
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

My dotfiles are here, managed with Chezmoi and NixOS Flakes

chezmoi dotfiles fish fluxcd hyprland kubectl neovim nixos nixos-config nvim nvim-lua rofi tmux vim vimrc waybar zellij

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

My dotfiles are here, managed with Chezmoi and NixOS Flakes




### ~/. my dotfiles ~/. :house: 

#### \> Managed with chezmoi :robot:  and NixOS :snowflake: 

## :book:  Overview

This repository contains all my dotfiles managed by [chezmoi](
Please note that this is my own personal dotfiles.
Stuffs may change without further notice and this README can get outdated.
For [NixOS]( users, head over [here](./nixos)

## :camera:  Screenshots



**Fish prompt**


## :file_folder:  Included Plugins

### :fish:  Fish

I use [fisher]( as my plugin manager.
These are the plugins I'm using:

- [Starship](
- [FZF Fish](
- [Puffer Fish](
- [](
- [fish-abbreviation-tips](

To update fish plugins, type in `fisher update` in terminal.
To install or remove fish plugins, you can run `fisher` command.

### :memo:  Neovim

I use [lazy.nvim]( as my plugin manager.
These are the plugins I'm using:

- [ansible-vim](
- [chezmoi.vim](
- [colorizer.lua](
- [Comment.nvim](
- [FTerm.nvim](
- [fzf-lua](
- [Indent Blankline](
- [lspconfig](
- [lualine.nvim](
- [LuaSnip](
- [nvim-autopairs](
- [tokyonight.nvim](
- [nvim-cmp](
- [null-ls.nvim](
- [mason.nvim](
- [mason-tool-installer.nvim](
- [oil.nvim](
- [nvim-treesitter](
- [nvim-ts-autotag](
- [nvim-surround](
- [trouble](
- [presence.nvim](
- [gitsigns.nvim](
- [b64.nvim](

To update Neovim plugins, do `:Lazy update` in your nvim.
**Note**: You need Neovim version >=0.7.0

## :package:  Dependencies

You need to have these packages installed in your system if you want to set up:

**For Sway:**

rofi (optional)
nwg-dock (optional)

**For i3**

picom (optional)
rofi (optional)
xfce4-panel (optional)

**For Fish:**


**For Neovim:**


## :abcd:  Fonts

Starship and Lualine requires powerline fonts to work.
I suggest [Nerd-fonts](
The font in the screenshot above is using UbuntuMono Nerd Font Regular.
I also need Unifont installed in the system for some glyphs to work.
Chezmoi will do this automatically for you.

## :inbox_tray:  Installation

Git clone this repository into your host machine:
`git clone`
Then do `chezmoi init --apply budimanjojo`

## :scroll:  Cheatsheet

### Sway/i3/Hyprland keybindings

I use `Super` key for Sway/i3.
`hjkl` keys are mapped to `left`, `down`, `up`, `right` arrow keys.
`S` means Super key, [0-9] means number key 0 to 9.

