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InVEST®: models that map and value the goods and services from nature that sustain and fulfill human life.

ecosystem-services geospatial gis

Last synced: 2 months ago
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InVEST®: models that map and value the goods and services from nature that sustain and fulfill human life.




InVEST: Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs

InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) is a family
of tools for quantifying the values of natural capital in clear, credible, and
practical ways. In promising a return (of societal benefits) on investments in
nature, the scientific community needs to deliver knowledge and tools to
quantify and forecast this return. InVEST enables decision-makers to quantify
the importance of natural capital, to assess the tradeoffs associated with
alternative choices, and to integrate conservation and human development.

Older versions of InVEST ran as script tools in the ArcGIS ArcToolBox environment,
but have almost all been ported over to a purely open-source python environment.

.. note::
**This repository is for InVEST 3.2.1 and later**

This replaces our Google Code project formerly
located at If you are looking to build
InVEST <= 3.2.0, use the archived release-framework repository at, and the InVEST repository

General Information

* Website:
* Source code:
* Issue tracker:
* Users' guide:
* API documentation:


Run ``make check`` to test if all required dependencies are installed on your system.
OS-specific installation instructions are found either online at or locally at ``doc/api-docs/installing.rst``.

.. note::
The ``make`` commands for InVEST require a BASH shell environment. Windows
users can use Git Bash within the Git for Windows suite. More information
can be found at

Managing python dependencies
We recommend using a virtual environment to manage your python dependencies, and there is
a Makefile target to assist with this::

$ make env
$ source env/bin/activate

Or on Windows, use the following instead from a CMD prompt::

> make env
> .\env\bin\activate

This makefile target is included for convenience ... you may of course choose to
manage your own virtual environment. ``requirements.txt``,
``requirements-dev.txt`` and ``requirements-docs.txt`` list the python
dependencies needed.

Using a different environment name
If you prefer a different name for your environment, you may pass the environment name as
a parameter to make::

$ make ENV=myEnv env

You could then activate the environment created at ``myEnv``.

Using a different environment management tool
The InVEST Makefile uses ``virtualenv`` to set up an environment, but this is
not the only `environment management tool out there
You may elect to manage your virtual environment a different way, independent
of ``make env``. The only requirement for the build process is that the required
tools are available on your PATH and the required python packages can be imported.

Building InVEST Distributions

Once the required tools and packages are available, we can build InVEST.

Building ``natcap.invest`` python package

A Makefile target has been created for your convenience::

$ make python_packages

This will create a wheel for your platform and a zip source archive in ``dist/``.
Both of these files (``dist/natcap.invest*.whl`` and ``dist/natcap.invest*.zip``)
can be installed by pip.

Building python packages without GNU make
Python distributions may be built with the standard distutils/setuptools commands::

$ python -m pip install build
$ python -m build --wheel
$ python -m build --sdist

InVEST Standalone Binaries

Once the appropriate dependencies are available, InVEST can also be built as a
standalone application::

$ make binaries

An important detail about building binaries is that ``natcap.invest`` must be
installed as a wheel to ensure that the distribution information is in the
correct location.

This will create a directory at ``dist/invest`` holding the application binaries
and relevant shared libraries.

Binaries cannot be cross-compiled for other operating systems.

InVEST Workbench

See developer instructions at ``workbench/``.

Building InVEST Documentation

User's Guide

To build the user's guide::

$ make userguide

This will build HTML and PDF documentation, writing them to ``dist/userguide``
and ``dist/InVEST_*_Documentation.pdf``, respectively.

API Documentation

To build the ``natcap.invest`` python API documentation and developer's guide::

$ make apidocs

This will build an HTML version of the API documentation, writing it to

InVEST Sample Data

InVEST is typically distributed with sample data, though, in the interest of
disk space, these data are not included in any of the standard installers. To
build zip archives of the sample data::

$ make sampledata

This will write the data zipfiles to ``dist/data``. ``git`` command is needed.

Single archive of sample data

For trainings, it is especially convenient to distribute all sample data as a
single zip archive. As an added bonus, this single zip archive can be provided
to the InVEST installer for Windows as either the 'Advanced' input on the front
page of the installer, or by a CLI flag, thus preventing the installer from
downloading datasets from the internet. See
``installer/windows/invest_installer.nsi`` for more details. To build a single
archive of all InVEST sample data::

$ make sampledata_single

This will write the single sampledata archive to


InVEST includes a battery of tests to ensure software quality.

Model tests

To run tests on the suite of Ecosystem Service models in InVEST::

$ make test

Changing how GNU make runs tests

The InVEST Makefile setup depends on ``pytest`` and ``coverage`` to display
line coverage and produce HTML and XML reports. You can force ``make`` to use
``coverage`` with a different test runner by setting a parameter at the
command line. For example, to run the tests with ``nose``::

$ make TESTRUNNER=nose test

Running tests on binaries

This repository includes a python script to automatically
execute and check the exit status of all InVEST models, running on the
installed InVEST sample data. Once all sample data have been fetched
and binaries built on the target computer::

$ make invest_autotest

Copyright and license information

A file called ``LICENSE.txt`` should have accompanied this distribution. If it
is missing, the license may be found on our project page,