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A bar

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A bar




# vbar

A lightweight bar written in golang

***`vbar` is very new, and we're looking for help working out new features.***
***If you're using `vbar`, please let us know if anything is broken, or you need a new feature, by creating an issue.***

## Features

- Blocks can be clickable
- Blocks can have drop down menus
- Support for Font Awesome
- Style anything in the bar with CSS
- Update blocks with an interval

## Screenshots

![screenshot of vbar in bswpm](

![screenshot of vbar](

![screenshot of vbar with popup menu](

![screenshot of vbar with transparency](

## Installation

### From source

### Ubuntu

NOTE: This build is quite slow for some reason. I think it's because go spends a lot of time compiling C extensions. Sorry about that.

You'll need a working `golang`.

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y libglib2.0-dev libcairo2-dev libgtk-3-dev

# Install vbar
go get
sudo cp $GOPATH/bin/vbar /usr/local/bin/vbar

# Copy over an example config
mkdir -p ~/.config/vbar
cp $GOPATH/src/ $HOME/.config/vbar/
# See the configuration section to install extra packages needed for this config

### Arch Linux

Install the package via the AUR:

AUR: [vbar-git](

# Copy over an example config
mkdir -p ~/.config/vbar
cp /usr/share/doc/vbar/examples/vbarrc ~/.config/vbar
# See the configuration section to install extra packages needed for this config

## Configuration

The example config requires some packages:

- fonts-font-awesome
- examples/ in your PATH

All configuration is done in the command line, which means
that `vbar` is very hackable.

Your `vbarrc` will just be executed by `vbar` when it launches,
to make things easier.

### Adding a block

Blocks are added with the `add-block` command.

For example:

vbar add-block --left --name my-block --text hello

This will add the block named `my-block` with the text

#### Options

##### [--left|--center|--right]

Adds a block to the left/right/center of the bar.

##### --name=STRING

The name of the block.

##### --command=STRING

Command will be executed once when creating the block
and the text that comes back from the command will be
used as the block text.

##### --tail-command=STRING

Works just like command, but it doesn't wait for the
command to finish executing. The command is expected
to write lines to stdout every time you want the
block text to change. Each line output from the
command will be used as the new block text.

##### --click-command=STRING

A command to execute when you click on the block.

##### --interval=DECIMAL

Use this to cause `--command` to be executed every N
seconds, for blocks that need to be updated on a

### Adding a menu to a block

Blocks can have drop down menus that pop up when
the block is clicked.

Menus are added to blocks with the `add-menu` command.

Here's an example power off icon that shows an option to
shut down when you click it.

vbar add-block --name power-off-icon --text "POWER"
vbar add-menu --name power-off-icon --text "Shutdown" --command "systemctl poweroff"

#### Options

##### --text=STRING

The menu text.

##### --command=STRING

Command that will be executed once when clicking the menu.

### Updating a block

External scripts can trigger a block update
with the `update` command. This will
cause the block the execute `command` as usual.

For example, let's say we want a block that displays the currently active window title. First, we add the block:

vbar add-block --name title --command "xprop -id $(xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -d ' ' -f 5) WM_NAME | sed -e 's/.*\"\\(.*\\)\".*/\\1/'"

That command will be executed once, so our window title will only be the window that was active when `vbar` launched. Pretty useless.

To make the window title update as soon as you change windows, we can use `xprop` and tell `vbar` when the active window has changed.

Run the following on startup inside your window manager:

xprop -root -spy _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | while read -r LINE; do vbar update --name title; done &
### Removing a block

A block can be removed with the `remove` command. The arguments are the same as the `update` command. For example, if you add a block like this:

vbar add-block --name time --command "date"

you can remove it like so:

vbar remove --name time

### Adding custom styles

Everything in `vbar` can be styled with css.
To do this, we use the `add-css` command.

Styling the whole bar:

vbar add-css --class "bar" --css "font-family: Hack;"
vbar add-css --class "bar" --css "color: blue;

Styling each block:

vbar add-css --class "block" --css "padding-top: 5px;"
vbar add-css --class "block" --css "padding-bottom: 5px;"

Styling the menu:

vbar add-css --class "menu" --css "background-color: green;"

Styling the menu on hover:

vbar add-css --class "menu :hover" --css "background-color: purple;"

Styling the block called `wireless`:

vbar add-css --class "wireless" --css "background-color: orange;"

## Transparency

It is possible to use `transparent` as a colour in css
(maybe you want your wallpaper to shine through your bar).
To do this you will need a compositor, for example `compton`.