets
- ipyleaflet
- tqdm

# odc-apps-dc-tools
- pystac>=1
- pystac-client>=0.2.0
- azure-storage-blob
- fsspec
- lxml # needed for thredds-crawler

# odc.{aio,aws}: aiobotocore/boto3
# pin aiobotocore for easier resolution of dependencies
- aiobotocore==1.3.3
- boto3

# eodatasets3 (used by odc-stats)
- boltons
- ciso8601
- python-rapidjson
- requests-cache
- ruamel.yaml
- structlog
- url-normalize

# for dev
- pylint
- autopep8
- flake8
- isort
- black
- mypy

# For tests
- pytest
- pytest-httpserver
- pytest-cov
- pytest-timeout
- moto
- deepdiff

- pip>=20
- pip:
# odc.apps.dc-tools
- thredds-crawler

# odc.stats
- eodatasets3

# tests
- pytest-depends

# odc.ui
- jupyter-ui-poll

# odc-tools libs
- odc-stac
- odc-ui
- odc-dscache
- odc-stats

# odc-tools CLI apps
- odc-apps-cloud
- odc-apps-dc-tools

Release Process

1. Manually edit `{lib,app}/{pkg}/odc/{pkg}/` file to increase version number
2. Merge changes to the `develop` branch via a Pull Request
3. Fast-forward the `pypi/publish` branch to match `develop`
4. Push to GitHub

Steps 3 and 4 can be done by an authorized user with
`./scripts/` script.

Publishing to [PyPi]( happens automatically when changes are
pushed to the protected `pypi/publish` branch. Only members of [Open Datacube
Admins]( group have the
permission to push to this branch.