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🍾 Flexible promise-based React data loader

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🍾 Flexible promise-based React data loader




React Async

Handle promises with ease.

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React component and hook for declarative promise resolution and data fetching. Makes it easy to handle every
state of the asynchronous process, without assumptions about the shape of your data or the type of request.
Use it with `fetch`, Axios or other data fetching libraries, even GraphQL.

- Zero dependencies
- Works with promises, async/await and the Fetch API
- Now with experimental Suspense support
- Choose between Render Props, Context-based helper components or the `useAsync` and `useFetch` hooks
- Debug and develop every part of the loading sequence with the React Async DevTools
- Provides convenient `isPending`, `startedAt`, `finishedAt`, et al metadata
- Provides `cancel` and `reload` actions
- Automatic re-run using `watch` or `watchFn` prop
- Accepts `onResolve`, `onReject` and `onCancel` callbacks
- Supports [abortable fetch] by providing an AbortController
- Supports optimistic updates using `setData`
- Supports server-side rendering through `initialValue`
- Written in TypeScript, ships with type definitions
- Works well in React Native too!

[abortable fetch]:

> ## Upgrading to v9
> Version 9 comes with a minor breaking change.
> See [Upgrading]( for details.

# Documentation

- [Introduction](

## Getting started

- [Installation](
- [Upgrading](
- [Usage](
- [DevTools](

## API

- [Interfaces](
- [Configuration options](
- [State properties](
- [Helper components](

## Guide

- [Async components](
- [Separating view and logic](
- [Async actions](
- [Optimistic updates](
- [Server-side rendering](

## Contributing

- [Introduction](
- [Setting up](
- [Development](
- [Testing](
- [Releasing](

# Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

Gert Hengeveld

💻 👀 💬


💻 📦

Lenz Weber

💻 📦 🤔


👀 📖

Fred K. Schott


Cedric van Putten


Tom Shane


Philip Peterson


Sibelius Seraphini


Jim Cummins


Mihkel Sokk


Jiří Brabec


Andrii U


Matthisk Heimensen


Danny Hurlburt

🤔 📖

Noel Yoo

⚠️ 💻 🤔

Adam Ratcliffe


Kent C. Dodds




Jacob Lee


Youngrok Kim


Munir Ahmed Elsangedy




Sal Olivares

💻 🐛

Neale Upstone


Martin Barksten


This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

## Similar projects

- [@slorber/react-async-hook](
- [@dai-shi/react-hooks-async](
- [@cristovao-trevisan/async-resource](
- [@ilyalesik/react-fetch-hook](
- [@marcin-piela/react-fetching-library](