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A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.

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A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.




# React in patterns

:books: A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with [React](

## Book

* [GitBook](
* [Web](
* [PDF](
* [Mobi](
* [ePub](

![React in patterns cover](./book/cover_small.jpg)

## Translations

* [简体中文](

## Content

* [In brief](./book/chapter-01/

### Foundation

* [Communication](./book/chapter-02/
* [Input](./book/chapter-02/
* [Output](./book/chapter-02/
* [Event handlers](./book/chapter-03/
* [Composition](./book/chapter-04/
* [Using React's children API](./book/chapter-04/
* [Passing a child as a prop](./book/chapter-04/
* [Higher-order component](./book/chapter-04/
* [Function as a children, render prop](./book/chapter-04/
* [Controlled and uncontrolled inputs](./book/chapter-05/
* [Presentational and container components](./book/chapter-06/

### Data flow

* [One direction data flow](./book/chapter-07/
* [Flux](./book/chapter-08/
* [Flux architecture and its main characteristics](./book/chapter-08/
* [Implementing a Flux architecture](./book/chapter-08/
* [Redux](./book/chapter-09/
* [Redux architecture and its main characteristics](./book/chapter-09/
* [Simple counter app using Redux](./book/chapter-09/

### MISC

* [Dependency injection](./book/chapter-10/
* [Using React's context (prior to v. 16.3)](./book/chapter-10/
* [Using React's context (v. 16.3 and above)](./book/chapter-10/
* [Using the module system](./book/chapter-10/
* [Styling](./book/chapter-11/
* [The good old CSS class](./book/chapter-11/
* [Inline styling](./book/chapter-11/
* [CSS modules](./book/chapter-11/
* [Styled-components](./book/chapter-11/
* [Integration of third-party libraries](./book/chapter-12/
* [React and separation of concerns](./book/chapter-13/

## Source code

The code samples used in the book are available [here](./code).

## Other resources

* [React Design principles](
* [Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide](
* [React patterns at Planning Center Online](
* [React patterns by Michael Chan](
* [React patterns, techniques, tips and tricks](

## Building the book

`yarn install && yarn build`

*To make the ebook generating possible install [calibre]( and `ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/`.*