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Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim

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Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim




# markdown.nvim

Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim


# Features

- Functions entirely inside of Neovim with no external windows
- Changes between `rendered` view in normal mode and `raw` view in all other modes
- Changes `conceallevel` between `rendered` and `raw` view based on configuration
- Supports rendering `markdown` injected into other file types
- Highlights headings with different groups depending on level and replaces `#`
- Highlights code blocks and inline code to better stand out
- Replaces bullet points with provided character based on level
- Replaces block quote leading `>` with provided character
- Updates table borders with better border characters, does NOT automatically align
- Basic support for `LaTeX` if `pylatexenc` is installed on system

# Dependencies

- [markdown & markdown_inline](
parsers for [treesitter](
Used to parse `markdown` files
- [pylatexenc]( Used to transform `LaTeX` strings
to appropriate unicode using `latex2text`, not a mandatory dependency

# Install

## Lazy.nvim

name = 'render-markdown', -- Only needed if you have another plugin named markdown.nvim
dependencies = { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' },
config = function()

# Setup

Below is the configuration that gets used by default, any part of it can be modified
by the user.

-- Capture groups that get pulled from markdown
markdown_query = [[
(atx_heading [
] @heading)

(fenced_code_block) @code

] @list_marker

(block_quote (block_quote_marker) @quote_marker)
(block_quote (paragraph (inline (block_continuation) @quote_marker)))

(pipe_table) @table
(pipe_table_header) @table_head
(pipe_table_delimiter_row) @table_delim
(pipe_table_row) @table_row
-- Capture groups that get pulled from inline markdown
inline_query = [[
(code_span) @code
-- Filetypes this plugin will run on
file_types = { 'markdown' },
-- Vim modes that will show a rendered view of the markdown file
-- All other modes will be uneffected by this plugin
render_modes = { 'n', 'c' },
-- Characters that will replace the # at the start of headings
headings = { '󰲡 ', '󰲣 ', '󰲥 ', '󰲧 ', '󰲩 ', '󰲫 ' },
-- Character to use for the bullet points in lists
bullets = { '●', '○', '◆', '◇' },
-- Character that will replace the > at the start of block quotes
quote = '┃',
-- See :h 'conceallevel' for more information about meaning of values
conceal = {
-- conceallevel used for buffer when not being rendered, get user setting
default = vim.opt.conceallevel:get(),
-- conceallevel used for buffer when being rendered
rendered = 3,
-- Add a line above and below tables to complete look, ends up like a window
fat_tables = true,
-- Define the highlight groups to use when rendering various components
highlights = {
heading = {
-- Background of heading line
backgrounds = { 'DiffAdd', 'DiffChange', 'DiffDelete' },
-- Foreground of heading character only
foregrounds = {
-- Code blocks
code = 'ColorColumn',
-- Bullet points in list
bullet = 'Normal',
table = {
-- Header of a markdown table
head = '@markup.heading',
-- Non header rows in a markdown table
row = 'Normal',
-- LaTeX blocks
latex = '@markup.math',
-- Quote character in a block quote
quote = '@markup.quote',

# Commands

`:RenderMarkdownToggle` - Switch between enabling & disabling this plugin

- Function can also be accessed directly through `require('render-markdown').toggle()`

# Purpose

There are many existing markdown rendering plugins in the Neovim ecosystem. However,
most of these rely on syncing a separate browser window with the buffer. This is
the correct way to do things to get full feature support, however I wanted something
that worked completely inside of Neovim and made things look slightly "nicer".

The closest one I found to this was [headlines.nvim](,
which is an awesome plugin that I took several ideas from. However it just didn't
have quite what I was looking for. In particular I wanted something that would
disappear completely when editing a file and quickly render some style when viewing
the file. Hence this plugin.

# Markdown Ecosystem

There are many `markdown` plugins that specialize in different aspects of interacting
with `markdown` files. This plugin specializes in rendering the buffer inside of
Neovim, for instance. As a result some plugins will clash with this one, whereas
other plugins handle orthogonal concerns and can be used in addition to this one.
Below is a categorized (incomplete) list of available plugins.

## Render in Neovim

Using any of these plugins with this one will likely lead to undesired behavior as
different functionality will clash.

- [headlines.nvim]( - Same high
level idea and starting point of this plugin, but with different feature sets

## Render in Browser

These can be used as a second pass to get a real preview of the `markdown` file.
Since they do not interact with the buffer directly there should be no issues.

- [markdown-preview.nvim](
- [vim-markdown-composer](

## Orthogonal

These plugins handle functions completely separate from rendering and should also
have no issues running alongside this plugin.

- Any LSP which provides standard LSP capabilities, such as:
- [marksman]( - General completion,
definition, and reference functionality
- [markdown-oxide]( - Adds Obsidian
PKM features to LSP
- [markdown.nvim]( - Adds `markdown`
specific keybindings for interacting with `markdown` files