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A completely ready-made template for creating a Github Action

github-actions starter-template template typescript vite vitest

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

A completely ready-made template for creating a Github Action




# Github Action Template

Use this template to bootstrap the creation of a TypeScript action.

## Features

* πŸͺ„️ All of the code is written in TypeScript
* ✨ Fully customized [eslint]( configuration based on the config by [Antfu](
* πŸ§ͺ Write tests quickly and conveniently with [vitest](
* 🀝 Supports [conventional commits](
* πŸ’… Generate beautiful changelogs with [changelogen](
* ♾️ GitHub CI for your build
* πŸ“’ Issue templates
* πŸ“ Pull request template
* πŸ€– Ready configuration for [renovatebot]( with [renovate-config](
* πŸš€ Action releases with just one command

## Get started

### GitHub Template

This is a template repo. Click the green [Use this template]( button to get started.

### Git Clone

git clone
cd github-action-template
pnpm install

## Usage

The template contains the following scripts:

* `build` - Build for production
* `release` - Generate changelog and npm publish
* `lint` - Checks your code for any linting errors
* `test` - Run all tests
* `test:watch` - Run all tests with watch mode
* `test:coverage` - Run all tests with code coverage report
* `prepare` - Script for setting up husky hooks

## Used by

If you are using this template, feel free to open a PR to add your project to the list.

## License

This template was created under the [MIT License](LICENSE).