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DBEST stack

DBEST stack

The `DBEST` stack is a bun-based 🔥 `BLAZINGLY FAST` 🔥 full-stack `100% type-safe` web development solution that provides `everything` you need to build a `production-ready` web app based on the performant and scalable SolidStart meta-framework. It consists of:

- [Drizzle](
- [Bun](
- [Elysia](
- [SolidStart](
- [Tailwind CSS](

## Creating a project

Create a new project

bun create itsyoboieltr/dbest-stack

Optionally specify a name for the destination folder. If no destination is specified, the name `dbest-stack` will be used.

bun create itsyoboieltr/dbest-stack my-app

Bun will perform the following steps:

- Download the `template`
- Copy all template files into the `destination folder`
- Install dependencies with `bun i`.
- Initialize a fresh Git repo. Opt out with the `--no-git` flag.

## Developing

You can start the `development server` with:

bun dev

## Building

Build for `production` by running the following command:

bun run build

## Running

Run in `production` by running the following command:

bun start

## Database

In case your database schema does not match the schema defined by `drizzle`, then the database needs to be synchronized. This can be done by running the following command:

bun push

In addition, `drizzle studio` can be used to connect to the database and browse, add, delete and update data based on the declared `drizzle schema`.

bun studio

## Environment variables ([.env](.env.example))

- `PORT`: port that the application runs on. Default: `3000`

- `VITE_HOST_URL`: host URL for the application. Default: `http://localhost:3000`

- `DATABASE_USER`: database user for Postgres. Default: `postgres`

- `DATABASE_PASSWORD`: database password for Postgres. Default: `example`

- `DATABASE_NAME`: database name for Postgres. Default: `dbest`

- `DATABASE_URL`: database connection URL for Postgres. Default `memory://dbest`

- `DATABASE_BACKUP_PATH`: path where the database backups are stored. Default: `$HOME/backup`

- `COMPOSE_PROFILES`: profiles for `docker compose`. Default: `development`
- In a production setting, you might want to enable backups for the database. This can be done by setting the `COMPOSE_PROFILES` environment variable to `production`.

## Deployment

Using the [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) or the [docker-compose.yml](docker-compose.yml) file, the application can be deployed to any `docker host`. The following command will build the `docker image` and start the application.

docker compose up -d

To stop the application, run the following command:

docker compose down