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Delete untagged image refs in Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry

artifact-registry cloud-run cloud-scheduler container-registry google-cloud-run google-cloud-scheduler google-container-registry

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Delete untagged image refs in Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry




# GCR Cleaner

> The functionality provied by this tool is [now built directly into Artifact Registry](! **We are no longer accepting bug reports or feature requests.**

GCR Cleaner deletes old container images in [Docker Hub][docker-hub], [Container Registry][container-registry], [Artifact Registry][artifact-registry], or any Docker v2 registries. This can help reduce storage costs, especially in CI/CD environments where images are created and pushed frequently.

There are multiple deployment options for GCR Cleaner. Click on your preferred
deployment option for a detailed guide:

- [Scheduled GitHub Action workflow](docs/
- [Deployed to Cloud Run](docs/
- [Deploy to Cloud Build](docs/

For one-off tasks, you can also run GCR Cleaner locally:

docker run -it

If you want gcr-cleaner to inherit the authentication from your local gcloud installation, you must mount the gcloud directory into the container:

docker run -v "${HOME}/.config/gcloud:/.config/gcloud" -it

**This is not an official Google product.**

## Container images

Pre-built container images are available at the following locations. We do not
offer versioned container images.


## Server Payload & parameters

**⚠️ This section is for the _server_ payload. If you are using the CLI tool,
run `gcr-cleaner -h` to see the list of flags and their descriptions.**

The payload is expected to be JSON with the following fields:

- `repos` - List of the full names of the repositories to clean (e.g.
`["", ""]`. This field is

- `grace` - Relative duration in which to ignore references. This value is
specified as a time duration value like "5s" or "3h". If set, refs newer than
the duration will not be deleted. If unspecified, the default is no grace
period (all untagged image refs are deleted).

- `keep` - If an integer is provided, it will always keep that minimum number of
images. Note that it will not consider images inside the `grace` duration. GCR
Cleaner attempts to keep the most recently created images, but there are some
caveats. Some community tooling sets container creation time to a date back in
1980, which breaks the default sorting algorithm. As such, GCR Cleaner uses
the following sorting algorithm for container images:

- If either of the containers were created before Docker even existed, it
sorts by the date the container was uploaded to the registry.

- If two containers were created at the same timestamp, it sorts by the date
the container was uploaded to the registry.

- In all other situations, it sorts by the timestamp the container was

This algorithm exists to preserve ordering for containers that are moved
between registries.

- `tag_filter_any` - If specified, any image with at **least one tag** that
matches this given regular expression will be deleted. The image will be
deleted even if it has other tags that do not match the given regular
expression. The regular expressions are parsed according to the [Go regexp

- `tag_filter_all` - If specified, any image where **all tags** match this given
regular expression will be deleted. The image will not be delete if it has
other tags that do not match the given regular expression. The regular
expressions are parsed according to the [Go regexp package][go-re].

- `dry_run` - If set to true, will not delete anything and outputs what would
have been deleted.

- `recursive` - If set to true, will recursively search all child repositories.

**NOTE!** On Container Registry, you must grant additional permissions to
the service account in order to query the registry. The most minimal
permissions are `roles/browser`.

**NOTE!** On Artifact Registry, you must grant additional permissions to the service account in order to query the registry. The most minimal permissions are `roles/storage.objectViewer`.

**WARNING!** If the authenticated principal has access to many Container
Registry or Artifact Registry repos, this will be very slow! This is because
the Docker v2 API does not support server-side filtering, meaning GCR
Cleaner must download a manifest of all repositories to which you have
access and then do client-side filtering. The most granular filter is at the
_host_ layer, meaning GCR Cleaner will perform a list operation on ``
(for Container Registry) or `` (for Artifact Registry),
parse the response and do client-side filtering to match against the
provided patterns, then start deleting. To re-iterate, this operation is
**not segmented by project** - if the authenticated principal has access to
10,000 repos, the client will need to filter through 10,000 repos. The
easiest way to mitigate this is to practice the Principle of Least Privilege
and create a dedicated service account that has granular permissions on a
subset of repositories.

## Permissions

This section lists the minimum required permissions depending on the target
cleanup system.

#### Artifact Registry

The service account running GCR cleaner must have
`roles/artifactregistry.repoAdmin` or greater on the Artifact Registry
repositories. Here is an example for setting that permissions via `gcloud`:

gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding "my-repo" \
--project "my-project" \
--location "us" \
--member "serviceAccount:[email protected]" \
--role "roles/artifactregistry.repoAdmin"

#### Container Registry

Container Registry stores images in Google Cloud Storage, so the service account
running GCR Cleaner must have read and write permissions on the underlying Cloud
Storage bucket. Here is an example for setting that permission via `gsutil`:

gsutil acl ch -u [email protected]:W gs://

To clean up Container Registry images hosted in specific regions, update the
bucket name to include the region:


If you plan on using the `recursive` functionality, you must also grant the
service account "Browser" permissions:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "my-project" \
--member "serviceAccount:[email protected]" \
--role "roles/browser"

## Debugging

By default, GCR Cleaner only emits user-level logging at the "info" level. More logs are available at the "debug" level. To configure the log level, set the `GCRCLEANER_LOG` environment variable to the desired log value:

export GCRCLEANER_LOG=debug

In debug mode, GCR Cleaner will print **a lot** of information, including its
entire decision process for candidate deletion. If you open an issue, please
include these debug logs as they are very helpful in finding and fixing any

## Concurrency

By default, GCR Cleaner will attempt to perform operations in parallel. You can
customize the concurrency with `-concurrency` on the CLI or by setting the
environment variable `GCRCLEANER_CONCURRENCY` on the server. It defaults to 20.
