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Miteiru is an open source Electron video player to learn Japanese. It can play all Youtube and HTML 5 supported format (.mkv, .mp4, .mov, and many more) videos, and lots of supports on other subtitle formats (.srt, .ass, .vtt, and many more)

anime electron electronjs hiragana japanese jmdict kanji katakana kuromoji mecab nextjs player subtitle video video-player

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Miteiru is an open source Electron video player to learn Japanese. It can play all Youtube and HTML 5 supported format (.mkv, .mp4, .mov, and many more) videos, and lots of supports on other subtitle formats (.srt, .ass, .vtt, and many more)




# Miteiru (見ている) / KànZhe (看着) / tai²gan² (睇緊)

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## Download ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა✩°。 ⋆⸜




Miteiru Logo
Miteiru is an open source Electron video player to learn Chinese, Japanese, and Cantonese. It has modular main language dictionary and tokenizer (morphological analyzer), heavily based on External software MeCab, and optinally needs JMDict to give language info box. This software is heavily inspired by Anisubber.

## What can 見ている do?

- Cross-platform! Available in Windows, MacOS, GNU/Linux.
- Supports all videos that your [chromium]( supports! In some
OS's, it supports **x265**.
- On-The-Fly Furigana generation! blazing-fast and no severe cache build needed.
- Instant definition of any terms that uses LevelDB on first start only!
- Instant definition of any word in the subtitles.
- Instant definition on Kanji
- Translation subtitles alongside the Japanese subtitles.
- Word/Token spacing in the Japanese subtitles
- Youtube Support

## How to start immersing

- For the first run, you can press this button, and wait for about 2 minutes because it is caching
the japanese dictionary..
- ![image](
- You can start by dragging:
- Any videos (Anime is good) you can get subtitle at
- Any youtube URL
- Or you can just literally paste any youtube watch video into the miteiru (just ctrl + v
into the player)
- But youtube japanese will only show for videos that have japanese CC or auto-generated
japanese CC.
- Try this:
- ![image](
- Press `X` and `Z` for the configs
- Just read the front page's keyboard shortcut, you can press `Q` to go back to the front page.
- ![image](
- Profit 💰

## For Casual Users: Installation Guide

- Checkout releases here:

### Mac

- Download the .pkg file
- Because I'm too poor to afford the so called 99 USD apple developer program annual fee, you will
encounter the unidentified developer warning.
- No worry, all codes are open source and I have no intend to harm your Mac... You can even
build your own app by following the developer guide below
- Run it this
- ![image](

### Windows

- Being such a good guy I am, I've provided both the portable one and the setup one, you can just
pick any, install it.
- There's this issue where some PC would recognize the setup as a virus... but you can try your own
virus total test.

### Ubuntu

- I made the .deb and .AppImage, currently no other build is provided because I'm too lazy

## How to integrate with Whisper
> As per February 3rd, 2024 [MacWhisper]( is a really good UI for Whisper in mac, anyway if you want to run whisper on other OS or for free:

- clone this
repo [[email protected]:ggerganov/whisper.cpp.git](
- install ffmpeg
- `cd whisper.cpp && bash ./models/ large`

put this in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or any rc your os use

export WHISPERPATH=~/project/whisper.cpp

whisper() {
local input="$1"

# All remaining arguments will be treated as an array
local -a extra_args=("$@")
"$WHISPERPATH/main" -f "$input" -of "$input.w" --model "$WHISPERPATH/models/ggml-medium.bin" -l ja "${extra_args[@]}" -osrt

prepwhisper() {
local input="$1"
local output="${input%.\*}.wav"
ffmpeg -i "$input" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "$output"

Then run on your video

prepwhisper video.mp4
whisper video.wav

- voila

## For Developer: (Own Build) Installation Guide

You can run the followings on the cloned repository: (don't forget to download the LFS files as

npm install
npm run script:initrepo
npm run dev # This to run dev
npm run build:nsis # This to build for Windows
npm run build:portable # This to build for Windows Portable
npm run build:linux20 # This to build for Linux 20.04
npm run build:linux22 # This to build for Linux 22.04
npm run build # this is for mac

## Mecab and Custom Dictionary Setup (Optional)

Mecab can be downloaded through [brew]( by running:

brew install mecab

or in Ubuntu:

sudo apt install mecab

Then, you can run

which mecab

or in Windows, you can directly download the binary file
from [SourceForge](

to show your default mecab binary file. Use it as the path when asked in Miteiru. Then, you can get
JMDict Dictionary
in [](
Use it as the path when asked in Miteiru as well. Miteiru will build a LevelDB cache locally. Then,
you can enjoy the app!

## MeCab Dictionary Customization

By default, you are using whatever your default Mecab Dictionary offers you, but you can further
customize this by modifying the `mecabrc` file which is located in `/opt/homebrew/etc/mecabrc` in
MacOS, `C:\Program Files (x86)\MeCab\etc\mecabrc` in Windows, and `/etc/mecabrc` in Ubuntu. For
other OS's you gotta figure it our for yourself right now. Shunou, Miteiru's microlibrary can
support Unidic, Jumandic, Ipadic, and it's variations. Specifically, if you check out the `dicrc`
file of each dictionary, Shunou can support the output format `chamame`, `chasen`, and the classic
Jumandic god knows what output format. You can
get [UniDic files here](

Configuration file in mac:

; Configuration file of MeCab
; $Id:,v 1.3 2006/05/29 15:36:08 taku-ku Exp $;
; dicdir = /opt/homebrew/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic
; dicdir = /opt/homebrew/lib/mecab/dic/jumandic
dicdir = /opt/homebrew/lib/mecab/dic/unidic
; userdic = /home/foo/bar/user.dic

; output-format-type = wakati
; input-buffer-size = 8192

; node-format = %m\n
; bos-format = %S\n
; eos-format = EOS\n


; Configuration file of MeCab
; $Id:,v 1.3 2006/05/29 15:36:08 taku-ku Exp $;
dicdir = $(rcpath)\..\dic\unidic

; userdic = /home/foo/bar/user.dic

; output-format-type = wakati
; input-buffer-size = 8192

; node-format = %m\n
; bos-format = %S\n
; eos-format = EOS\n

## Future Enhancements

- Verb inflections
- Miteiru will be ported to a dedicated media player, like LibVLC or MPV.
- Kanji explanation in the subtitles with animated diagrams.
- Pronounciation audio
- Customizable subtitle style.
- Online hosted videos.
- Will support Android.
- Miteiru will have built-in Tokenizer and Dictionary, and supports French, German, Bahasa
Indonesia, and many more.
- Miteiru will support Korean too!