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Cast macOS and Linux Audio/Video to your Google Cast and Sonos Devices

alsa audio cast-audio cast-videos chromecast chromecast-audio debian linux macos node pychromecast python python3 sample-rate sonos sonos-speakers soundflower tray-menu video

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Cast macOS and Linux Audio/Video to your Google Cast and Sonos Devices




Looking for help!

I don't have too much time recently to take care of the project. If you would be interested in helping, please comment on

[![PyPI - Python Version](](
[![GitHub release](](

This is a program to cast your **macOS** audio, or **Linux** audio to your
Google Cast devices or Sonos speakers. It can also [cast video files](#video).

It is written for Python3, and it can stream via `node.js`, `parec` (**Linux**),
or `ffmpeg`. **Mkchromecast** is capable of using lossy and lossless audio
formats provided that `ffmpeg` or `parec` (**Linux**) are installed. It also
supports [Multi-room group
playback](, and
[24-bit/96kHz high audio resolution](
Additionally, a system tray menu is available.

By default, **Mkchromecast** streams with `node.js` (or `parec` in **Linux**)
together with `mp3` audio coding format at a sample rate of `44100Hz` and
average bitrate of `192k`. These defaults can be changed using the
`--sample-rate` and `-b` flags. It is useful to modify these parameters when
your wireless router is not very powerful, or in the case you don't want to
degrade the sound quality. For more information visit the
[wiki](, and the

You can optionally install `ffmpeg` [more information
**Linux** users also can configure [ALSA to capture
audio]( Note that sometimes
the lag between playing a song and hearing may be up to 8 seconds for certain

Tell me more about it
To have an idea of using **Mkchromecast** from console [check this

**Mkchromecast** provides a **beta** system tray menu. It requires you to
install `PyQt5`. For more information check the
[Requirements]( and
[Install]( sections.

This is what the system tray menu looks like:

#### macOS


#### Linux

Check these images:

* [Gnome 1](
* [Gnome 2](
* [KDE5 1](
* [KDE5 2](
* [Awesome WM with Blue icons](

Sonos support

If you have Sonos speakers, you can play whatever you are listening to in your
computer with **Mkchromecast**. To add Sonos support, install the `soco` python

pip3 install soco


If you want to contribute, help me improving this application by [reporting
issues](, [creating pull
requests](, or you may also buy
me some pizza :).



#### macOS

In order to use **Mkchromecast** you need the following software to stream with

* Python3.
* pychromecast.
* psutil.
* mutagen.
* [BlackHole]( )
* PyQt5 (optional if you want to use the system tray menu).

For more control, you need `ffmpeg` as backend. In that case install the

* flask (optional).
* ffmpeg (optional).
* youtube-dl (option if you plan to cast youtube URLs or [supported

#### Linux

* Pulseaudio.
* Pavucontrol.
* Python3 (if using the official debian package).
* pychromecast.
* psutil.
* mutagen.
* flask.
* vorbis-tools.
* sox.
* lame.
* flac.
* faac.
* ffmpeg (optional).
* PyQt5 (optional if you want to use the system tray menu).
* youtube-dl (option if you plan to cast youtube URLs or [supported
* soco (this module adds Sonos support to Mkchromecast).

For those who don't like Pulseaudio, it is possible to [cast using
ALSA]( In that case the
requirements are:

* alsa-base
* alsa-utils
* alsa-utils
* Python3 (if using the official debian package).
* pychromecast.
* psutil.
* mutagen.
* flask.
* vorbis-tools.
* sox.
* lame.
* flac.
* faac.
* ffmpeg.
* PyQt5 (optional if you want to use the system tray menu).
* youtube-dl (option if you plan to cast youtube URLs or [supported
* soco (this module adds Sonos support to Mkchromecast).


There are two ways of installing this application:

1. Using the [binaries](
2. From [sources](

#### Binaries

##### macOS

There is a standalone application for **macOS** users. You need to drag it to your
`/Applications/` folder.

[Download the latest dmg
You need also to [install

###### Homebrew Cask

If you are using homebrew, it is possible to install the binary as follows:

brew install --cask mkchromecast

If you find any problem with the application, please [report it

##### Linux

* Debian (.deb): [](
* Ubuntu (.deb): [](

**Mkchromecast** is available in the [official Debian
repositories]( To install
it, just do:

apt install mkchromecast

Download the latest [deb package
here](, and install it as

sudo apt -f install ./mkchromecast_$VERSION_all.deb

where `$VERSION = X.Y.Z-Rev`, _e.g._: `0.2.6-1`.

This should work in Debian Unstable and Testing. I would appreciate Ubuntu
testers as well. If you find any problems, please [report it

If you experience other problems related to dependencies, please [discuss them
here]( or open a new issue.

Additionally, there are two dependency packages for pulling pulseaudio or ALSA

apt-get install mkchromecast-alsa (ALSA users)


apt-get install mkchromecast-pulseaudio (Pulseaudio users)

#### From sources

To install **Mkchromecast**, clone this repository:

git clone --depth 1

Or you may download one of the [stable releases
here](, and unzip the file.