| Keypress | Description |
| :-------------: | :---------- |
| `S+t` | Open terminal app |
| `S+w` | Open browser |
| `S+f` | Open file manager |
| `S+g` | Open GIMP |
| `S+b` | Open OBS |
| `S+s` | Open Steam |
| `S+grave` | Open rofi apps menu|
| `S+Tab` | Open rofi opened apps menu |
| `Alt+F4` | Close window |
| `S+F4` | Close window |
| `S+k` | Change focus to window above |
| `S+j` | Change focus to window below |
| `S+h` | Change focus to left side window |
| `S+l` | Change focus to right side window |
| `S+Shift+k` | Move focused window up |
| `S+Shift+j` | Move focused window down |
| `S+Shift+h` | Move focused window left |
| `S+Shift+l` | Move focused window right |
| `S+Ctrl+h` | Split opened windows horizontally |
| `S+Ctrl+v` | Split opened windows vertically |
| `S+Ctrl+q` | Toggle opened windows split |
| `S+Tab` | Go to next workspace |
| `S+Shift+Tab` | Go to previous workspace |
| `S+Ctrl+t` | Toggle window border on/off |
| `S+Ctrl+g` | Toggle gaps on/off |
| `S+Ctrl+f` | Toggle fullscreen mode on/off |
| `S+Ctrl+s` | Change container layout to stacking |
| `S+Ctrl+w` | Change container layout to tabbed |
| `S+Ctrl+e` | Toggle split layout to horizontal/vertical |
| `S+Shift+Space` | Toggle window floating on/off |
| `S+Space` | Swap focus between tiling/floating window |
| `S+Shift+p` | Move current focused window to scratchpad |
| `S+p` | Show/hide scratchpad window |
| `S+[0-9]` | Go to workspace #[0-9] |
| `S+Shift+[0-9]` | Move focused window to workspace #[0-9] |
| `S+Shift+r` | Go to resize container mode |
| `S+Shift+g` | Go to resize gaps mode |
| `S+Ctrl+Del` | Go to logout mode |
| `Printscreen` | Go to screenshot mode |
| `S+Shift+c` | Reload Sway configuration |
| `S+Shift+e` | Exit Sway |

### Neovim keybindings

The prefix key is `Space`.
You can override this using your custom `.vimrc.local` file.
`` means you need to press prefix key first.
If they are not in the table, that means it's using the default Vim keybindings.

| Mode | Keypress | Description |
| :-------------: | :-----------: | :---------- |
| `Normal` | `w` | Save file |
| `Normal` | `x` | Save file and quit |
| `Normal` | `qq` | Quit |
| `Normal` | `qa` | Force quit without saving |
| `Normal` | `wq` | Save file and quit |
| `Normal` | `Y` | Yank from cursor to end of file |
| `Normal` | `K` | Move Up one paragraph |
| `Normal` | `J` | Move Down one paragraph |
| `Normal` | `H` | Move to the first character in line |
| `Normal` | `L` | Move to the last character in line |
| `Visual` | `J` | Move selected line up and down |
| `Visual` | `K` | Move selected line up and down |
| `Normal` | `Control+k` | Move to the split window above |
| `Normal` | `Control+j` | Move to the split window below |
| `Normal` | `Control+h` | Move to the left split window |
| `Normal` | `Control+l` | Move to the right split window |
| `Normal` | `s` | Open new horizontal split window |
| `Normal` | `v` | Open new vertical split window |
| `Insert` | `Control+k` | Move cursor Up |
| `Insert` | `Control+j` | Move cursor Down |
| `Insert` | `Control+h` | Move cursor Left |
| `Insert` | `Control+l` | Move cursor Right |
| `Normal` | `tn` | Open new tab |
| `Normal` | `td` | Close tab |
| `Normal` | `th` | Go to previous tab |
| `Normal` | `tl` | Go to next tab |
| `Normal` | `te` | Open new tab with current buffer's path |
| `Normal` | `hh` | Jump back to older cursor position |
| `Normal` | `ll` | Jump forward to newer cursor position |
| `Normal/Visual` | `Tab` | Indent current line or selection |
| `Normal/Visual` | `Shift+Tab` | De-indent current line or selection |
| `Normal` | `lr` | Restart LSP client |
| `Normal` | `fz` | Open FzfLua |
| `Normal` | `ff` | Open FzfLua to find files |
| `Normal` | `fg` | Open FzfLua to live grep |
| `Normal` | `fc` | Open FzfLua to see git commits |
| `Normal` | `fb` | Open FzfLua to see opened buffers |
| `Normal` | `fh` | Open FzfLua to find help |
| `Normal` | `fk` | Open FzfLua to see keymappings |
| `Normal` | `fe` | Open FzfLua to find lsp diagnostics |
| `Normal` | `fr` | Open FzfLua to find lsp references |
| `Normal` | `fd` | Open FzfLua to find lsp typedefs |
| `Normal` | `xx` | Toggle Trouble |
| `Normal` | `xr` | Toggle Trouble to find lsp references |
| `Normal` | `Control+f` | Toggle oil.nvim file manager |
| `Normal/Term` | `Control+t` | Toggle floating terminal |
| `Normal` | `pp` | Format buffer with null-ls |
| `Visual` | `pp` | Range format buffer with null-ls |
| `Normal` | `rn` | Do LSP buffer rename |
| `Normal` | `gd` | Do LSP buffer get definition |
| `Normal` | `gD` | Do LSP buffer get declaration |
| `Normal` | `gh` | Do LSP buffer get hover |
| `Normal` | `gr` | Do LSP buffer get references |
| `Normal` | `gi` | Do LSP buffer get implementation |

