
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.

List: awesome-nomad

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Last synced: about 2 months ago
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A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.




# Awesome Nomad

A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.

Pull requests with additional tools and projects are more than welcome!

## Tutorials / Examples / Demos

- [aldoborrero/hashi-homelab]( - Hashicorp Homelab is a collection of nomad recipes related to several Open Source projects that I use on my own nomad + consul + vault + Intel Nuc cluster.
- [angrycub/nomad_example_jobs]( - Jobs and resources that I have used to experiment with Nomad
- [anubhavmishra/envoy-consul-sds]( - A tutorial on how to get Envoy running on Nomad and using Envoy's SDS(Service Discovery Service) to access Consul API.
- [assareh/home-lab]( - My home lab infrastructure with Nomad, Consul, and Vault
- [cyriltovena/observability-nomad]( - This is a set of examples on how to add Observability to Nomad Applications
- [efbar/hashicorp-labs]( - Deploy locally on VM an Hashicorp cluster formed by Vault, Consul and Nomad. Ready for deploying and testing your apps.
- [GuyBarros/nomad_jobs]( - A collection of Nomad Jobds to run as part of the meanstack-consul-connect demo
- [hashicorp/c1m]( - Nomad, Terraform, and Packer configurations for the Million Container Challenge (C1M)
- [hashicorp/c2m]( - Nomad, Terraform, and Packer configurations for the 2 Million Container Challenge (C2M)
- [hashicorp/field-workshops-nomad]( - Slides, Instructor Guides and Instruqt Tracks for Nomad Field Workshops
- [hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler-demos]( - A set of demos for the Nomad Autoscaler (
- [hashicorp/nomad-guides]( - Example usage of HashiCorp Nomad
- [hashicorp/nomad-open-telemetry-getting-started]( - OpenTelemetry getting started guides on Nomad
- [jippi/awesome-nomad]( - A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.
- [jrasell/nomadfiles]( A collection of Nomad job files for deploying applications to a cluster.
- [kelseyhightower/hashiconf-eu-2016]( - Repo from a talk on building out a deployment with GCE/Consul/Nomad/Fabio loadbalancer. Check out the talk on youtube:
- [microservices-demo/]( - The Microservices Demo website.
- [mr-karan/hydra]( - Infra-as-code for my personal home server setup
- [natelandau/ansible-homelab-config]( - Ansible scripts to configure my homelab using Consul, Nomad, Docker, Traefik, and more...
- [perrymanuk/hashi-homelab]( Job files for a small lightweight homelab based on nomad and consul from hashicorp.
- [pete0emerson/hashipoc]( - A Vagrant driven example of getting Consul / Vault / Nomad up and running with a sample app deployed
- [thangchung/coffeeshop-on-nomad]( - The .NET coffeeshop application runs on Docker, Nomad and Consul Connect
- [thangchung/go-coffeeshop]( - ☕ A practical event-driven microservices demo built with Golang. Nomad, Consul Connect, Vault, and Terraform for deployment

## Provisioning

- [aws-quickstart/quickstart-hashicorp-nomad]( - AWS Quick Start Team
- [hashicorp/terraform-aws-nomad]( - A Terraform Module for how to run Nomad on AWS using Terraform and Packer
- [hashicorp/terraform-google-nomad]( - A Terraform Module for how to run Nomad on Google Cloud using Terraform and Packer
- [jboero/nomados]( - An experiment after Hashiconf Digital 2020 for building a minimal Linux Nomad agent.
- [jsiebens/hashi-up]( - bootstrap HashiCorp Consul, Nomad, or Vault over SSH < 1 minute
- [numkem/nomad-spk]( - spk (Synology package) to install Hashicorp's nomad scheduler into Synology NAS
- [nunchistudio/hashibox]( - Vagrant environment to simulate a highly-available Cloud with Consul, Nomad, and Vault. OSS & Enterprise versions supported. Optional support for Waypoint.

## System jobs

- [hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler]( - Nomad Autoscaler brings autoscaling to your Nomad workloads.
- [istio/istio]( - Connect, secure, control, and observe services.
- [jippi/hashi-ui]( - Interface for Consul & Nomad by HashiCorp, live stream of data, fast search and resource visualization per cluster or client.
- [trivago/scalad]( - Scalad is a nomad horizontal scaler that can be setup from each job Taskgroup meta stanza based on external metrics.