##### Arch Linux

Mkchromecast is available at the AUR :
- Release version: [](
- Development version: [](

#install with aurman
aurman -S mkchromecast

#install with aurutils
aur sync mkchromecast

If you get the error `cannot import name 'DependencyWarning'` in Arch Linux,
please check issue [#31](

##### Python

To install python requirements use the `requirements.txt` file shipped in
this repository:

pip install -r requirements.txt

**Note**: if this step fails, maybe you need to run the installation with
`sudo` as shown below. However, before installing using this method verify why
a regular user cannot install these requirements.

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

**Linux** users can try to install these python requirements using the package
managers coming with their distributions.

Example for Debian based distros:

sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3-pip python3-pychromecast python3-flask python3-psutil python3-setuptools python3-mutagen python3-gi vorbis-tools sox lame flac faac opus-tools

**Note**: if `python3-pychromecast` is not available in your repository,
follow instructions in [#9](

##### BlackHole (macOS users only)

For installing BlackHole you can check
[ ](
and just download the [latest dmg

If you have [Homebrew]( you can use [brew
cask]( as follows:

brew install --cask blackhole

By default, the sample rate in BlackHole is set to `44100Hz`. If you desire
to stream at higher sample rates follow the [instructions in the

**Note**: re-sampling to higher sample rates is not a good idea. It was indeed
an issue in chromecast audio devices. See [this thread](
Therefore, if you want to go beyond `44100Hz` you have to [capture the sound at
a higher sample rate](

##### ffmpeg

The easiest way of installing `ffmpeg` is using a package manager, *e.g.*: brew,
macports or fink. Or in the case of **Linux**, *e.g.*: apt, yum, or pacman.

###### macOS

I will briefly describe the case of Homebrew here. First, you will need
Homebrew installed in your machine:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Once Homebrew is ready, you can install `ffmpeg`. As stated in the [ffmpeg
website](, and for being
able to use all audio coding formats in **Mkchromecast**, it is better to
install `ffmpeg` with the following options enabled:

brew install ffmpeg --with-fdk-aac --with-tools --with-freetype --with-libass --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx --with-x265 --with-opus

###### Linux

As I use Debian, the way of installing `ffmpeg` is:

apt-get install ffmpeg

**Audio coding formats available with `parec` and `ffmpeg` backends**

**Audio coding format** | **Description** | **Notes**
------------------------| ----------------------------------|------------------
`mp3` | MPEG Audio Layer III (default) | Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
`ogg` | Ogg Vorbis | Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
`aac` | Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) | Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
`opus` | Opus | Lossy compression format (default bitrate: 192k)
`wav` | Waveform Audio File Format | Lossless format (HQ sound)
`flac` | Free Lossless Audio Codec | Lossless format (HQ sound)

##### PyQt5

These Python bindings are needed if you intend to use the system tray menu.
Sometimes `pip` is able to install `PyQt5` and`pip install pyqt5` is enough.

If this does not work for you, I suggest you to install it using a package

###### macOS

Example with Homebrew:

brew install pyqt5 --with-python3

###### Linux

* **Debian**

apt-get install python3-pyqt5

or if you desire it you can do it yourself from the sources.


To update **Mkchromecast** sources, just get into the cloned directory and:

git pull

or if you prefer it, you can just pass the `--update` argument to

bin/mkchromecast --update

If you are using the **macOS** application:

1. Click on `Check For Updates`.
2. If there are new versions, you will be prompted to [download the latest
3. Replace the `` in your `/Applications/` directory.

**Linux** users need to either perform a `apt-get upgrade` or [download the
latest deb here](, and `dpkg
-i mkchromecast_$VERSION_all.deb`.


#### Audio

Get into the cloned **Mkchromecast** directory and execute:


This will launch **Mkchromecast** using `node.js` (or `parec` for **Linux**
users), and will do the streaming part together with the `mp3` audio coding
format. `node.js` works decently but the server may tend to _fail_ under certain
circumstances. In such a case, **Mkchromecast** is able to restart the
_streaming/casting_ process automatically. So, some hiccups are expected.

**Note**: most of the steps described herein are the same for **macOS** and **Linux**
users. However, if you launch the command above in **Linux**, the process is
less automatized. In **Linux**, you need to select with `pavucontrol` the sink
called `Mkchromecast` to stream unless you are using [ALSA](
See the [wiki for more information]( tl;dr?, just
check the gif below.

![Example of using mkchromecast](

**Note**: the cast process is independent from the selection of the pulseaudio
sink. This means that **Mkchromecast** will tell the cast device to listen your
computer but no sound will be heard until you select the sink. For ALSA users, this
does not apply.

