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Meilisearch client for Smalltalk

gemstone gsdevkit meilisearch pharo-smalltalk search smalltalk

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Meilisearch client for Smalltalk






Meilisearch client for Smalltalk.
Currently, Pharo 11 and GemStone/S 3.6.x are supported.

## Installation

Metacello new
baseline: 'Meilisearch';
repository: 'github://mumez/';

## Usage

### Setting API key

To use Meilisearch, you need to set an API key.
You can set the default API key at the system level.

MsSettings default apiKey: 'meili-api-key-A'.

After setting the default key, all newly created instances will use that API key.

meili := MeiliSearch new.
meili settings apiKey. "print it => 'meili-api-key-A'"

You can also explicitly set an API key on a per-instance basis:

meili := MeiliSearch apiKey: 'meili-api-key-B' url: 'http://localhost:7700'.
meili settings apiKey. "print it => 'meili-api-key-B'"


### Creating an index

meili := MeiliSearch new.
task := meili createIndex: 'my-blog' primaryKey: 'id'.
"or just `meili createIndex: 'my-blog'.`"
task inspect. "You can see the task is enqueued"

### Getting indexes

#### Retrieving all indexes

resp := MeiliSearch new indexes.
resp results detect: [ :each | each uid = 'my-blog' ]. "print it =>
a MsIndex uid: 'my-blog' primaryKey: 'id' createdAt:
2023-06-26T07:10:18.44037373+00:00 updatedAt:

#### Retrieving a specific index

index := (MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog') loaded.

### Putting documents

index := MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog'.
docs := {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Woke up'. 'contents'->'I finally woke up. Started researching Meilisearch.' } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 2. 'title' -> 'Smalltalk'. 'contents'->'I did Smalltalk programming' } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 3. 'title' -> ''. 'contents'->'I tried Works good. I can add full-text search to my blog program in a few minutes.' } asDictionary.
task := index putDocuments: docs.
task waitEndedForAWhile. "Await task is ended"

### Searching documents

#### Basic search

index := MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog'.
resp := index search: 'Meilisearch'.
resp hits collect: [ :each | each at: 'id' ]. "print it => #(3 1)"

resp := index search: 'program'.
resp hits collect: [ :each | each at: 'id' ]. "print it => #(2 3)"

resp := index search: 'Smalltalk'.
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('contents'->'I did Smalltalk programming' 'id'->2
'title'->'Smalltalk' ))"


#### Search with options

resp := index search: 'Meilisearch' optionsUsing:[:opts | opts attributesToRetrieve: #('id')].
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('id'->3 ) a Dictionary('id'->1 ))"

resp := index search: 'Meilisearch' optionsUsing:[:opts | opts attributesToRetrieve: #('id'); offset: 1; limit: 1].
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('id'->1 ))"

"You can apply index-specific settings for advanced searching"
attributes := #('id' 'title').
settingsTask := index applySettingsUsing: [ :opts |
opts sortableAttributes: attributes copy; filterableAttributes: attributes copy; displayedAttributes: attributes copy.
settingsTask waitEndedForAWhile.
resp := index search: 'Meilisearch' optionsUsing:[:opts | opts filter: 'title = "Woke up"'].
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('id'->1 'title'->'Woke up' ))"


#### Multi search

You can also submit multiple searches in a single request.

(meili createIndex: 'my-wiki') waitEndedForAWhile.
otherIndex := meili index: 'my-wiki'.
otherIndex putDocuments: {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Smalltalk meetup'. 'contents'->'June 9 will be a Smalltalk meet-up in Tokyo' } asDictionary.
resp := meili multiSearchUsing: [ :opts | {
(opts index: otherIndex) q: 'Smalltalk'.
(opts index: 'my-blog') q: 'Smalltalk'; attributesToRetrieve: #('id')
resp collect: [ :each | each hits ]. "print it => an Array(an Array(a Dictionary('contents'->'June 9 will be a Smalltalk meet-up
in Tokyo' 'id'->1 'title'->'Smalltalk meetup' )) an Array(a Dictionary('id'->2)))"

### Search with facets

By setting #filterableAttributes: on an index, you can enable [faceted search]( feature. The search response includes facets statistics, which can be used to further refine search results.