## Ops tools

- [ansible-community/ansible-nomad]( - :watch: Ansible role for Nomad
- [dsaidgovsg/terraform-modules]( - Reusable Terraform modules
- [fhemberger/nomad-demo]( - Vagrant based demo setup for running Hashicorp Nomad
- [hashicorp/hcdiag]( - hcdiag is a CLI utility that collects and bundles product and platform diagnostics. It supports Consul, Nomad, TFE, and Vault.
- [hashicorp/nomad-driver-ecs]( - EXPERIMENTAL Amazon AWS ECS Task Driver Plugin for HashiCorp Nomad
- [hashicorp/nomad-openapi]( - OpenAPI specification and related artifacts for HashiCorp Nomad
- [hashicorp/nomad-pack-community-registry]( - A repo for Packs written and maintained by Nomad community members
- [hashicorp/nomad-pack]( - Nomad Pack is a templating and packaging tool used with HashiCorp Nomad.
- [hashicorp/terraform-provider-nomad]( - Terraform Nomad provider
- [input-output-hk/bitte]( - Nix Ops for Terraform, Consul, Vault, Nomad
- [JanMa/nomad-driver-nspawn]( - A Nomad task driver for systemd-nspawn
- [jrasell/nomad-toast]( - A tool for receiving notifications based on HashiCorp Nomad events.
- [picatz/terraform-google-nomad]( - 📗 Terraform Module for Nomad clusters on GCP
- [robinovitch61/wander]( - A terminal application for Nomad by HashiCorp
- [Roblox/nomad-node-problem-detector]( - NNPD - nomad-node-problem-detector
- [seatgeek/nomad-firehose]( - Go binary that "tails" API endpoints and emit messages for each changed resource to RabbitMQ, AWS kinesis or stdout.
- [seatgeek/nomad-helper]( - Simple helper binary to allow you to reevaluate all jobs, drain an node (and wait for all allocations to stop), force a garbage collection, export / import job task group counts in YAML format.
- [sepulworld/deadman-check]( - A monitoring companion for Nomad periodic jobs that alerts if periodic isn't running at the expected interval.

## DevOps tools

- [42wim/nomadctld]( - Ssh server with ability to exec/attach/logs/tail/stop hashicorp nomad containers.
- [ataccama/nomad-deploy]( - Python3 script that renders a Jinja2 template, plans and registers job. Installable as an executable from [](
- [hashicorp/damon]( - A terminal UI (TUI) for HashiCorp Nomad
- [jvirtanen/vim-hcl]( - Syntax highlighting for HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)
- [mattolenik/hclq]( - Command-line processor for HashiCorp config files, like sed for HCL — Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault
- [multani/docker-nomad]( - Nomad running in Docker
- [smintz/nomadgen]( - Define your Nomad jobspecs using Python.

## CI / CD

- [data-science-platform/cluster-broccoli]( - Cluster Broccoli is a RESTful web service + UI to manage Nomad jobs through a self service application. Jobs are defined based on templates, allowing for a selectable amount of customization.
- [fortress-shell]( - Self-written CI/CD SaaS based on Hashicorp Nomad
- [getnelson/nelson]( - Lights-out deployment and lifecycle manager for Nomad (and other pluggable schedulers). Fully integrated with Vault and Consul. Optionally can act as a control plane for your traffic routing teir.
- [hashicorp/levant]( - An open source templating and deployment tool for HashiCorp Nomad jobs
- [jenkinsci/nomad-plugin]( - Jenkins plugin to allow using Nomad Jobs to scale out Jenkins build slaves.
- [screwdrivercd/nomad]( - Use nomad to schedule and execute workflows triggered by an scm (github/bitbucket).
- [tristanpemble/nix-nomad]( - HashiCorp Nomad job definitions in Nix
- [ValFadeev/rundeck-nomad-plugin]( - A Rundeck plugin for authoring and running Nomad jobs by operators or in automated deployment pipelines.

## Plugins

- [bsdpot/nomad-pot-driver]( - Nomad task driver for launching freebsd jails.
- [cneira/firecracker-task-driver]( - nomad task driver that uses firecracker to start micro-vms
- [cneira/jail-task-driver]( - Task driver that uses FreeBSD jails
- [pascomnet/nomad-driver-podman]( - A nomad task driver for [podman containers](
- [Roblox/nomad-driver-containerd]( - A nomad task driver for [containerd]( Documentation on [``](
- [Roblox/nomad-driver-iis]( - Nomad task driver for running windows IIS services.

## SDK

- [hashicorp/nomad-java-sdk]( - A Java SDK for interfacing with HashiCorp's Nomad
- [jrxFive/python-nomad]( - Client library Hashicorp Nomad
- [bbopt/NOMAD.jl]( - Julia interface to the NOMAD blackbox optimization software