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router routing svelte svelte-routing svelte-v3

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# svelte-hash-router
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Simple Svelte 3 hash based router with global routes.


Demo REPL:

## Install
npm i -D svelte-hash-router

## Usage
First, set the `routes` schema before the root component.
// index.js
import { routes } from 'svelte-hash-router'
import App from './App.svelte'
import Home from './Home.svelte'
import About from './About.svelte'

'/home': Home,
'/about': About

export default new App({ target: document.body })

Then use `Router` inside.

import Router from 'svelte-hash-router'


Or more simple:
// index.js
export default new Router({ target: document.body })

### Nested routes
// schema
'/': {
$$component: MainLayout,
'home': Home,
'networking': {
$$component: NetworkingLayout,
'/github': Github,
'/facebook': Facebook
'*': NotFound

Then just simply use `Router` for each level.



A social networking


If `$$component` in the parent is omitted:
// schema
'/': {
'home': Home,
'about': About

// will act the same as
'/home': Home,
'/about': About
Except that in the first schema, `/` is an individual route, has its own data and can be looped for children routes when needed. See [`routes`](#the-routes-store).

## Schema
Root paths must start with a `/` or if using wildcard, `*`.
import { routes, Router } from 'svelte-hash-router'

'/home': Home,
'*': NotFound

export default new Router({ target: document.body })

An object of options can be passed. All properties starting with `$$` will be treated as options, the rest will be seen as nested routes. All options are saved as none-enumerable. `$$component` is a reserved option.
'/home': HomeComponent,
'/about': {
// options
$$component: AboutComponent,
$$name: 'About me',
$$customOption: 'any',

// nested routes
'/biography': BiographyComponent,
'/hobbies': HobbiesComponent

### Params
Get params of current active route with the params store.
// schema
'/books/:id': BookComponent,
'/authors/:name/novels/:title': NovelComponent

// Svelte component
import { params } from 'svelte-hash-router'

// /books/123
$ === '123'

// /authors/John/novels/Dreams
$ === 'John'
$params.title === 'Dreams'


Same with query.
// Svelte component
import { query } from 'svelte-hash-router'

// /book?id=123&title=Dreams
$ === '123'
$query.title === 'Dreams'

### Wildcard
__*The order of schema does matter*__. Whichever route matching first will be rendered. Wildcard `*` matches anything, so it is usually put at the end. Wilcard is collected in `params` as `_`.
// schema
{ '/book/*': BookComponent }

// /book/123?title=Dreams
$params._ === '123' // not catch query

### url-pattern
This library uses the nice package [url-pattern](, check it out for more syntaxes.

## Redirect
Redirect routes by using a string instead of a Svelte component, or if passing options object, use `$$redirect`. The redirect path must be an asbolute path.
'/home': Home,
'/networking': {
'/github': GithubComponent,

// redirect using string syntax
'*': '/networking/github'

// redirect using options object
'*': {
$$redirect: '/home'


## The `routes` store
After the first schema setup, `routes` becomes readonly. The following reserved properties are added for each route:

- `$$pathname` the exact path as in schema define
- `$$href` full path including `#` at the beginning
- `$$stringify` a function to generate string from params. Check out [url-pattern stringify](
- `$$pattern` url-pattern object

Since they are __*non-enumarable*__, you can easily loop for just nested routes when needed.

import { routes, active } from 'svelte-hash-router'

$: links = Object.values($routes['/books']['/comedy'])

{#each links as e}


.active { color: blue; }


The store `active` is the current active route. If you want to check if a parent route has an active child route, use the store `matches`. It is an array including all the parents of the active route and itself.

import { matches } from 'svelte-hash-router'


A route containing params can be stringified.


Standard links to new pages should be preceded by a '#' symbol :