(meili createIndex: 'facet-books') waitEndedForAWhile.
booksIndex := meili index: 'facet-books'.
settingsTask := booksIndex applySettingsUsing: [ :opts |
opts filterableAttributes: #('title' 'rating' 'genres').
settingsTask waitEndedForAWhile.
docs := {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Hard Times'. 'rating' -> 4.5.
'genres' -> #('Classics' 'Victorian' 'English Literature')} asDictionary.
{'id' -> 2. 'title' -> 'The Great Gatsby'. 'rating' -> 4.8.
'genres' -> #('Classics' 'American Literature' 'Romance') } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 3. 'title' -> 'Moby Dick'. 'rating' -> 4.7.
'genres' -> #('Classics' 'American Literature' 'Adventure') } asDictionary.
(booksIndex putDocuments: docs) waitEndedForAWhile.
resp := booksIndex search: 'classic' optionsUsing: [:opts | opts facets: #('genres' 'rating')].

resp facetStats at: 'rating'. "print it => a Dictionary('max'->4.8 'min'->4.5 )"
resp facetDistribution at: 'genres'. "print it => a Dictionary('Adventure'->1 'American Literature'->2 'Classics'->3 'English
Literature'->1 'Romance'->1 'Victorian'->1 )"

resp := booksIndex search: 'America' optionsUsing: [:opts | opts facets: #('genres' 'rating')].
resp facetStats at: 'rating'. "print it => a Dictionary('max'->4.8 'min'->4.7 )"
resp facetDistribution at: 'genres'. "print it => a Dictionary('Adventure'->1 'American Literature'->2 'Classics'->2 'Romance'->1

You can also use #facetSearchUsing: to search for facet values in the index. The #facetQuery: search word is a prefix match and allows typos.

resp := booksIndex facetSearchUsing: [:opts | opts facetQuery: 'clasic'; facetName: 'genres'; filter: 'rating > 4.5'].
facetHits := resp facetHits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('count'->2 'value'->'Classics' ))"


### Vector search

Starting with Meilisearch 1.3 you can [search documents by vectors]( This feature is still experimental, so you should explicitly enable it using the experimental features API.

"Enable vector search feature"
meili vectorStore: true.

Now you can perform vector search.

(meili createIndex: 'vector-blog') waitEndedForAWhile.
vectorBlogIndex := meili index: 'vector-blog'.

"Each document should have '_vectors' field to store vectors"
"These values are dummy. In reality, the values should be calculated by some Word2Vec programs"
docs := {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Woke up'. 'contents' -> 'I finally woke up'.
'_vectors' -> #(0 0.8 -0.2)} asDictionary.
{'id' -> 2. 'title' -> 'Smalltalk'. 'contents' -> 'I did Smalltalk'.
'_vectors' -> #(1 -0.2 0) } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 3. 'title' -> ''. 'contents' -> 'I tried'.
'_vectors' -> #(1 2 3) } asDictionary.
(vectorBlogIndex putDocuments: docs) waitEndedForAWhile.

resp := vectorBlogIndex vectorSearch: #(1 2 3).
resp hits first. "print it => a Dictionary('_semanticScore'->14.0 '_vectors'->#(1 2 3) 'contents'->'I tried' 'id'->3 'title'->'' )

resp := vectorBlogIndex vectorSearch: #(0 0.8 0.2).
resp hits first. "a Dictionary('_semanticScore'->0.6 '_vectors'->#(0 0.8 -0.2) 'contents'->'I finally woke up' 'id'->1 'title'->'Woke up' )"

### Deleting an index

(MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog') delete.