##### Using the `ffmpeg` backend with **Mkchromecast** installed from sources

Below an example using `mp3`:

bin/mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg

With `ffmpeg` you can modify the codec:

bin/mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c aac

change the bitrate and sample rate:

bin/mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c mp3 -b 128 --sample-rate 31000

check the section [BlackHole (macOS users
for more about sample rates.

You also can set the host ip manually which is a useful option when having more
than one active network connection or when the automatically ip detection fails:

bin/mkchromecast --host

##### Other examples with **Mkchromecast** installed using the debian package

To cast using `parec` and `wav` audio coding format:
mkchromecast -c wav

There is also an option to change the `bitrate`, and in this case with `ffmpeg`:

mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c ogg -b 128

and another one to change the sampling rate:

mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c ogg -b 128 --sample-rate 48000

##### Using **Mkchromecast** from the system tray

To launch it:

bin/mkchromecast -t

mkchromecast -t

The system tray application can perform all the actions from the aforementioned
commands. To get an idea, please check the [Youtube video

#### Playing Youtube URLs in Google Cast devices

You can play Youtube URLs (or [other
sites]( headlessly from
the command line:

bin/mkchromecast -y\?v\=NVvAJhZVBT

To use this function, you need to install `youtube-dl`. In macOS, this can be
done with homebrew: `brew install youtube-dl`. In Debian based distros:
`apt-get install youtube-dl`.

**Note**: you may need to enclose the URL between quotation marks, and only
URLs over `https` are supported.

#### Playing source URLs in Google Cast devices

You can play any source URLs headlessly from the command line:

bin/mkchromecast --source-url SOURCE_URL

This option is useful for:

1. Casting using MPD in the case you have already a `http` streaming source.
2. Casting a radio station. A list of stations to try:


bin/mkchromecast --source-url -c ogg --control


As it can be seen above, **the codec has to be specified with the `-c` flag**.

**Note**: `.m3u` or `.pls` are not yet supported.

#### Controlling the Google Cast's volume and pause/resume options

You can control the volume of your Google Cast device by launching
**Mkchromecast** with the option `--control`:

bin/mkchromecast --encoder-backend ffmpeg -c ogg -b 320 --control

This will allow you to press u and d keys for `volume up`
and `volume down` respectively.

The system tray has a window with a volume slider to do `volume up` and `volume down`.

#### High quality audio

**Mkchromecast** lets you cast using `24-bit/96kHz` high audio resolution. This
is the *maximum chromecast audio capability*. The supported codecs are: `wav`
and `flac`. In spite of the fact that `aac` can use `96000Hz` sample rate, the
bitrate corresponds to that of a lossy data compression format. Therefore, the
following combinations can achieve this `24-bit/96kHz` capability:

* `wav` + `96000Hz` sample rate.
* `flac` + `96000Hz` sample rate.

* [#11](
* [Lossless formats](

#### Video

You can now cast videos to your Google cast using **Mkchromecast**. This feature works both with `node`
and `ffmpeg` backends and from command line. In the future, they may be a graphical interface
for this process. [See this project](

* Cast a file from your computer to your chromecast:

bin/mkchromecast --video -i "/path/to/file.mp4"

bin/mkchromecast --video -i "/path/to/file.mp4" --encoder-backend node

**Note**: the format of the file can be whatever is supported by `ffmpeg` and not exclusively mp4.

* Subtitles

bin/mkchromecast --video -i "/tmp/Homeland.S06E01.Fair.Game.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.HEVC.DD5.1.x265.mkv" --subtitles /tmp/Homeland.S06E01.Fair\

* Set the resolution

bin/mkchromecast --video --resolution 4k -i /path/to/myvideo.something --subtitles /path/to/

* Cast from a source url:

bin/mkchromecast --source-url -c mp4 --volume --video

* Youtube Video

bin/mkchromecast -y\?v\=VuMBaAZn3II --video

Killing the application

To kill **Mkchromecast** when you run it from console, just press
Ctrl-C or q key to quit (when `--control` flag is passed).

When launching from system tray, use the `Quit` button in the system tray.

More help

To get more help:

bin/mkchromecast -h

or when installing the debian package:

mkchromecast -h

Known issues
##### General

* **Mkchromecast**'s versions lower than 0.3.7 cannot operate with newer
versions of pychromecast.
* When casting videos using the `node` backend, it is not possible to
use neither the `--subtitle` nor the `--seek` flags.
* When casting to Sonos the only codecs supported are: `mp3`, and `aac`.
I won't give `wma` support. Apparently there is a way to play `wav`, and
`ogg` that I will try to implement later.

##### macOS

* **Mkchromecast** v0.3.6 cannot connect to selected chromecast when there are
more than one available. In that case, you need to use the application from
sources or build the application as shown

##### Linux

* When using `parec` and `lame` encoder, the delay between audio played and
listened can be up to 8 seconds. I suggest you to use something different
than mp3.

You can also check the [FAQ](
for more information.


* Verify all exceptions when the system tray menu fails.
* **Sonos**: add support to different available flags.
* **Sonos**: add Equalizer in the controls.