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Animating scheduled transit trips using the Transitland API and Processing

mapzen processing python transit transportation

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Animating scheduled transit trips using the Transitland API and Processing




# Visualizing scheduled transit frequency

*TransitFlow* uses Mapzen's [Transitland API]( to download transit schedule data and [Processing]( with [Unfolding Maps]( to animate scheduled transit frequency.

*TransitFlow* was created by [Will Geary]( during an internship at Mapzen in 2017. See this blog post for more info:

Here is an example animation generated for San Francisco with a single command:

`python --name=san_francisco --bbox=-122.515411,37.710714,-122.349243,37.853983 --clip_to_bbox`

[![IMAGE ALT TEXT](]( "San Francisco Transit Flows")

See here for more [transit flow visualizations](

## Install Processing
1. Download [Processing 3](
2. Download [Unfolding Maps version 0.9.9 for Processing 3](
3. Navigate to `~/Documents/Processing/libraries` on your machine.
4. Drag and drop the unzipped Unfolding Maps folder into `~/Documents/Processing/libraries`.
5. Open Processing, navigate to Sketch > Import Library > Add Libary. Search for "Video Export" and click Install.
6. Quit and re-open Processing.

## Instructions
- Download the repository, unzip it and `cd` into it
- `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install the python requirements (pandas, numpy, requests)
- `cd transitflow`

Now, you are ready to download transit schedule data and generate visualizations.

There are two ways to go about using this tool:

### 1) Search by transit operator Onestop ID

You can visualize a single transit operator by passing in the operator's Onestop ID. What's a Onestop ID, you ask? As part of Transitland's [Onestop ID Scheme](, every transit operator, route, feed and stop are assigned a unique identifier called a Onestop ID.

You can look up an operator's Onestop ID using the [Transitland Feed Registery]( For example, the Onestop ID for San Francisco BART is `o-9q9-bart`.

Visualize one day of BART transit flows:

- `python --name=bart --operator=o-9q9-bart`

[![IMAGE ALT TEXT](]( "One Day of BART Trips")

### 2) Search by bounding box

You can also visualize transit flows by searching for all operators within a bounding box. The bounding box must be in the format: West, South, East, North. I like using [bboxfinder]( to draw bounding boxes. For example, here's the command to visualize transit flows in Chicago:

- `python --name=chicago --bbox=-87.992249,41.605175,-87.302856,42.126747 --clip_to_bbox --exclude=o-9-amtrak,o-9-amtrakcharteredvehicle`

[![IMAGE ALT TEXT](]( "Chicago Transit Flows")

Note, the use of `--clip_to_bbox`. This command will clip the dataset to only include transit vehicle trips within the specified bounding box, both in the geo-visualization and in the vehicle count calculations that drive the stacked bar chart.

Also, note the optional use of `--exclude`. This command will exclude specified operators, Amtrak in this case.

### Play your animation

Navigate to `sketches\{name}\{date}\sketch` and open the `sketch.pde` file.

This should open the Processing application. Simply click Play or `command + r` to play the animation.

### Change map providers

Cycle through the first two rows on the keyboard (1 to 0, q to u) to see the built in map provider options.

Read more about Unfolding Maps map providers here:

### Panning and zooming

You can pan around on the map by clicking and dragging it. You can zoom in with Shift + "+" and zoom out with "-".

### Exporting to video

Open `sketch.pde` file.

- For a quick, medium quality video, set `boolean recording = true;`
- For a high quality video, set `boolean recording = true;` and `boolean HQ = true;`. This will generate 3,600 .tiff frames that can be stiched together using ffmpeg or Processing's built in movie maker tool.

## Command line arguments

--name|required|The name of your project|--name=boston
--date|optional|Defaults to today's date|--date=2017-08-15
--operator|optional|Operator Onestop ID|--operator=o-drt-mbta
--bbox|optional|West, South, East, North| --bbox=-71.4811,42.1135,-70.6709,42.6157
--clip\_to\_bbox|optional|Clip results to bounding box|--clip\_to\_bbox
--exclude|optional|Operators to be excluded|--exclude=o-9-amtrak
--apikey|optional|Mapzen API key|--apikey=mapzen-abc1234

A Mapzen API Key is optional, but recommended for faster results. Sign up for a [Mapzen API Key here](

## Troubleshooting

If your visualization is not working as expected...

- Make sure that the operator of interest actually has service on the specified date (no `--date` argument defaults to today's date). Some operators are better than others at sharing updated data. For example, Mexico City's [Metrobús]( has a `service_end_date` of 2016-08-17. So, you would need pass in a `--date=2016-08-17` or earlier or to download and visualize the Metrobús.

- Make sure that Transitland has coverage in your area of interest. You can search for transit operators and feeds using the [Transitland Feed Registery]( Is Transitland missing a feed? [Let us know](!

## Attribution
- [Will Geary]( for Mapzen, August 2017
- Transit schedule data from [Mapzen](, [Transitland](
- Map tiles from [Stamen](, [Carto](, [OpenStreetMap](, [ESRI](, [Bing Maps](
- The visualization incorporates Processing code from [this workshop]( by [Juan Francisco Saldarriaga]( to plot trips using linear interpolation. It also relies on the [Unfolding Maps]( library by [Till Nagel]( for its built-in map tiles and functions to convert geolocations into screen positions. Thank you to Juan and Till for your inspiring work!

## Sources of inspiration
- *[Shanghai Metro Flow](*, Till Nagel
- *[Barcelona Cycle Challenge](*, Juan Francisco Saldarriaga
- *[Seven Days of Car-Sharing in Milan](*, Matteo Azzi, Daniele Ciminieri, others
- *[NYC Taxis: A Day in the Life](*, Chris Whong
- *[Analyzing 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips](*, Todd Schneider

See more visualizations created with TransitFlow here:

## Press & Recognition

- **The Guardian** [*"Go with the flow: the hypnotic beauty of public transport – mapped"*]( (October 2017)

- **Le Monde** [*"L’étrange beauté des flux de Paris dans une carte animée"*]( (December 2017)

- **Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards Longlist** [*"Multimodal Symphony"*]( (October 2017)

- **CityLab** [*"Mapping the Ebb and Flow of Transit Around the World"*]( (September 2017)

- **Mobility Lab** [*"A visualized day of New York’s transit options, working together"*]( (April 2017)

- **Planetizen**[*"Watch Transit Move With These Animated Maps"*]( (September 2017)