### Tmux keybindings

I override the default keybindings for Tmux to be more reasonable.
Prefix key is `Alt+a` for local session and `Alt+z` for nested session.
You can of course override this.
`` means you need to press prefix key first, `` means you don't need to press prefix key again after triggering it within `repeat-time` set (default set to 1 second), `` means you must be in copy-mode first.
The table below lists all the keybindings set.
If they are not in the table, that means it's using the default Tmux keybindings.

| Keypress | Description |
| :---------------------: | :---------- |
| `Alt+e` | Edit tmux.conf.local file and reload configuration after saving |
| `Alt+r` | Reload tmux configuration |
| `f` | Find session, window, pane from list |
| `Alt+s` | Create new horizontal split window |
| `Alt+v` | Create new vertical split window |
| `r` | Rename current window |
| `R` | Rename current session |
| `k` | Move selection to pane above |
| `j` | Move selection to pane below |
| `h` | Move selection to left pane |
| `l` | Move selection to right pane |
| `>` | Swap to next pane |
| `<` | Swap to previous pane |
| `K` | Resize current pane upwards |
| `J` | Resize current pane downwards |
| `H` | Resize current pane to the left |
| `L` | Resize current pane to the right |
| `Alt+n` | Move selection to next window |
| `Alt+p` | Move selection to previous window |
| `Tab` | Move selection to next window |
| `S` | Join current pane to selected window in horizontal split |
| `V` | Join current pane to selected window in vertical split |
| `x` | Close current pane |
| `X` | Close current window |
| `Alt+x` | Close all other windows |
| `a` | Get into copy mode |
| `p` | Paste copied text from last buffer |
| `P` | Paste copied text from list |
| `y` | Copy selected text |
| `Y` | Copy the whole line of selected text |
| `D` | Copy till the end of line from selected text |

### Zellij keybindings

I'm migrating my tmux to [Zellij](
I mimicked my tmux configuration to work in zellij but not everything works the same.
Prefix key is `Alt+a`, I use the "switch to normal mode" in zellij to achieve this.
`` means you need to be in normal mode, `` means pane mode, and so on.
The table below lists all the keybindings set.

| Keypress | Description |
| :--------------------: | :---------- |
| `Alt+a` | Swith to normal mode (act like prefix key in tmux) |
| `Alt+s` | Create new horizontal split window and back to locked mode |
| `Alt+v` | Create new vertical split window and back to locked mode |
| `r` | Switch to renametab mode |
| `h` | Move selection to left pane |
| `j` | Move selection to pane below |
| `k` | Move selection to pane above |
| `l` | Move selection to right pane |
| `>` | Move pane around |
| `H` | Resize current pane upwards |
| `J` | Resize current pane downwards |
| `H` | Resize current pane to the left |
| `L` | Resize current pane to the right |
| `Alt+n` | Go to next window |
| `Alt+p` | Go to previous window |
| `c` | Open new tab and back to locked mode |
| `x` | Close current pane and back to locked mode |
| `a` | Open pane with $EDITOR and back to locked mode |
| `Esc/' '/"\n"` | Switch back to locked mode |
| `Alt+a` | Switch to normal mode |
| `"\n"` | Switch to locked mode |
| `Esc` | Confirm tab name and back to locked mode |