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Add logging to your GraphQL resolvers so you know what's going on in your app.

apollographql graphql graphql-js graphql-schema graphql-server

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Add logging to your GraphQL resolvers so you know what's going on in your app.




# `graphql-log`

Add logging to your GraphQL resolvers so you know what's going on in your app.

Everytime a resolver is executed it logs the full path to the resolver. The output in your terminal (when using the popular `debug` module for logging) will be something like this:

server:resolvers +0ms
server:resolvers User.avatar +0ms
server:resolvers User.username +0ms
server:resolvers User.avatar +4ms
server:resolvers User.coverPhoto +0ms
server:resolvers User.username +0ms

> Note: The "server:resolvers" and "+xms" parts are added by `debug`, this module only logs the path on execution.

## Usage

This is the simplest example:

// Require the module
const createGraphQLLogger = require('graphql-log');

// Create a logger
const logExecutions = createGraphQLLogger();

// Wrap your resolvers

Note that **your resolvers need to be a plain object of resolvers**. (like you'd create for `graphql-tools` `makeExecutableSchema` function)

### Options

`graphql-log` has some options:

- `logger` (function, default: `console.log`): Use a custom logger like `debug`, `pino` or any other one.
- `prefix` (string): Prefix all logs with a certain string

const logExecutions = createGraphQLLogger({
// Prefix all logs with resolvers.
prefix: 'resolvers.',

#### Usage with custom loggers

Let's say you want to use the popular `debug` module for logging. Doing so would be as easy as passing it into the `logger` option:

const debug = require('debug')('server:resolvers');

const logExecutions = createGraphQLLogger({
logger: debug,

### Usage only in development

Logging every execution of every resolver will have a performance impact on your app, so we recommend only enabling this module in development. A common way to do so (depending on your setup) would be something like this:

const createGraphQLLogger = require('graphql-log');

const resolvers = {/*...*/};

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
const logExecutions = createGraphQLLogger();

## Roadmap

The main thing I want to change is that instead of wrapping the resolvers this module would wrap a finished schema instead. This would make it compatible not only with folks who keep their resolvers separate, but with everybody.

That'd probably look something like this:

// I'd love to be able to pass a schema

Good first PR?

## License

Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright ©️ 2017 Maximilian Stoiber. See []( for more information.