
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Frappe list view plugin that allows modification.

erpnext erpnext-customization frappe frappe-erpnext frappe-framework javascript listview

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Frappe list view plugin that allows modification.




# Frappe Better List View

A small **Frappe** list view plugin that allows the customization.


### Table of Contents
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Install](#install)
- [Update](#update)
- [Uninstall](#uninstall)
- [Available Options](#available-options)
- [Example](#example)
- [Issues](#issues)
- [License](#license)


### Requirements
- Frappe >= v12.0.0


### Setup

⚠️ *Important* ⚠️

*Do not forget to replace [sitename] with the name of your site in all commands.*

#### Install
1. Go to bench directory

cd ~/frappe-bench

2. Get plugin from Github

*(Required only once)*

bench get-app

3. Build plugin

*(Required only once)*

bench build --app frappe_better_list_view

4. Install plugin on a specific site

bench --site [sitename] install-app frappe_better_list_view

5. Check the [Available Options](#available-options) and [Example](#example)

#### Update
1. Go to app directory

cd ~/frappe-bench/apps/frappe_better_list_view

2. Get updates from Github

git pull

3. Go to bench directory

cd ~/frappe-bench

4. Build plugin

bench build --app frappe_better_list_view

5. Update a specific site

bench --site [sitename] migrate

6. (Optional) Restart bench

bench restart

#### Uninstall
1. Go to bench directory

cd ~/frappe-bench

2. Uninstall plugin from a specific site

bench --site [sitename] uninstall-app frappe_better_list_view

3. Remove plugin from bench

bench remove-app frappe_better_list_view

4. (Optional) Restart bench

bench restart


### Available Options
#### 1. `query_fields`

List of additional fields to fetch but not display.

['is_approved', 'is_paid']

#### 2. `query_filters`

List of additional filters for the fetch query.

{is_approved: 1, is_paid: 0}
[['is_approved', '=', 1], ['is_paid', '=', 0]]

#### 3. `page_length`

Number of rows to display per page.


#### 4. `parser`

Function to modify the list data before display.

**Arguments:** `data`, `render`, `error`

⚠️ *Important* ⚠️
1. Must call `render()` after modification is done to render the list.
2. Must call `error()` to revert back to original data and render the list.
3. Parser function is called inside `try/catch` and if an error is caught, original data will be rendered.

function(data, render, error) {
let names = [];
data.forEach(function(row) {
frappe.db.get_list('Doctype', {
fields: ['name', 'value'],
filters: {
name: ['in', names],
}).then(function(list) {
list.forEach(function(vals) {
data.forEach(function(row) {
if ( === {
row.value = vals.value;
// Render modified data
}).catch(function(e) {
console.error(e.message, e.stack);
// Render original data instead

#### 5. `set_row_background`

Function to set the background color of row, (css, hex, rgb, rgba, hsla).

**Arguments:** `row`

**Return:** `String`, `Null`

**CSS Colors:**

Frappe Better List View

function(row) {
if (cint(row.cost) > 1000) return 'danger';
if (cint(row.cost) > 800) return '#ffeeba';
if (cint(row.cost) > 600) return 'rgba(190,229,235,1)';
if (cint(row.cost) < 300) return 'hsla(133.7,41.2%,83.3%,1)';


### Example

frappe.listview_settings['DocType'] = {
--- Plugin Options -------------------------------------------------

// Columns to fetch but not display
query_fields: ['is_approved', 'is_paid'],
// Additional filters (array or object) for fetch query
query_filters: {
is_approved: 1,
is_paid: 1,
// Only 50 rows will be displayed per page
page_length: 50,
// List data modify function
parser: function(data, render, error) {
let names = [];
data.forEach(function(row) {
if (!names.length) {
return render();
frappe.db.get_list('Doctype', {
fields: ['name', 'price'],
filters: {
name: ['in', names],
is_approved: 1,
}).then(function(list) {
list.forEach(function(vals) {
data.forEach(function(row) {
if ( === {
row.price = vals.price;
// Render modified data
}).catch(function(e) {
console.error(e.message, e.stack);
// Render original data instead
set_row_background: function(row) {
if (!cint(row.is_approved)) return 'info';


// The fields listed above can be used inside the following functions
get_indicator: function(doc) {
if (doc.is_paid) {
return [__('Paid'), 'blue', 'is_paid,=,Yes|is_approved,=,Yes'];
if (doc.is_approved) {
return [__('Approved'), 'green', 'is_paid,=,No|is_approved,=,Yes'];
return [__('Pending'), 'gray', 'is_paid,=,No|is_approved,=,No'];
formatters: {
name: function(value, field, doc) {
let html = value;
if (doc.is_approved) {
html += ' ';
return html;


### Issues
If you find bug in the plugin, please create a [bug report]( and let us know about it.


### License
This repository has been released under the [MIT License](