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Apache JMeter Plugin to convert a HAR file to a JMeter script and Record XML file

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Apache JMeter Plugin to convert a HAR file to a JMeter script and Record XML file




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Convert a HAR file to a JMeter script and a Record XML file.

Link to github project har-convertor-jmeter-plugin

# Convert a HAR file to a JMeter script and a Record XML file.

## GUI interface in the JMeter Tools Menu
This tool is present in the Menu Tools > vdn@github - HAR Convertor Tool

![Menu Tools](doc/images/jmeter_menu_tools_with_har_convertor.png)

When you click and the menu line "vdn@github - HAR Convertor Tool", the tool GUI is display

![Menu Tools](doc/images/har_convertor_tool_gui.png)

### Parameters
Parameters are :
* har_in the HAR file to read (exported HAR from Web Browser : Chrome, Firefox, Edge ...)
* jmx_out the file JMeter script generated, if the text field is empty then the jmx_out is the file name of har_in without the extension with suffix ".jmx"

e.g. har_in = myhar1.har, jmx_out is empty then file_out will be myhar1.jmx
* record_out create the record xml file from the har file (could be open with the Listener View Results Tree)

e.g. record_out = record.xml
* new_tc_pause time between 2 urls to create a new page (Transaction Controller) (default 5000 = jmeter property value : proxy.pause=5000)

* e.g. 5000 for 5 sec between 2 urls
* page_start_number, set the start page number for partial recording (default 1, must be an integer > 0)

* sampler_start_number, set the start sampler number for partial recording (default 1, must be an integer > 0)

* filter_include, the regular expression matches the URL to Include

* default all = empty (no filter)
* e.g. filter_include=*
* filter_exclude, the regular expression matches the URL to Exclude

* default all = empty (no filter)
* e.g. filter_exclude=*
* or filter statics, filter_exclude=(?i).*\.(bmp|css|js|gif|ico|jpe?g|png|swf|eot|otf|ttf|mp4|woff|woff2)
* add_pause checkbox, add Flow Control Action Pause, parameter new_tc_pause must be > 0 (default true)

* remove_cookie checkbox , remove header with cookie because add a Cookie Manager in the script (default true)

* remove_cache_request checkbox, remove cache request header because add a Cache Manager in the script (default true)

Status, the status line contains the tool status or the tool result.

e.g. : Status Results **OK**
* Tool HAR Convertor Finished OK, fileJmxOut=C:\Temp\script1.jmx
* Tool HAR Convertor Finished OK, fileJmxOut=C:\Temp\script1.jmx AND recordXmlOut=C:\Temp\record.xml

e.g. : Status Results **KO**
* Tool HAR Convertor Finished KO, CAN'T READ HAR fileHarIn = C:\Temp\harzzzz.har
* Tool HAR Convertor Finished KO, exception = java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unmatched closing ')' near index 2 (.))
* Tool HAR Convertor Finished KO, exception = net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Failed to create output file file:/c:/toto.jmx

### Action buttons
* "CONVERT AND LOAD GENERATED SCRIPT", generates the JMeter script and record.xml file if set, next if no error LOAD the generated script in the current JMeter.
* "CONVERT", generates the JMeter script and record.xml file if set.

## Creating a har file and run the tool har-to-jmx-convertor to simulate recording from the JMeter recording template
This tool har-to-jmx-convertor try to **simulate** a script JMeter and a record xml file recording from the **JMeter Recording Template**.

### JMeter Recording Template and HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - The standard way to record
The JMeter Recording Template :

![JMeter recording template start](doc/images/jmeter_record_template_begin.png)

The result of recording with JMeter "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder" :

![JMeter script and record](doc/images/jmeter_record_template_tree_view.png)

### HAR created on a Browser (e.g. Firefox) - The new way with the convertor tool
Record the navigation in the web application with Developer tool : **Network** and **save** exchanges in **HAR** file format :

![Browser save HAR file](doc/images/browser_create_har.png)

Launch the "Convertor tool" :

![Step to create script and record from HAR file](doc/images/browsers_har_convertor_script_record.png)

Tool results : Open the script created and the record.xml in a View Results Tree

![Open the script created](doc/images/jmeter_script_record_created.png)

## More documentation from har-to-jmeter-convertor
For more documentation look at README from [har-to-jmeter-convertor](

## Command line tool (CLI)
This tool could be use with script shell Windows or Linux.

Scripts shell are in <JMETER_HOME>\bin
* har-convertor-to-jmeter.cmd for Windows OS
* for Linux/Mac OS

Help to see all parameters :

C:\apache-jmeter\bin>har-convertor-to-jmeter.cmd -help
usage: io.github.vdaburon.jmeter.har.HarForJMeter [-add_pause <add_pause>] [-filter_exclude <filter_exclude>]
[-filter_include <filter_include>] -har_in <har_in> [-help] -jmx_out <jmx_out> [-new_tc_pause <new_tc_pause>]
[-page_start_number <page_start_number>] [-record_out <record_out>] [-remove_cache_request
<remove_cache_request>] [-remove_cookie <remove_cookie>] [-sampler_start_number <sampler_start_number>]
-add_pause <add_pause> Optional boolean, add Flow Control Action Pause after Transaction
Controller (default true)
-filter_exclude <filter_exclude> Optional, regular expression to exclude url
-filter_include <filter_include> Optional, regular expression to include url
-har_in <har_in> Har file to read (e.g : my_file.har)
-help Help and show parameters
-jmx_out <jmx_out> JMeter file created to write (e.g : script.jmx)
-new_tc_pause <new_tc_pause> Optional, create new Transaction Controller after request ms, same as
jmeter property : proxy.pause, need to be > 0 if set. Usefully for Har
created by Firefox or Single Page Application (Angular, ReactJS, VuesJS
-page_start_number <page_start_number> Optional, the start page number for partial recording (default 1)
-record_out <record_out> Optional, file xml contains exchanges likes recorded by JMeter
-remove_cache_request <remove_cache_request> Optional boolean, remove cache header in the http request (default true
because add a Cache Manager)
-remove_cookie <remove_cookie> Optional boolean, remove cookie in http header (default true because add
a Cookie Manager)
-sampler_start_number <sampler_start_number> Optional, the start sampler number for partial recording (default 1)
E.g : java -jar har-for-jmeter-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -har_in myhar.har -jmx_out scriptout.jmx
-new_tc_pause 5000 -add_pause true -filter_include "https://mysite/.*" -filter_exclude "https://notmysite/*"
-page_start_number 50 -sampler_start_number 250

C:\apache-jmeter\bin>har-convertor-to-jmeter.cmd -har_in "myhar.har" -jmx_out "script_out.jmx" -filter_include "*" -filter_exclude "*" -add_pause true -new_tc_pause 5000

/var/opt/apache-jmeter/bin>./ -har_in "myhar.har" -jmx_out "script_out.jmx" -record_out "record.xml" -add_pause true -new_tc_pause 5000

## Tool installed with jmeter-plugins-manager
This tool could be installed with the jmeter-plugins-manager from

The tool name is : "vdn@github - har-convertor-jmeter-tool"

## Usage Maven
The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the **Maven Central Repository** [![Maven Central har-convertor-jmeter-plugin](](

## Versions
Version 3.0 date 2024-03-18, Add Load generated script if no error. File Chooser select only file and no directory.

Version 2.0 date 2024-03-12, for POST multipart/form-data don't put the content of the file in the Record.xml file because binary content could be large and not XML compatible. Add parameters : page_start_number and sampler_start_number to facilitate partial recording of website navigation.

Version 1.0 date 2024-03-11, First Release.