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mqtt_bridge provides a functionality to bridge between ROS and MQTT in bidirectional

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mqtt_bridge provides a functionality to bridge between ROS and MQTT in bidirectional




# mqtt_bridge


mqtt_bridge provides a functionality to bridge between ROS and MQTT in bidirectional.

*mqtt_bridge is not actively maintained now. Feel free to check out [mqtt_client](, a high-performance C++ ROS nodelet with recent development!*

## Principle

`mqtt_bridge` uses ROS message as its protocol. Messages from ROS are serialized by json (or messagepack) for MQTT, and messages from MQTT are deserialized for ROS topic. So MQTT messages should be ROS message compatible. (We use `rosbridge_library.internal.message_conversion` for message conversion.)

This limitation can be overcome by defining custom bridge class, though.

## Demo

### Prerequisites

$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosbridge-library
$ sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

### Install python modules

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

### launch node

``` bash
$ roslaunch mqtt_bridge demo.launch

Publish to `/ping`,

$ rostopic pub /ping std_msgs/Bool "data: true"

and see response to `/pong`.

$ rostopic echo /pong
data: True

Publish "hello" to `/echo`,

$ rostopic pub /echo std_msgs/String "data: 'hello'"

and see response to `/back`.

$ rostopic echo /back
data: hello

You can also see MQTT messages using `mosquitto_sub`

$ mosquitto_sub -t '#'

## Usage

parameter file (config.yaml):

``` yaml
protocol: 4 # MQTTv311
host: localhost
port: 1883
keepalive: 60
# ping pong
- factory: mqtt_bridge.bridge:RosToMqttBridge
msg_type: std_msgs.msg:Bool
topic_from: /ping
topic_to: ping
- factory: mqtt_bridge.bridge:MqttToRosBridge
msg_type: std_msgs.msg:Bool
topic_from: ping
topic_to: /pong

you can use any msg types like `sensor_msgs.msg:Imu`.

launch file:

``` xml


## Configuration

### mqtt

Parameters under `mqtt` section are used for creating paho's `mqtt.Client` and its configuration.

#### subsections

* `client`: used for `mqtt.Client` constructor
* `tls`: used for tls configuration
* `account`: used for username and password configuration
* `message`: used for MQTT message configuration
* `userdata`: used for MQTT userdata configuration
* `will`: used for MQTT's will configuration

See `mqtt_bridge.mqtt_client` for detail.

### mqtt private path

If `mqtt/private_path` parameter is set, leading `~/` in MQTT topic path will be replaced by this value. For example, if `mqtt/pivate_path` is set as "device/001", MQTT path "~/value" will be converted to "device/001/value".

### serializer and deserializer

`mqtt_bridge` uses `msgpack` as a serializer by default. But you can also configure other serializers. For example, if you want to use json for serialization, add following configuration.

``` yaml
serializer: json:dumps
deserializer: json:loads

### bridges

You can list ROS <--> MQTT tranfer specifications in following format.

``` yaml
# ping pong
- factory: mqtt_bridge.bridge:RosToMqttBridge
msg_type: std_msgs.msg:Bool
topic_from: /ping
topic_to: ping
- factory: mqtt_bridge.bridge:MqttToRosBridge
msg_type: std_msgs.msg:Bool
topic_from: ping
topic_to: /pong

* `factory`: bridge class for transfering message from ROS to MQTT, and vise versa.
* `msg_type`: ROS Message type transfering through the bridge.
* `topic_from`: topic incoming from (ROS or MQTT)
* `topic_to`: topic outgoing to (ROS or MQTT)

Also, you can create custom bridge class by inheriting `mqtt_brige.bridge.Bridge`.

## License

This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.