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Human-friendly process signals

error-handling es6 exit exitcode handlers interrupts irq javascript linux macos nodejs operating-system process sigint signal signals sigterm status typescript windows

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Human-friendly process signals





Human-friendly process signals.

This is a map of known process signals with some information about each signal.

this includes:

- human-friendly [descriptions](#description)
- [default actions](#action), including whether they [can be prevented](#forced)
- whether the signal is [supported](#supported) by the current OS

# Hire me

[reach out](
if you're looking for a Node.js API or CLI engineer (11 years of experience).
Most recently I have been [Netlify Build]('s
and [Netlify Plugins]('
technical lead for 2.5 years. I am available for full-time remote positions.

# Example

import { signalsByName, signalsByNumber } from 'human-signals'

// {
// name: 'SIGINT',
// number: 2,
// description: 'User interruption with CTRL-C',
// supported: true,
// action: 'terminate',
// forced: false,
// standard: 'ansi'
// }

// {
// name: 'SIGFPE',
// number: 8,
// description: 'Floating point arithmetic error',
// supported: true,
// action: 'core',
// forced: false,
// standard: 'ansi'
// }

# Install

npm install human-signals

This package works in Node.js >=18.18.0.

This is an ES module. It must be loaded using
[an `import` or `import()` statement](,
not `require()`. If TypeScript is used, it must be configured to
[output ES modules](,
not CommonJS.

# Usage

## signalsByName

_Type_: `object`

Object whose keys are signal [names](#name) and values are
[signal objects](#signal).

## signalsByNumber

_Type_: `object`

Object whose keys are signal [numbers](#number) and values are
[signal objects](#signal).

## signal

_Type_: `object`

Signal object with the following properties.

### name

_Type_: `string`

Standard name of the signal, for example `'SIGINT'`.

### number

_Type_: `number`

Code number of the signal, for example `2`. While most `number` are
cross-platform, some are different between different OS.

### description

_Type_: `string`

Human-friendly description for the signal, for example
`'User interruption with CTRL-C'`.

### supported

_Type_: `boolean`

Whether the current OS can handle this signal in Node.js using
[`process.on(name, handler)`](

The list of supported signals
[is OS-specific](

### action

_Type_: `string`\
_Enum_: `'terminate'`, `'core'`, `'ignore'`, `'pause'`, `'unpause'`

What is the default action for this signal when it is not handled.

### forced

_Type_: `boolean`

Whether the signal's default action cannot be prevented. This is `true` for

### standard

_Type_: `string`\
_Enum_: `'ansi'`, `'posix'`, `'bsd'`, `'systemv'`, `'other'`

Which standard defined that signal.

# Support

For any question, _don't hesitate_ to [submit an issue on GitHub](../../issues).

Everyone is welcome regardless of personal background. We enforce a
[Code of conduct]( in order to promote a positive and
inclusive environment.

# Contributing

This project was made with ❤️. The simplest way to give back is by starring and
sharing it online.

If the documentation is unclear or has a typo, please click on the page's `Edit`
button (pencil icon) and suggest a correction.

If you would like to help us fix a bug or add a new feature, please check our
[guidelines]( Pull requests are welcome!

Thanks go to our wonderful contributors:


💻 🎨 🤔 📖

