
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Swift client for the Meilisearch API

client sdk swift vapor

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Swift client for the Meilisearch API





Meilisearch Swift

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⚡ The Meilisearch API client written for Swift 🍎

**Meilisearch Swift** is the Meilisearch API client for Swift developers.

**Meilisearch** is an open-source search engine. [Learn more about Meilisearch.](

## Table of Contents

- [📖 Documentation](#-documentation)
- [⚡ Supercharge your Meilisearch experience](#-supercharge-your-meilisearch-experience)
- [🔧 Installation](#-installation)
- [🎬 Getting started](#-getting-started)
- [🤖 Compatibility with Meilisearch](#-compatibility-with-meilisearch)
- [💡 Learn more](#-learn-more)
- [⚙️ Contributing](#️-contributing)
- [📜 Demos](#-demos)

## 📖 Documentation

For more information about this API see our [Swift documentation](

For more information about Meilisearch see our [Documentation]( or our [API References](

## ⚡ Supercharge your Meilisearch experience

Say goodbye to server deployment and manual updates with [Meilisearch Cloud]( Get started with a 14-day free trial! No credit card required.

## 🔧 Installation

### With Cocoapods

[CocoaPods]( is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

**Meilisearch-Swift** is available through CocoaPods. To install it, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MeiliSearch'

Then, run the following command:

pod install

This will download the latest version of Meilisearch pod and prepare the `xcworkspace`.

### With the Swift Package Manager

The [Swift Package Manager]( is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the `swift` compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding **Meilisearch-Swift** as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the `dependencies` value of your `Package.swift`.

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.15.0")

### Run Meilisearch

There are many easy ways to [download and run a Meilisearch instance](

For example, using the `curl` command in your [Terminal](

#Install Meilisearch
curl -L | sh

# Launch Meilisearch
./meilisearch --master-key=masterKey

NB: you can also download Meilisearch from **Homebrew** or **APT** or even run it using **Docker**.

## 🎬 Getting started

To do a simple search using the client, you can create a Swift script like this:

#### Add documents

import MeiliSearch

// Create a new client instance of Meilisearch.
// Note: You must provide a fully qualified URL including scheme.
let client = try! MeiliSearch(host: "http://localhost:7700")

struct Movie: Codable, Equatable {
let id: Int
let title: String
let genres: [String]

let movies: [Movie] = [
Movie(id: 1, title: "Carol", genres: ["Romance", "Drama"]),
Movie(id: 2, title: "Wonder Woman", genres: ["Action", "Adventure"]),
Movie(id: 3, title: "Life of Pi", genres: ["Adventure", "Drama"]),
Movie(id: 4, title: "Mad Max: Fury Road", genres: ["Adventure", "Science Fiction"]),
Movie(id: 5, title: "Moana", genres: ["Fantasy", "Action"]),
Movie(id: 6, title: "Philadelphia", genres: ["Drama"])

let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)

// An index is where the documents are stored.
// The uid is the unique identifier to that index.
let index = client.index("movies")

// If the index 'movies' does not exist, Meilisearch creates it when you first add the documents.
documents: movies,
primaryKey: nil
) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let task):
print(task) // => Task(uid: 0, status: Task.Status.enqueued, ...)
case .failure(let error):

With the `uid` of the task, you can check the status (`enqueued`, `canceled`, `processing`, `succeeded` or `failed`) of your documents addition using the [update endpoint](

#### Basic Search

do {
// Call the search function and wait for the result.
let result: SearchResult = try await client.index("movies").search(SearchParameters(query: "philoudelphia"))
} catch {


▿ hits: 1 element
▿ SwiftWork.(unknown context at $10d9e7f3c).Movie
- id: 6
- title: "Philadelphia"
▿ genres: 1 element
- "Drama"
- offset: 0
- limit: 20
- estimatedTotalHits: 1
- facetDistribution: nil
▿ processingTimeMs: Optional(1)
- some: 1
▿ query: Optional("philoudelphia")
- some: "philoudelphia"

Since Meilisearch is typo-tolerant, the movie `philadelphia` is a valid search response to `philoudelphia`.

> Note: All package APIs support closure-based results for backwards compatibility. Newer async/await variants are being added under [issue 332](

#### Custom Search With Filters

If you want to enable filtering, you must add your attributes to the `filterableAttributes` index setting.

index.updateFilterableAttributes(["id", "genres"]) { result in
// Handle Result in Closure

You only need to perform this operation once.

Note that MeiliSearch will rebuild your index whenever you update `filterableAttributes`. Depending on the size of your dataset, this might take time. You can track the process using the [update status](

Then, you can perform the search:

let searchParameters = SearchParameters(
query: "wonder",
filter: "id > 1 AND genres = Action"

let response: Searchable = try await

"hits": [
"id": 2,
"title": "Wonder Woman",
"genres": ["Action","Adventure"]
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"nbHits": 1,
"processingTimeMs": 0,
"query": "wonder"

## 🤖 Compatibility with Meilisearch

This package guarantees compatibility with [version v1.x of Meilisearch](, but some features may not be present. Please check the [issues]( for more info.

## 💡 Learn more

The following sections in our main documentation website may interest you:

- **Manipulate documents**: see the [API references]( or read more about [documents](
- **Search**: see the [API references]( or follow our guide on [search parameters](
- **Manage the indexes**: see the [API references]( or read more about [indexes](
- **Configure the index settings**: see the [API references]( or follow our guide on [settings parameters](

## ⚙️ Contributing

Any new contribution is more than welcome in this project!

If you want to know more about the development workflow or want to contribute, please visit our [contributing guidelines](/ for detailed instructions!

## 📜 Demos

To try out a demo you will need to go to its directory in `Demos/`. In that directory you can either:

- Open the SwiftPM project in Xcode and press run, or
- Run `swift build` or `swift run` in the terminal.

### Vapor

Please check the Vapor Demo source code [here](

### Perfect

Please check the Perfect Demo source code [here](

**Meilisearch** provides and maintains many **SDKs and Integration tools** like this one. We want to provide everyone with an **amazing search experience for any kind of project**. If you want to contribute, make suggestions, or just know what's going on right now, visit us in the [integration-guides]( repository.