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Eumap is a library to enable easier access to several spatial layers prepared for Continental Europe, as well the source code used to produce them (

ensemble environmental layers europe gis machine learning

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Eumap is a library to enable easier access to several spatial layers prepared for Continental Europe, as well the source code used to produce them (




eumap library
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Eumap is a library to enable easier access to several **spatial layers prepared for Continental Europe** (*Landsat and Sentinel mosaics, DTM and climate datasets, land cover, potential natural vegetation and environmental quality maps*), as well the classes and functions used to produce them.

It implements efficient **raster access** through [rasterio](, different **gapfiling**, approachs **spatial and spacetime overlay**, **training samples** preparation (LUCAS points), and **Ensemble Machine Learning** applied to spatial predictions (fully compatible with [scikit-learn](

pyeumap Workflow

![pyeumap Workflow](img/pyeumap_workflow.png)

The workflow implemented by pyeumap 1) fills all the gaps for different remote sensing time-series, 2) does the space time overlay of point samples on several raster layers according to the reference date, 3) trains and evaluate a machine learning model, and 4) does the space time predictions for a specific target variable. These processing steps are [demonstrated ](demo/python) using a [benchmark dataset for land-cover classification]( in different areas of the EU

This image presents the output of the gap filing approach for an area located in Croatia (tile 9529). This image refers to a Landsat temporal composites for the 2010 fall season, however all the 4 seasons since 2000 were analysed to fill the gaps.

![pyeumap Workflow](img/gapfill_example.png)

This animation shows the land-cover classes for an area located in Sweden (tile 22497) according to the space time predictions. This example is a small use case that used 680 point samples, obtained in different years, to train a single model and to predict the land-cover in the region over the time.

![pyeumap Workflow](img/land_cover_predictions.gif)

Spatiotemporal Machine-Learning
In the Geo-harmonizer project, we prepare Analysis-Ready Earth Observation images from Landsat and
Sentinel missions, then use ground observations from the European Commission projects such as [LUCAS surveys]( and CORINE and similar to
overlay the ground observations in the spacetime cubes. From this data we create spatiotemporal regression and classification matrices (see: [sample data set]( The eumap package (python and R versions) will allow accessing this data and testing models that apply Machine Learning for predictive mapping in spacetime.

![EU LUCAS scheme](img/Scheme_LUCAS_poinst_st_overlay.png)

© Contributors, 2020. Licensed under an [Apache-2]( license.

Contribute to eumap
eumap has been developed and used by a group of active community members. Your help is very valuable to make the package better for everyone. Refer to the [Community Page](

- _Publication is pending_
- eumap is one of the deliverables of the GeoHarmonizer INEA project.

This work has received funding from the European Union's the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) under Grant Agreement [Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom project 2018-EU-IA-0095](