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Ergonomic Framework for Humans

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Ergonomic Framework for Humans




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Ergonomic Framework for Humans

Documentation | Discord | Sponsors

TypeScript framework supercharged by Bun with End-to-End Type Safety, unified type system, and outstanding developer experience

bun create elysia app

![Elysia feature sheet including 18x faster than Express based on Techempower benchmark, Frontend RPC Connector, Advance TypeScript type, unified type single source of truth of type TypeScript runtime and documentation all at once, Made of Productivity focus on developer experience, powered by Bun, WinterCG Compliance, Fully type safe GraphQL (same author with GraphQL Mobius), documentation in one line, End-to-end type safety move fast and break nothing like tRPC, strong ecosystem most popular Bun native Web Framework](

## Documentation
The documentation is available on [](

## Contributing
See [Contributing Guide]( and please follow our [Code of Conduct](

## Discord
Come join the [Discord community channel~](