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A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative

alternative dom js lightweight manipulation performance template template-literals vanilla virtualdom

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A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative




# hyper(HTML)

### Maintainance Only

This module is great, works great, and served me greatly, but there's a pletora of modern, faster, more capable alternatives me, among many other OSS developers, offer so that if obvious bugs are proven to exist, these will be fixed, but there won't be a major release and I won't remove legacy support for stuff that, as previously mentioned, works just fine and it's battle-tested from IE to the latest Chrome.

Removing that legacy support brings pretty much nothing in terms of size too: this module is already smaller than 90% of alternatives out there, dropping 0.xK so that there's less code that, behind feature detection, is not even used in modern browsers, won't benefit anyone.

Thansk for your understanding and for not opening PRs which goal is to drop a check for legacy browsers ... these won't likely be merged ever as that'd be a major release update and I don't think anyone is interested in that.

### ๐Ÿ“ฃ Community Announcement

Please ask questions in the [dedicated discussions repository](, to help the community around this project grow โ™ฅ

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hyperHTML logo

A **Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative**.

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Following an overview of projects related, or inspired by, _hyperHTML_. For a deep comparison of current libraries, feel free to [check this gist out](

## ยตhtml

The latest, smallest, iteration of all best concept from this library since 2017, have been packaged in _~2.5K_. If it's extreme minimalism and great _DX_ that you are after, check [uhtml]( out.

## hypersimple

If you've just started with template literals based projects and you like components, or you'd like to understand what's _hyperHTML_ capable of, give [hypersimple]( a try ๐ŸŽ‰

## lighterhtml ๐Ÿ’ก

This little brother is "_showing off_" these days, claiming better performance and unprecedented ease of use.

[GitHub Repository](

## Neverland ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฆ„

If you like React hooks concept, don't miss this little wrap that adds 0._something_ overhead to the already lightweight hyperHTML, bringing in very similar concepts.

[Blog Post](

[GitHub Repository](

## Haunted ๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐ŸŽƒ

If you also like React hooks mechanism and you'd like to combine these via hyperHTML or [HyperHTMLElement](, try [haunted]( out!

## Bundlers

You can require or import _hyperHTML_ with any bundler and in different ways.

If requiring or importing from `"hyperhtml"` doesn't work, try requiring from `"hyperhtml/cjs"` for CommonJS friendly bundlers (WebPack), or `"hyperhtml/esm"` for ESM compatible bundlers (Rollup).

See [](./ for a list of additional tools which can be helpful for building hyperHTML based web applications.

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## Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]

## Backers

Thank you to all our backers! ๐Ÿ™ [[Become a backer](]

## Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].

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### 2.34 Highlights

* the new `?boolean=${value}` syntax from [ยตhtml]( has landed in *hyperHTML* too. Feel free to [read this long discussion]( to better understand *why* this syntax is necessary.

### V2.5 Highlights

* `` tags for both custom elements and any other as well ๐ŸŽ‰

### V2 Highlights

Following most important changes in version 2:

* fully rewritten, and [consumable](, as [ES2015 Module](
* [usable via CDN]( as bundled global `hyperHTML` variable
* restructured in modules, utilities, helpers, and commented all over for simplified contribution
* **removed** `.escape` and `.adopt`, either useless or unstable. `hyperHTML.adopt` will be implemented as module a part
* **added** support for objects as `style` attribute, fully compatible with [Preact]( implementation
* **improved** performance in numerous ways
* **custom elements** V0 and V1 are now fully, and properly, supported through `document.importNode` and/or regular `cloneNode` tested against common polyfills
* back to 4.6K thanks to **rollup** and its ability to merge all the things together like it was already in V1

## Documentation

A proper documentation full of examples can be found in [](

## Basic Example
The easiest way to describe `hyperHTML` is through [an example](
// this is hyperHTML
function tick(render) {

Hello, world!

It is ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}.

setInterval(tick, 1000,

## Features

* Zero dependencies, no polyfills needed, and it fits in about **4.6KB** (minified + brotli)
* Uses directly native DOM, no virtual DOM involved
* Designed for [template literals](, a templating feature built in to JS
* Compatible with plain DOM elements and plain JS data structures
* Also compatible with Babel transpiled output, hence suitable for every browser you can think of

## Compatibility

IE9+ , iOS8+ , Android 4+ and every modern Mobile or Desktop Browser.
You can verify directly through the following links:

* [100% code coverage]( for browsers natively compatible with string literals
* [100% code coverage]( for IE9+ and browsers that need transpiled code

#### Weakmap error on ie < 11

'@ungap/weakmap': object is not extensible

Babel freezes the template literals by spec but that causes problems with the weakmap polyfill. To fix this error add the fix explained on [ungap/weakmap](

## HTML Syntax Highlight

If you are using Visual Studio Code you can install `literally-html` to highlight all literals handled by `hyperHTML` and others.

![literally-html example](

## Prettier Templates

If you'd like to make your templates prettier than usual, don't miss this plugin:

## Questions ?

Please ask anything you'd like to know in [StackOverflow]( using the tag [`hyperhtml`]( so that others can benefit from answers and examples.

#### hyper or lit ?

You can read more on this [hyperHTML vs lit-html]( comparison.

#### installation?

npm install hyperhtml
If your bundler does not work with the following:
// ES6
import hyperHTML from 'hyperhtml';

// CJS
const hyperHTML = require('hyperhtml');
You can try any of these other options.
import hyperHTML from 'hyperhtml/esm';
// or
import {hyper, wire, bind, Component} from 'hyperhtml/esm';
// or
import hyperHTML from '';

const hyperHTML = require('hyperhtml/cjs').default;
// or
const {hyper, wire, bind, Component} = require('hyperhtml/cjs');

In alternative, there is a pre-bundled `require("hyperhtml/umd")` or via unpkg as [UMD module](